Enter Aeneas, Dido, Belinda, and their train Ritornelle (Orchestra) BELINDA repeated by Chorus Thanks to these lovesome vales, These desert hills and dales, So fair the game, so rich the sport, Diana's self might to these woods resort. Dido moet sterven, Cartago moet opgaan in vlammen en de Trojanen moeten op zee verdrinken. They stop at the grove to take in its beauty. 'Dido And Aeneas (Complete)' is mede uitgevoerd door The English Concert And Choir en gedirigeerd door Trevor Pinnock. Aeneas was a Prince who fled Troy at the end of the Trojan War and was shipwrecked in Carthage, on the coast of North Africa. [3] Several scholars have argued that the work was composed for the English court, either for Charles II (and perhaps as early as 1684)[4][5] or for James II. „Dido and Aeneas“ ist im Original nur für Streicher und Continuo geschrieben. "Dido's Lament" has been performed or recorded by artists far from the typical operatic school, such as Klaus Nomi (as "Death"), Ane Brun and Jeff Buckley. Dort empfängt ihn die ebenfalls mythische Gründerin von Karthago, Königin Dido. Pinnock, Andrew, ‘Deus ex machina: A royal witness to the court origin of Purcell’s Dido and Aeneas.’ Early Music, 40 (2012): 265–278. "Z" refers to the Zimmerman catalogue of Purcell's works by the American musicologist, White, Bryan, 'Letter from Aleppo: dating the Chelsea School performance of Dido and Aeneas', 426, White, Bryan, 'Letter from Aleppo: dating the Chelsea School performance of Dido and Aeneas', 417, Pinnock, Andrew, 'Which Genial Day? They stop at the grove to take in its beauty. Realizing, that her beloved son Aeneas was now absolutely at mercy of Dido and that the devious Juno could take advantage of this situation somehow, she needed to develop a fail-safe. The group is pleased at how well their plan has worked, and the Sorceress sings a solo describing her further plans for the destruction of Aeneas "on the ocean". Door betoveringen van heksen wordt ze van hem gescheiden en sterft ze aan een gebroken hart – maar niet voordat ze haar schitterende lied heeft gezongen. See Price (1984) p. 247, The original score was written for tenor, but is often performed by high, Price and Cholij, ‘Dido's Bass Sorceress’, The part was originally played by a woman, although as early as 1700 the part was customarily played by a tenor. Opposites attract dancer Mark Morris. Scène II In het woud. A lot of action is going on, with attendants carrying goods from the hunt and a picnic possibly taking place, and Dido and Aeneas are together within the activity. Dido B. Basso Hrpscd Editor: John Henry Fowler Andante ( Revision: 6-15-2006 ) p Trio - Dido - Belinda - 2nd Woman Dido and Aeneas ( Mvmt. Dido en Aeneas rusten samen met hun gevolg uit van de jacht. The influence of Cavalli's opera Didone is also apparent. The dates of the composition and first performance of the opera are uncertain. Dido and Aeneas are accompanied by their train. The earliest extant score, held in the Bodleian Library, was copied no earlier than 1750, well over sixty years after the opera was composed. Die erste Aufführung fand 1688 oder 1689 in London statt. Dido & Aeneas (1688) by Henry Purcell (1659-1695)English libretto by Nahum Tate based on Book IV of Virgil's Aeneid. Dido neemt afscheid van haar getrouwe Belinda zingt haar klaagzang When I am laid in eart, en met de woorden "Remember me" steekt zij zich dood en sterft. The sailors sing a song, which is followed shortly by the Sorceress and her companions' sudden appearance. [6] The most famous aria of the work is "When I am laid in earth", popularly known as "Dido's Lament". De Trojaanse prins Aeneas is ontsnapt uit zijn land. Some scholars argue for a date of composition as early as 1683. Maar Aeneas krijgt van een tovenares een verzonnen boodschap waarin de goden hem aanraden zijn reis voort te zetten. Aeneas was his name, and he was a Prince of Troy. Ook als Aeneas zich bedenkt en aankondigt om bij Dido te blijven is zij onverbiddelijk. Daarop vertrok Aeneas naar Latium in Italië. Both works use the prologue/three acts format and there are similarities between, for instance, Mercury's solo in Didone and the solo "Come away fellow sailors" in Purcell's work. Dido fell in love with Aeneas after his landing in Africa, and Virgil attributes her suicide to her abandonment by him at the command of Jupiter. The Sorceress/Sorcerer is plotting the destruction of Carthage and its queen, and summons companions to help with evil plans. [13] The first performance may have taken place as early as 1 December 1687,[14] and evidence suggests that the opera was performed at the school again in 1689. The same symbolism may apply to the opera. Dido