Podijeli na Facebooku ; Podijeli na Twitteru ; The URL has been copied to your clipboard No media source currently available. naše slavne rediteljice Jasmile Žbanić. Žbanić za VOA: Film o Srebrenici je naše "ogledalo" Embed. Als erste deutsche Koproduktion geht "Quo Vadis, Aida?" The film by Jasmila Žbanić, inspired by historical facts from July 11, 1995, is a first-class cinematic achievement. Jasmila Žbanić’s latest film, once again about the people of her native Bosnia and Herzegovina, is hardly an easy watch.Focusing on Aida, a passionate and highly capable interpreter for the UN forces in former Yugoslavia, she unflinchingly tells the story of the 1995 massacre of well over 6000 Muslim Bosnian men and boys in the town of Srebrenica. ', koji od srijede, 3. prosinca započinje online distribuciju u Hrvatskoj i regiji, rekla je kako bi, da se Srebrenica dogodila danas, u 2020. godini, ishod bio isti, što smatra užasavajućim Karneval mit Tilda. width px height px. Jasmila Žbanić (* 19. Interview mit Jasmila Žbanić: „In Srebrenica sind wir alle Verlierer“ Von Michael Martens - Aktualisiert am 11.07.2020 - 11:53 Piše Marko Njegić. Doista: film Jasmile Žbanić i stilski je i sadržajno bio upravo onakva vrsta filma za kakvom je hrvatski nacionalistički kulturni diskurs godinama žudio. 03.09.2020 - 14:52:12 Ono što je za Holokaust Schindlerova lista Stevena Spielberga to je za bosanski genocid film Quo vadis, Aida? ins diesjährige venezianische Löwenrennen. Elisabetta A. Villa /GettyImages-WireImage. Am 23. It was nominated for Best International Feature Film at the 93rd Academy Awards Galerija. Die Brücke für diesen Film, der am 2. Seit ihrem Debütfilm Esmas Geheimnis — Grabavica, der 2006 den Goldnen Bären gewann, beschäftigt sich die 1974 geborene Regisseurin Jasmila Žbanić immer wieder mit dem Grauen der Bürgerkriege im früheren Jugoslawien, die 50 Jahre nach dem Ende des Zweiten Weltkrieges mitten in Europa stattfanden und bis heute eine klaffende Wunde darstellen. Interview mit Jasmila Žbanić: „In Srebrenica sind wir alle Verlierer “ Von Michael Martens-Aktualisiert am 11.07.2020-11:53 Zurück zum Artikel 3/3. Erster Tag: Perfektes Corona-Kino von Pedro Almodovar, Nicola Garcias Film Noir und Jasmila Zbanics Erinnerung an das Massaker von Srebrenica. September 2010 unter dem Verleihtitel Zwischen uns das Paradies in die deutschen Kinos kam. „Film je posvećen majkama i ženama Srebrenice. Žene i majke Srebrenice su oblikovale naše društvo na bolje, kazala je Žbanić . Piše Davor Špišić 16. Jasmila Žbanić is a Bosnian writer, director, and producer. Dezember 1974 in Sarajevo) ist eine bosnische Regisseurin. • Top • News Deutschland: 16.04.2021 Jasmila Zbanic's Oscar-nominated film dramatizes the genocide of more than 8,000 Bosnian Muslim men and boys in Srebrenica in 1995. I Srebrenica i korona imaju nešto zajedničko a to je nespremnost svijeta da se suprotstavi zlu, nesrećama i katastrofama. Prikazivanje filma se dešava u pravom trenutku koji se zapravo poklapa sa planetarnom katastrofom uzrokovanom koronavirusom. is a 2020 Bosnian war drama film written, produced and directed by Jasmila Žbanić.An international co-production of twelve production companies, the film was shown in the main competition section of the 77th Venice International Film Festival. Hier finden Sie Informationen zu dem Thema „Srebrenica-Massaker“. Sie gewann schon den Goldenen Bären der Berlinale, nun ist die in Berlin lebende Jasmila ?bani? in der Löwenkonkurrenz in Venedig dabei - und will aufrütteln. Her feature debut “Grbavica” won the 2006 Berlinale Golden Bear. Quo Vadis, Aida? BY Laura Berger March 15, 2021. So the fact that this film is entry of Bosnia to Oscars makes people happy. Jasmila Žbanić je napisala scenario i režirala film, a u glavnim ulogama su Jasna Đuričić, Izudin Bajrović, Boris Ler, Dino Bajrović, Emir Hadžihafizbegović i Boris Isaković. 12056 preporuka. 