And overlap in the legal preparation.For example:Pre-Exam: only legal questions, covering procedural and substantive law. It is not just candidates that are affected, it is also their families too.2021 - one of the most shocking EQE years if not the most shocking to date and doubtful will be the last. Tbh, I don't believe they even adapted it for online. Our EQE blogs will be open for your comments and opinions w.r.t. Get the latest issues delivered direct to your inbox, Filing trends reveal impact of the pandemic, See our learning resources about patent searching, Conditions for registration and enrolment, Compendium (past papers, examiners' reports), Notice from the Examination Secretariat concerning the conduct of the EQE 2021, Message from the Examination Board about paper D1.1, Pre-examination - new instructions and new marking scheme, Deadline for compulsory registration prior to enrolment to Pre-examination 2022 - 15 January 2021. Engine component (10, 20) for use in gas turbine engines, comprising a superalloy substrate (11, 21) coated with a ceramic oxide layer (13, 23), the ceramic oxide layer … Candidates may enrol as from 1 April 2020. This was really due to time pressures that I had to move on (I had a strict time schedule). If you have time to practice on some previous exams using your own templates, even better! Rant over and apologies. Thanks for the kind words :-)Yes - complain about anything that affected you, and that includes any mistakes and ambiguities in the paper. The organisation this year has been well under par, we'd expect more from the EPO and EQE organisers.That said, you've been a tremendous help and support to candidatws during this tough period, kudos to you, very much appreciated my end. If enough people read it wrong or different, they may take it into account in the marking.They try to be as clear as possible, but they do sometimes choose phrases or words that are easier to translate. I too didn't like paper A and found it very difficult. As an emails need to be sent very quickly, and most candidates are pretty tired after the exam, I worked with Preston Richard (Bardehle Pagenberg) to make a. As papers A and B have been moved to be aimed at both chemists and non-chemist's, it did seem to be more in favour of the non-chemist.It takes a chemist so much more time to understand what is going on simply because they are not used to reading such claim. ... Another example of this in the EPO’s move towards a more digital world is the recent e-EQE. Thx! if they are to support candidates.Been quite a frustrating week tbh and I just don't think the current arrangements are suitable for online format. Pete. tricky and had some contradictory statements leading to me feeling absolutely confused. Solution (1) from helpdesk: Reload (Refresh in browser or CTRL F5) of flow overview page in WISEflow, Solution (2) from participant (if (1) does not work): logout and back in to WISEflow. I probably shouldn't post this, but who knows how many will read it ;) I had problems handing in D1-2. So a client can say conflicting things.There have been plenty of cases where phrases are read differently by different people, and that was unintentional. It just said client says this feature will overcome the Examiner's objections. As for paper A - it was a tricky paper too. It should have been 4 hours in all reality considering the 4 prior art documents and 3 independent claims. Are they doing it on purpose? ... Kandidaten. We have always been told that the EPO does not trick candidates with confusing words/phrases but I differ with this on yesterday's paper. e-EQE 2021 - emails from candidates to EQE Secretariat will be forwarded to the Examination Board. (see e-EQE webpage) Today , 3 February 2021, Paper A of Mock 2 was organized , using the Wiseflow platform which will be used for the e-EQE 2021 in the week of 1-5 March 2021 . We wrote about the technical issues experienced in Paper D last week. It indicates that: "The EQE 2021 exam schedule is now available. I still ran out of time completely though.One of the biggest issue was the horrendous formatting issues of copying over amended claims to the text editor. The EQE 2021's paper C will be split into two parts. They are supposed to be synonyms, but some synonyms can have a slightly different meaning.Yes, I have heard about the B nightmare! But then thinking about it now, there can be gaps. Possibly combine with A.ME: C - cut in half (there is so much repetition in the attacks!) Delta Patents. These papers this year have been bloody difficult. This part will be worth 50 points in 2021. Answers at EQE based on Guidelines should be supported by EPC/PCT Articles, Rules, GL/EPO, GL/PCT-EPO Guidelines (IPREE R.22) citations. I couldn't even have a proper sleep after the D paper from shaking most of the day after that exam. Things may still be subject to change