berust in haar lot. Zij worden gadegeslagen door de tovenares en haar heksenduo. Première. As new critical editions of the score appeared, and with the revival of interest in Baroque music, the number of productions steadily increased. It had its first documented performance in 1689, at … Dido and Aeneas. Dido and Aeneas, ACT 3, Scene 2: Great minds against themselves conspire (Chorus) - Emmanuelle Haïm/Le Concert d`Astrée/European Voices She derides his reasons for leaving, and even when Aeneas says he will defy the gods and not leave Carthage, Dido rejects him for having once thought of leaving her. In the early books of the Aeneid, Aeneas is portrayed as the son of gods (1.579), \"handsome past all others\" (4.190), and a valiant, loyal warrior. Her dying curse on the Trojans provides a mythical origin for the Punic Wars between Rome and Carthage. Aeneas schept op over het zwijn wat hij geschoten heeft. 4 ) Henry Purcell ( 1659 - 1695 ) p p Mine p ad-mits of no re veal - … Die zijn alweer bezig met nieuwe onheilsplannen. The prologue, the end of the act 2 'Grove' scene, and several dances, were almost certainly lost when the opera was divided into parts to be performed as interludes between the acts of spoken plays in the first decade of the eighteenth century.[9]. Handlung. The Royal Opera production, which featured contemporary dance by Wayne McGregor Random Dance and animated effects by Mark Hatchard, formed part of a double bill with Handel's Acis and Galatea. Leopold Stokowski made a string orchestra arrangement of "Dido's Lament". Dido and Aeneas, ACT 1 . Directed by Peter Maniura. It was possibly modeled on John Blow's Venus and Adonis.Blow's piece was written and staged about the same time. 'Dido And Aeneas (Complete)' van verschillende artiesten bestaat uit één klassieke opera cd. Dido, the queen of Carthage, falls in love with Aeneas, the Trojan prince, whilst offering him safe harbour on his journey home. More on the court origin of Purcell's Dido and Aeneas, with a shortlist of dates for its possible performance before King Charles II’, Early Music 43 (2015), 199–212, White, Bryan, 'Letter from Aleppo: dating the Chelsea School performance of Dido and Aeneas', 420, White, Bryan, 'Letter from Aleppo: dating the Chelsea School performance of Dido and Aeneas', 422, Keates (1996) p. 179 and Walkling (August 1994) p. 469, Harris (1990) p. 157 lists this performance as the US premiere, The original score was written for soprano, but can be performed by mezzo-sopranos. Aeneas reist naar Troje. [6] It was also Purcell's only true opera, as well as his only all-sung dramatic work. The opera opens with Dido in her court with her attendants. Met veel spijt in zijn hart voldoet hij aan dit verzoek. [15] Following the Chelsea performances, the opera was not staged again in Purcell's lifetime. Dido is distraught and Belinda comforts her. In his speech to Dido in Book 4, however, he is suddenly depicted in a far more negative light. In both the Morris and the Waltz adaptations, the characters are each portrayed by both a singer and a dancer, with the dancers onstage and the singers performing from the side of the stage or the orchestra pit. The words made by Mr. NAT. Preparations are being made for the departure of the Trojan fleet. Aeneas beschrijft welke gevaren hij heeft getrotseerd en overtuigt Dido van zijn liefde. Based on book IV of Virgil’s epic poem, ‘The Aeneid’, Purcell’s opera is his first and only all-sung work. Pinnock, Andrew, ‘Which Genial Day? [20] A new Opera North production of the opera opened at Leeds Grand Theatre in February 2013. Libretto van Nahum Tate, naar het boek Aeneis van Vergilius. When that city was destroyed by the Greek Army, he fled from the flames carrying his old father on his back, and with his son at his side. Hoewel Aeneas van Dido hield, kwam Mercurius (op aansporing van de goden) naar Aeneas en beval hem te vertrekken. Belinda believes the source of this grief to be the Trojan Aeneas, and suggests that Carthage's troubles could be resolved by a marriage between the two. Na de ouverture vraagt Belinda, haar zus Dido om haar zorgen te vergeten. After Dido forces Aeneas to leave, she states that "Death must come when he is gone." De tovenares roept de heksen bijeen om een vloek uit te spreken over Dido (onder begeleiding van de strijkers die een dreigende sfeer scheppen). He then goes off-stage to prepare for his departure from Carthage. Artwork page for ‘Dido and Aeneas’, Joseph Mallord William Turner, exhibited 1814 This story comes from Virgil’s Latin poem The Aeneid. Carthago, mythische tijd. Ook als Aeneas zich bedenkt en aankondigt om bij Dido te blijven is zij onverbiddelijk. Kreta en Sicilië aan. Purcells opera Dido and Aeneas vertelt het verhaal van koningin Dido en haar liefde voor de held Aeneas. [17] A concert version with professional musicians organised by the Society of Friends of Music took place on 13 January 1924 at the New York City Town Hall, using a score edited by Artur Bodanzky, who also conducted the performance.