"Charles Le Brun as Landscape Architect: His Designs for the First Parterre d'eau at Versailles. Massive soil erosion necessitated planting of new trees. Bosquet des Sources - La Colonnade In 1674, the Pompe was enlarged – hence referred to as the Grande Pompe. 1713, "Bosquet de l'Île Royale et le Bassin du Miroir" by Étienne Allegrain, ca. To compensate for the loss of the reservoir on top of the Grotte de Thétys and to meet the increased demand for water, Jules Hardouin-Mansart designed new and larger reservoirs situated due north of the Aile des Nobles (Thompson 2006). Located north and south of the east–west axis, these two bosquets were arranged as a series of paths around four salles de verdure and which converged on a central "room" that contained a fountain. 1670, Apollo's horses groomed by two Tritons by Gaspard and Balthazard Marsy, ca. umgehend verhaften, angeblich weil dieser Staatsgelder veruntreut hatte, und … Administered by the Public Establishment of the Palace, Museum and National Estate of Versailles, an autonomous public entity operating under the aegis of the French Ministry of Culture, the gardens are now one of the most visited public sites in France, receiving more than six million visitors a year. Located west of the Parterre du Midi and south of the Latona Fountain, this bosquet, which was designed by Le Nôtre and built between 1681 and 1683, features a semi-circular cascade that forms the backdrop for this salle de verdure. ", Hedin, Thomas. [47] The machine was a must-see for visitors to France. 1693, "Le théâtre d'eau-vue de l'amphithéâtre" by Jean Cotelle, ca. ", Marriage, Thierry. Today, the museum of Versailles is still faced with water problems. A century later, in 1817, Louis XVIII ordered the Île du Roi and the Miroir d'Eau to be completely remodeled as an English-style garden. The Île du Roi was separated from the Miroir d'Eau by a causeway that featured twenty-four water jets. The link between Ovid's story and this episode from French history is emphasized by the reference to "mud slinging" in a political context. in Versailles, eine Skulptur von Tony Noel (1845-1909) in Chantilly. The Royal Walk extends westward from the palace. "Versailles and the 'Mercure Gallant': The Promenade of the Siamese Ambassadors. 1670, Located on the east–west axis just west and below the Parterre d'Eau, is the Bassin de Latone. 1693, "Bassin du Dragon" by Jean Cotelle, ca. Jenseits des umliegenden Waldgürtels grenzt der Park an die Stadtteile Versailles im Osten und Le Chesnay im Nordosten, an das Nationale Arboretum de Chèvreloup im Norden, an die V… Because of the scarcity of water at Versailles, elaborate waterworks were constructed at Marly-le-Roi to tap the Seine, but part of the supply thus obtained was diverted to the newly erected royal château at Marly. Beyond this lies the Neptune Fountain, built by Le Nôtre between 1679 and 1681. (Berger I, 1985; Friedman, 1988,1993; Hedin, 1981–1982; Marie, 1968; Nolhac, 1901; Thompson, 2006; Verlet, 1961, 1985; Weber, 1981), One of the distinguishing features of the gardens during the second building campaign was the proliferation of bosquets. These improvements increased the water capacity to nearly 3,000 m3 of water per day; however, the increased capacity of the Grande Pompe often left the Clagny pond dry (Thompson, 2006). In 1705, this bosquet was destroyed in order to allow for the creation of the Bosquet des Bains d'Apollon, which was created to house the statues had once stood in the Grotte de Thétys. At this time, the bosquet was rechristened Jardin du Roi (Marie 1968, 1972, 1976, 1984; Thompson 2006; Verlet 1985). As André Félibien noted in his description of Versailles, solar and apollonian themes predominated with projects constructed at this time: "Since the sun was the emblem of Louis XIV, and that poets join the sun and Apollo, there is nothing in this superb house that does not relation to this divinity. With a length of 1,500 metres and a width of 62 metres, the Grand Canal,[14] which was built between 1668 and 1671, physically and visually prolongs the east–west axis to the walls of the Grand Parc. During Louis XIV's reign, water supply systems represented one-third of the building costs