for Mock 2 and also for the real e-EQE 2021. I agree. They don't seem to care about the knock on effects their incompetence has on candidates - it is not right and seriously needs to be discussed this year as a key point when epi and EPO members have open discussions. Mitteilung des Prüfungssekretariats; EEP 2021 – Wichtige Informationen. But it is better to complain now, than to wait until after the results to consider an appeal.It does not have to be very long. If enough people read it wrong or different, they may take it into account in the marking.They try to be as clear as possible, but they do sometimes choose phrases or words that are easier to translate. Telephone enquiries: (+49 89) 2399 5155 Fax: (+49-89) 2399 5140. Shouldn't be tolerated but not much we can do other than rely on epi members to bring our concerns and issues to light during discussions down the line. Mock 2's Paper A (3 Feb 2021) "To allow candidates to test the system also close to the real examination conditions, a second mock (Mock 2) is planned for the week of 1 to 5 February 2021. Ok thanks Pete, will do.As for issues in A, yes I think it was a tricky paper and not what we normally expect but it was still a doable paper. EQE. On the day, I was so confused by the statement that I didn't feel comfortable with it. The European qualifying examination and its aims, syllabus, languages; passing the examination. It is difficult to be in the real world. EQE. In the first part of the paper, you will be provided with: - a letter from a client, - prior-art documents, - a description of the patent to be opposed and - a number of its claims. So, the EQEs are over for another year. I agree with others that Paper B was not for a 3.5 hours paper. We are trained by our supervisors and as we all know, attorneys are specialised in specific fields and so its clear many trainees are not exposed to all fields. Yes, its CII could be deemed as more relevant but as a non-electronic person, I wouldn't feel confident amending claims without checking it with a colleague in the field. Stress levels through the rough. The client's wishes and proposed amendments could scarcely be reconciled with the disclosure of the application as filed. This year's exam has made it very clear that there is a need for an organization that can lobby for the interest of the candidates. The EQE organisation is well aware of many issues, and general issues affecting large numbers of people will be taken into account during the marking. The European qualifying examination (EQE) tests candidates' knowledge and aptitude to represent applicants in EPO proceedings. Skip to Content Open Menu Close Menu. Thanks for comforting many of us candidates especially this year. D: I thought the D2 was doable within the 3 hrs, and I could see that there were fewer loose ends to worry about. I gave them feedback on this but nothing was changed. This is just a summary of my EQE experience and probably also the last post regarding EQE 2021. And they are often surprised by where candidates have problems.It is also very hard to split or to take a piece out of an existing exam - it can sometimes make it even more ambiguous. I don't think its fair especially if so many marks are associated with it. I am in favour of online exams but its clear current format of B doesn't work well. I'm thinking of booking at early slot next year at 2022. That did throw me off. This is just a summary of my EQE experience and probably also the last post regarding EQE 2021. Für deren Richtigkeit wird keinerlei Haftung übernommen. But if the claims are not novel, they consider that as very serious. Does seem it a bit harsh to offer zero marks where you can technically still amend or respond in R71(3) in the real world. Paper B e-EQE 2021: The jury is still out. vor 19 Tagen. I spent more time copying and pasting amended claims and formatting claims in the text editor. This is the first time I've been asked to amend CII claims. This year, the epi were heavily involved behind the scenes, so they are also fully aware of all the issues.However, it does no harm for people to raise the issues with the epi so that they receive more input. One part of the EPO is usually responsible for the giving the exam and collecting all the papers. meets EQE requirements. (see e-EQE webpage) Today, 2 February 2021, Paper D of Mock 2 was organized, using the Wiseflow platform which will be used for the e-EQE 2021 in the week of 1-5 March 2021. To a person where EN, FR or DE is not necessarily their native language, this is damaging. I think there was also some issues with paper A too with conflicting, conflating and confusing statements in paper A. I don't see any negative side. Computer-implemented claims which non-electronics person would not necessarily have any confidence in amending too. o Tuesday 2nd March 2020: Paper D. o Wednesday 3rd