This accident resulted in the release of a chemical cloud containing the highly toxic dioxin TCDD.Winds carried the cloud southeast, where it contaminated land and vegetation in the municipality of Seveso and other communities in the area. The term « Seveso » refers since then to the European « Seveso » Directive which requires a.o. After the disaster took place, local authorities were reassured by Givaudan engineers that everything was under control, and the ICMESA plant continued its production. An uncontrolled exothermic reaction during the manufac-ture of trichlorophenol produced the sud-den release of a cloud of chemical substances that gave immediate signs of hazard: vege- The chemical name for dioxin is: 2,3,7,8- tetrachlorodibenzo para dioxin (TCDD). Introduction. the identification of industrial establishments with major risks. ... Large amounts of dioxins were released in a serious accident at a chemical factory in Seveso, Italy, in 1976. SEVESO DIOXIN CLOUD The Cloud The cloud affected all organisms. Observers said that a white cloud shot up from the factory and very soon thereafter they could smell an unpleasant odor. BY FOFO and DEV DEV Moral This explosion caused many deaths of humans, animals , and even plants. In July 1976, a chemical plant explosion near Seveso, Italy exposed locals to the highest known levels of 2,3,7,8-tetracholorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD or dioxin) exposure to a residential population (Mocarelli, 2001; Pesatori and Bertazzi, 2012).Dioxin has been classified as a known human carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (). But it was an explosion–a loud, screeching, hissing sound—at a nearby chemical plant that caught the attention of the residents of Seveso and Meda. Seveso is a borough of Northern Italy, in the Region of Lombardy. It was not a dramatic event when it happened, but its effects were devastating. The actual explosion occurred on 10th of July, 1976 in Meda, Italy in a TCP reactor owned by the ICMESA chemical company. 40 years ago a cloud of dioxin descended on Seveso, Italy September 1, 2016 | By Robert Emmet Hernan. Seveso’s large scale dioxin contamination affected both human health and the natural environment. Due to this detonation a huge toxic cloud of dioxin (TCDD - a form of cancer-causing dioxin) was discharged into the air and immediately damaged the area as it put-out to nearby region. The gas was poisonous and killed many animals and plants.It also affected humans an it gave them ill affects. It spread out across the neighbourhood and descended like a fog. The people of Seveso didn’t think too much about the chemical plant. The disaster occurred in Meda, Italy, in 1976. The odor belonged to a highly toxic organic compound known as dioxin that had escaped from the Seveso … The Seveso dioxin leak is one of the major disasters that occurred in Europe in the 20 th century. On July 10, 1976, a valve broke at the Industrie Chimiche Meda Società Azionaria (ICMESA) chemical plant in Meda, just north of Milan, Italy. plant near the town of Seveso, Italy, in 1976 caused a large population to be exposed to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD or dioxin). The disaster occurred in Meda, Italy, in 1976. It has been especially known since an industrial accident occurred on July 10th, 1976, when a dioxin cloud spread in the area after the explosion of a chemical plant. That changed in July 1976. Debris from this cloud fell south-southeast of the plant on an area of about 2.8 km2 (700 acres), including parts of the towns of Seveso, Meda, Cesano Maderno, and Desio. On Saturday, the 10th, just after 12:30pm, a white cloud burst from the reactor with a loud hissing, screeching sound. In July 1976, some 40 years ago, weather was, as usual, hot and sticky in Seveso, Italy. Most of them would have had no idea what was made there. 1. I think A cloud of toxic material was released and included 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD).
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