12. Jasmila Žbanić discusses her Oscar-nominated film – a gripping, devastating drama that unfolds in the 24 hours before the Srebrenica massacre, with a clear and ambitious eye on tragedy 25 years on ', koji je proteklog tjedna započeo online distribuciju u Hrvatskoj, na netom održanom festivalu Londonski tjedan filma (London Film Week) ovjenčan je s čak tri nagrade: za najbolji film, najboljom redateljicom proglašena je Jasmila Žbanić, a najboljom glumicom Jasna Đuričić. Mit “Zwischen uns das Paradies” war sie 2010 erneut im Wettbewerb der Berlinale, für den sie später beim Filmfest München den Friedenspreis des Deutschen Films – Die Brücke erhielt. Written, produced and directed by Žbanić, Quo Vadis, Aida? Bosnian director Jasmila Žbanić’s film Quo Vadis, Aida? Jasmile Žbanić izniman je film o genocidu u Srebrenici. has taken the world by storm and is nominated for several prestigious awards in the upcoming ceremonies, including the Best International Feature Film at the 93rd Academy Awards. I don’t know why, but it is like this. Gleich mit ihrem Spielfilmdebüt feierte sie große Erfolge: “Esmas Geheimnis” wurde 2006 mit dem Goldenen Bären der Berlinale ausgezeichnet. U fokus stavlja ženu i najviše me zanima šta misle mladi ljudi. Film sarajevske autorice bavio se sudbinom sarajevske Bošnjakinje koja je u ratu silovana u srpskom logoru, koja je rodila i podigla plod tog silovanja. 0:00 0:07:36 0:00. Novi igrani film redateljice Jasmile Žbanić, 'Quo Vadis, Aida? Na debati je osim glumca Bajrovića, svjedokinja događaja iz jula 1995. godine u bazi UN u Potočarima Emine Sinanović i Almase Salihović, govorila i rediteljica filma Jasmila Žbanić. (lit.Where are you going, Aida?) erinnert die in Berlin lebende Regisseurin Jasmila bani beim Filmfest Venedig an das Massaker in Srebrenica. - 08:00. Jasmila Žbanić: Wir haben durch Srebrenica gelernt, dass nur Gewalt die Welt regiert • Ihr Film über das Massaker von Srebrenica 1995 ist für einen Oscar nominiert. Leben. Svojim filmom Jasmila Žbanić otvara puno tajnih fioka i egzinstencijalnih pitanja koji se stavljaju pred svakog čovjeka na ovoj planeti. We spoke to director Jasmila Žbanić about the film. BiH 14/03/2021 u 15:21 h. Oslobođenje. Hier spricht die bosnische Regisseurin Jasmila Žbanić über Traumata, Angst und Hoffnung. “I’m an optimistic person,” she says, smiling hard. Bio je to film koji se jasno bavio onim što su "oni" napravili "nama". Venedig-Regisseurin: Genug Filme über Krieg aus Männersicht Srebrenica-Massaker Venedig-Regisseurin: Genug Filme über Krieg aus Männersicht veröffentlicht 03.09.2020 um 14:40 Uhr Jasmila Žbanić: Look, I mean, the thing is that this film, I don’t consider any more as just [my] film. The code has been copied to your clipboard. For Bosnia it means so much that people are so happy that we are not only Bosnian entry, but nominated from Bosnia. It sparks critical thinking about the past, as well as inspiring thought about a future free of hatred, nationalism or political war threats. 1. prosinca 2020. Jasmila Žbanić (45) wurde 1974 in Sarajevo geboren. film review trailer interview: Jasmila Žbanić film profile] shows a translator (Jasna Đuričić) navigating her way around the UN camp in Srebrenica in 1995. Lesen Sie jetzt „Venedig-Regisseurin: Genug Filme über Krieg aus Männersicht“. Female Bosniak filmmaker Jasmila Žbanić managed to make a film about a theme that hasn’t been touched in the cinematic landscape up until now; the Srebrenica genocide where around 8.372 men and boys were massacred from July 11-22, 1995 in the small town of Srebrenica during the Bosnian War. Aida is … The film director Jasmila Žbanić does not regard herself as a catastrophist. is also up for BAFTAs in the categories of best international film and best director. Bosnian filmmaker Jasmila Žbanić talks to Christiane Amanpour about her film 'Quo Vadis, Aida?' Jasmila Žbanić on Revisiting the Srebrenica Massacre in International Feature Oscar Nominee “Quo Vadis, Aida?” "Quo Vadis, Aida?" 2020. Za kamerom je bila Christine A. Maier, a montirao ga je Jaroslaw Kaminski. 03/09/2020 - VENICE 2020: There is no time to catch one’s breath in Jasmila Žbanić’s powerful film, closing in on a teacher-turned-translator for the UN in Srebrenica trying to find her way Jasmila Žbanić: Srebrenica se još uvijek koristi kao političko oružje, bila sam spremna da me svi mrze poslije filma, ali nisam pravila kompromis. Jasmila Žbanić: Film je prihvatila i publika koja čak ne zna gdje je Srebrenica. Februar 2014 erhielt Žbanić im Deutschen Schauspielhaus Hamburg den KAIROS-Preis 2014. Jasmila Žbanić, redateljica filma 'Quo Vadis, Aida? But when the Serbian Army takes over, thousands start looking for shelter – including her own family. Liječi rane prošlosti Žbanić zanima kako se jednokratna bagra koja sudjeluje u ponižavanjima dojučerašnjih bližnjih kasnije prometne u brižne očeve na školskim priredbama Piše Davor Špišić.
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