March 2020 Paper A (am) and Paper B (pm). Didn't experience problems. EQE Blog — Fillun. Ab 1. Workshop duration: 3 days Dates: Monday 11 - Wednesday 13 October 2021, followed by online coaching until the EQE … Readers are of course welcome to submit their comments on the New Normal to the EPO by the deadline of 16 April 2021. Helping you pass the European Qualifying Exam (EQE) Thursday, March 4, 2021. e-EQE - A 2021 (EN & DE): copy to try yourself, few technical problems. One could wonder if the goal of the EQE is in fact to test a person's ability to practice or perhaps stop others from entering an elite club of qualified attorney (perhaps with higher salaries). I think D2 confused me as well by saying the columns are filled with ions and hence I thought there were no gaps. This does bring another issue, would those in electronics be at an advantage today as they clearly deal with these claims all the time. EPO. Book Review: The Law of Artificial Intelligence, T 1764/17 - Insufficient number of dependent claims, T 488/18 - Withdrawn request for Oral Proceedings need not be made by orignal party for reimbursement. Presumably, the paper was originally designed as a EQE2021 paper D paper, with 50 mark DI and 50 mark DII (in line with the announcement that it would not necessarily be 40:60, but somewhere in the range 40:60 - 60:40) and that paper was basically ready and approved at all various levels in July. Noch ohne Preis: Mercedes EQE (2021) auch als SUV. Congratulations to all that passed! In the mocks, I had to deal with it but there was sufficient time for it. EQE. Could it be raised with the administrative council? Question 10 in the legal part (PCT-B, Applicant B/A mix-up) was completely neutralized. So, I handed-in D2 5 seconds before the end to negate the auto-hand-in. e-EQE 2021 - emails from candidates to EQE Secretariat will be forwarded to the Examination Board. myEQE is your personal EQE account where you can register and enrol for the EQE and access important documents. My printable materials ... As you probably know, Paper DII is about analysing a complex patent situation and giving advice to a client. It was the same for paper B in that the current format simply does not work well online. These are not all published in the examiners report. EQE 2021. Whatever the "Basismittel" is, remains unclear. Photo by Varun Gaba on Unsplash. I think there is going to be a very low pass rate this year (perhaps it is their intention to do so). EQE. I had so much trouble about it during the mocks. If you have just done an exam, only discuss the answers if you can really take it. The examination papers will take place during that week at the same week days and times as the real examination, see here." If it helps, maybe buy me a kopi luwak. The split of paper C tomorrow will be interesting. Our EQE blogs will be open for your comments and opinions … It feels this year the EPO is out to get as many candidates as possible to fail. vor 23 Tagen. ItC 11- email complaints regarding conduct as soon as possible, but no later than end of day of the exam. But if the client says that something must be claimed or is essential for the product or process, you have to weigh up the information given. Opening times: Mon, Wed-Fri 09.00-11.00 hrs Tue 14.00-15:30 hrs. vor 21 Tagen. This year’s paper B was very difficult. Artikel. Some parts printable I had to move on to basis/clarity/novelty/inventive step and even then it was very rushed job. Delta Patents. Delta Patents. Not feeling great any of them so far this week. The client is the technical expert, and all the technical statements are true. Then there's oral disclosure, internet disclosure to deal with + 3 independent claims.I'm dreading what is going to come up on Paper C.All of this adds to the fact that the papers didn't seemed to be properly checked or adjusted to the online. Free EQE Webinar Series 2021 Materials. AUTO BILD zeigt im Video, wie der EQE aussehen könnte. There was some extensive discussions yesterday on Delta Patents blog on Paper A as to whether the EPO intentionally added conflicting statements into paper A. Information for prospective candidates about admission requirements, fees and how to enrol. Likewise, there is an argument that they wouldn't just amend chemical structure claims without checking with a chemists. All our answers to Q.1-Q.9 in the legal part correspond to the answers in the Examiner's Report. COVID-19, the Supervisory Board decided in July that the EQE 2021 would be conducted online. Its a bit like having a chemical structure claim and asking electronics colleagues to amend it. ... Another example of this in the EPO’s move towards a more digital world is the recent e-EQE. Established in 1979, it is widely regarded as one of the most demanding professional examinations having been passed by more than 10 000 candidates already. They