of Versailles. Bosquet des Trois Fontaines (Berceau d'Eau) As part of the reorganization of the garden that was ordered by Louis XIV in the early part of the 18th century, the Apollo grouping was moved once again to the site of the Bosquet du Marais – located near the Latona Fountain – which was destroyed and was replaced by the new Bosquet des Bains d'Apollon. "La clôture du grand parc de Versailles. Upon Louis XVI's ascension to the throne, the gardens of the Versailles underwent a transformation that recalled the fourth building campaign of Louis XIV. Beginning in 1684, the Parterre d'Eau was remodeled under the direction of Jules Hardouin-Mansart. Die Segway Touren durch den Garten von Versailles dauern 1, 2 bzw. 1693, "Bosquet de l'Étoile ou la Montagne d'eau" by Jean Cotelle, ca. Bild von frankreich, palast, versailles - 90791669 (Verlet 1985), By 1664, the gardens had evolved to the point that Louis XIV inaugurated the gardens with the fête galante called "Les Plaisirs de l'Île Enchantée". These plans were never put into action; however, the gardens were opened to the public – it was not uncommon to see people washing their laundry in the fountains and spreading it on the shrubbery to dry. In 1671, the bosquet was enlarged with a more elaborate system of paths that served to enhance the new central water feature, a fountain that resembled a mountain, hence the bosquets new name: Bosquet de la Montagne d'Eau. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. The Petit Trianon is associated with Marie-Antoinette, who spent her time there with her closest relatives and friends. Es wurde 1770 eingeweiht und dient als Oper und Bühne für Theaterstücke, Musikveranstaltungen und Bälle. (Thompson, 2006), Catherine Pégard, the head of the public establishment which administers Versailles, has stated that the intention is to return the gardens to their appearance under Louis XIV, specifically as he described them in his 1704 description, Manière de Montrer les Jardins de Versailles. The statue that currently occupies the center of the Colonnade – the Abduction of Persephone – (from the Grande Commande of 1664) was set in place in 1696 (Marie 1968, 1972, 1976, 1984; Thompson 2006; Verlet 1985). ", Souchal, François. Pumping capacity was increased via increased power and the number of pistons used for lifting the water. Werfen Sie einen Blick in unsere Galerie, überzeugen Sie sich von den authentischen Gästebewertungen und buchen Sie jetzt mit Preisgarantie. (Marie 1968; Nolhac 1901, 1925; Thompson 2006; Verlet 1985), Above and beyond the decorative and festive aspects of this garden feature, the Grand Canal also served a practical role. Art der Hochzeit: Palast, Garten, Ballsaal; Trauung: Symbolisch; Der Palácio Nacional de Queluz hat einen der größten Rokoko Gärten Europas. Grotte des Bains d'Apollon, contemporary view. "Un dessin révèle l'origine d'un marbre antique du parc de Versailles. Rundgang durch den Petit Parc. (Marie 1972, 1975; Thompson 2006; Verlet 1985), Pièce d'eau des Suisses Owing to the proximity of the Seine to Versailles, a project was proposed to raise the water from the river to be delivered to Versailles. [5], In 1661, after the disgrace of the finance minister Nicolas Fouquet, who was accused by rivals of embezzling crown funds in order to build his luxurious château at Vaux-le-Vicomte, Louis XIV turned his attention to Versailles. Additionally, a number of the bosquets dating from the time of the Sun King were extensively modified or destroyed. Deutlich wird das insbesondere in der „Galerie des Glaces" (Spiegelsaal), einem vollständig mit Spiegeln ausgekleideten und 75 Meter langen Ballsaal. A series of huge waterwheels was constructed in the river, which raised the water via a system of 64 pumps to a reservoir 48 metres above the river. Die Wasserwerke von Marly aus dem 18. Foto über Ballsaal in Versailles-Palast nahe Paris, Frankreich. With the aid of Fouquet's architect Louis Le Vau, painter Charles Le Brun, and landscape architect André Le Nôtre, Louis began an embellishment and expansion program at Versailles that would occupy his time and worries for the remainder of his reign. He succeeded in preventing further dispersing of the Grand Parc