[18]. Dido and Aeneas, Oper in drei Akten von Henry Purcell, Libretto von Nahum Tate nach der „Aeneis“ von Vergil, Musikalische Leitung: Andrea Sanguineti, Inszenierung und Bühne: Ben Baur, Kostüme: Uta Meenen, Choreinstudierung: Jens Bingert, Choreografische Mitarbeit: Julia Schalitz, Dramaturgie: Christian Schröder Aeneas enters the court, and is at first received coldly by Dido, but she eventually accepts his proposal of marriage. Dido and Aeneas (Z. With Maria Ewing, Karl Daymond, Rebecca Evans, Sally Burgess. [6] The work is scored for four-part strings and continuo. Both arias are formed on a lamento ground bass. Bevor der sagenhafte Gründer von Rom Aeneas seine Mission erfüllt, verschlägt ihn ein Sturm nach Karthago. Eenmaal verlaten door Aeneas vindt ze hem alleen maar laf omdat hij zich op het laatste moment heeft bedacht. A Sorceress, who hates Dido, plots to separate them by creating a storm and sending one of her servants, disguised as Mercury, to urge Aeneas to return home straight away, forsaking Dido. When the spell is prepared, the witches vanish in a thunderclap. [21] Opera Up Close performed a truncated version in 2011, setting it in an American high school in the 1950s. [3] Some scholars argue for a date of composition as early as 1683. Zij haten Dido, en broeden het plan uit om de jachtpartij die voor het huwelijk zal worden gehouden te verstoren door een donderbui. This pretend Mercury brings the command of Jove that Aeneas is to wait no longer in beginning his task of creating a new Troy on Latin soil. More on the court origin of Purcell’s Dido and Aeneas, with a shortlist of dates for its possible performance before King Charles II’, Early Music 43 (2015), 199–212, White, Bryan, 'Letter from Aleppo: dating the Chelsea School performance of, This page was last edited on 16 April 2021, at 02:21. Several performances of the opera have been filmed and are available on DVD, most recently the 2008 performance at the Opéra-Comique in Paris conducted by William Christie and directed by Deborah Warner (FRA Musica FRA001)[32] and the 2009 performance at London's Royal Opera House conducted by Christopher Hogwood and directed by Wayne McGregor (OpusArte OA1018D). Op zijn weg doet hij Rome aan en verblijft als gast bij Dido, de koningin van Carthago. The plan is to send her "trusted elf" disguised as Mercury, someone to whom Aeneas will surely listen, to tempt him to leave Dido and sail to Italy. Dido moet sterven, Cartago moet opgaan in vlammen en de Trojanen moeten op zee verdrinken. [10] Music for neither of these dances is extant, and it seems likely that Purcell did not compose them, but rather left them to be improvised by the guitarist. [22] It has since been performed many times and was filmed in 1995 by Canadian director Barbara Willis Sweete, with Morris in the roles of Dido and the Sorceress. As every other character leaves the stage, Aeneas is stopped by the Sorceress’s elf, who is disguised as Mercury… The first of the arias to be published separately was "Ah, Belinda" in Orpheus Britannicus. Hij wordt verliefd op haar en zij besluiten samen te trouwen en een nieuw rijk te stichten. Keep here your watch, and never, never part."[28]. [8] No later sources follow the act divisions of the libretto, and the music to the prologue is lost. Dido and Aeneas: a synopsis in pictures 'Dido and Aeneas' by Henry Purcell documents the story of Dido, Queen of Carthage, and the Prince of Troy, Aeneas. Afschuwelijke muziek) Akte III Scène I De kade. Hij krijgt een vreemd visioen waarin de (nagebootste) god Mercurius hem verzoekt Dido te verlaten en snel naar Rome te gaan. The first complete recording of the opera was made by Decca Records in 1935 with Nancy Evans as Dido and Roy Henderson as Aeneas,[29] followed in 1945 by HMV's release with Joan Hammond and Dennis Noble. Aeneas komt terug en wordt met woede bejegend door Dido omdat hij haar zo maar in de steek wil laten. Dido, verliefd op Aeneas wil haar liefde verbergen, omdat ze er niet zeker van is dat de liefde wederzijds is. In addition to Joan Hammond and Kirsten Flagstad, sopranos who have recorded the role include Victoria de los Ángeles (1965), Emma Kirkby (1981), Jessye Norman (1986), Catherine Bott (1992), Lynne Dawson (1998), and Evelyn Tubb (2004).
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