then had to fit the existing exams into that system and set everything else up. With the decision from the Supervisory Board regarding the EQE 2020 being published, DeltaPatents Training can now inform you about the courses, preparing for the EQE 2021. If the distinguishing feature is one of your dependent claims, would you at least claw some marks back for it as a dependent claim. Yes - all those aspects can be complained about. I didn't even get to finish my inventive step argument let alone do a good novelty assessment as I spent so long trying to get the right amendment amongst getting lost looking through the various documents.The B paper definitely was not a 3.5 hour exam. o Thursday 4th March 2018: Paper C. The 2021 exam will be held online On 23 July 2020 the EPO announced that (because of Covid-10) the 2021 However, they may not be aware how a disruption or incident has affected an individual candidates performance. e-EQE – “room for improvement”. Even then novelty and IS were massively rushed. EQE 2021 (pre-exam and main exam) announced in OJ EPO. Januar 2021 wird sämtliche Korrespondenz ausschließlich elektronisch auf myEQE übermittelt. And it can help you put it behind you, particularly if you are doing C tomorrow. You really can't predict how the papers will be marked, especially this year. EQE Paper D. In Part I of EQE Paper D, you are required to answer a set of legal questions. I share my comments below (clock on "Read more"). Für den Mercedes EQE (2021) erwarten wir verschiedene Leistungsstufen und Batteriegrößen. I panicked, but it worked after refresh. The main seminar preparing for the EQE 2021 will take place from 9 to 13 November 2020 in Strasbourg. Some problems accessing papers for printing before the exam (the links do not appear), so some candidates could only read the pages online during the exam. FR and DE is their native language.Paper B - missing figures, missing text, amendments not indicated (which I missed because of it). I have not seen any messages about problems after the A Exam. ... (if they have previously obtained the EQE … thanks Pete - problem with A is that if you omit a feature (that was confusing to me) e.g. 3. Some mistakes are not forgiven (or heavily marked down), but many others are considered acceptable and get equal (or almost equal) marks. You can raise it with your national patent attorney association or the epi.They have to shorten the pieces anyway so they can keep doing it online - it would also be good to consider how relevant it is to daily work, and especially after the Pre-Exam, there is a lot of overlap in what is being tested. and add a proper infringement analysis (how can this not be tested). Started for students to discuss with others, but completely open to any tutors from any organisation who want to just read or join the discussions. The Annoucement includes a lot of detail. This is only a 3.5 hour exam, so every delay of a few minutes is critical.They also promised to adapt it to the online format. The Committees look at how the paper has been done by large groups of candidates. But that can be an advantage as they will have to take different interpretations into account in the marking. In the first part of the paper, you will be provided with: - a letter from a client, - prior-art documents, - a description of the patent to be opposed and. It really wasn't doable.I ended up having to skip the last claim 6 and just trusted client's amendments because I simply had no time left to deal with CII claim. Kandidaten. I thought paper A was bad enough yesterday with contradictory statements in the client letter but paper B was just as bad if not worse today. The disciplinary boards only have a limited power, so how would one be able to raise the issue of the EQE being too difficult? NOT yesterday. C paper for example, too many documents, one less document or one less claim (claim 6 was split in 3, which I missed). Is that something I can base a complaint on? It is ridiculous that patent attorneys are not really trained in this at European level (not a focus, but enough to know the basics). One does hope so this year.As an example, I had no time to fully deal with the amendments section in paper B yesterday. System message gets you nowhere as everything is greyed out. I think in the past you mentioned that the normal B is really not possible with this new format to do in time, but instead of 'adapting to the online format' they seem to have made it even longer?? The 2021 edition of this preeminent work – the only regularly updated authoritative article-by-article commentary in English on the European Patent Convention (EPC), its implementing regulations, and associated case law provides the complete text of the law annotated with commentary and expert guidance on the interpretation of each paragraph.
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