and threats to destroy the Petit Parc were abolished by suggesting that the parterres could be used to plant vegetable gardens and that orchards could occupy the open areas of the garden. In addition to the expansion of existing bosquets and the construction of new ones, there were two additional projects that defined this era, the Bassin des Sapins and the Pièce d'eau des Suisses. Das morastige Sumpfland war höchst ungeeignet für ein so ambitioniertes Bauvorhaben wie das Schloss Versailles. [7] At every stage the prescribed tour was carefully managed, under the Sun King's directions. ... spaziert der Sonnenkönig später am Nachmittag ein wenig durch den Garten. Located at the junction of the Grand Canal and the junction of the northern transversal branch, Little Venice housed the caravels and yachts that were received from The Netherlands and the gondolas and gondoliers received as gifts from the Doge of Venice, hence the name. With the outbreak of the war, the project was abandoned, never to be completed. Construction for the ruinously expensive Canal de l'Eure was inaugurated in 1685; designed by Vauban it was intended to bring waters of the Eure over 80 kilometres, including aqueducts of heroic scale, but the works were abandoned in 1690: see "The problem of water" below. Each lobe of the island contained simple fountain; access to the island was obtained by two swing bridges. Das „Versailles von Portugal“ wurde im 18ten Jahrhundert errichtet. Tour directions for the official guides have survived; they are discussed by Robert W. Berger and Thomas P. Hedin, For the relation of the imagery of the garden and the decor of the, Period sources include: (Anonymous, 1685); (Dangeau, 1854-60); (Félibien, 1703); (, The Clagny pond, which was located near the, Public Establishment of the Palace, Museum and National Estate of Versailles, "Versailles / Les bosquets : scènes du pouvoir", scan of Perrault's book at the Bibliothèque nationale de France, "Mazes and Labyrinths: Chapter XIV. Ballsaal / Muschelboskett 4: Bosquet de la Girandole Girandole-Boskett 5: Jardin du Roi & Bassin du Miroir Garten des Königs & Spiegelbassin 6: Colonnade Kolonnade 7: Salle des Marronniers Kastanienallee Nördlich der Ost-West-Achse befinden sich die folgenden sehenswerten Nord-Boskette: 1: Bassins de Flore & de Cérès This bosquet was conceived as an open-air gallery in which antique statues and copies acquired by the Académie de France in Rome were displayed. ", Hoog, Simone. The fountain forms a focal point in the garden and serves as a transitional element between the gardens of the Petit Parc and the Grand Canal. By damming the river and with a pumping system of five windmills, water was brought to the reservoirs located on the Satory Plateau. Das Schloss Versailles mauserte sich vom verfallenen Häuschen in einem Bauerndorf zum barocken Prachtbau, der einst der Regierungssitz Frankreichs war. 1693, "Bassin de Neptune" by Jean Cotelle, ca. (Thompson 2006; Verlet 1985), In 1792, under order from the National Convention, some of the trees in gardens were felled, while parts of the Grand Parc were parceled and dispersed. (Marie 1976; Thompson 2006; Verlet 1985), With the departure of the king and court from Versailles in 1715 following the death of Louis XIV, the palace and gardens entered an era of uncertainty. In „Die Gärtnerin von Versailles“ bleibt Rickman sehr nah an realen Ereignissen. Between 1686 and 1687, the Bassin de Latone, under the direction of Jules Hardouin-Mansart, was rebuilt. ", Börtz-Laine, Agenta. In that year, Louis Le Vau designed the Pompe, a water tower built north of the château. The increasing demand for water and the stress placed on existing systems of water supply necessitated newer measures to increase the water supplied to Versailles. Between 1704 and 1709, bosquets were modified, some quite radically, with new names suggesting the new austerity that characterized the latter years of Louis XIV's reign. [13] Occupying the site of Rondeau/Bassin des Cygnes of Louis XIII, the Apollo Fountain, which was constructed between 1668 and 1671, depicts the sun god driving his chariot to light the sky. Üppiger, von Versailles inspirierter, zentraler Garten mit weißen Rosen, Efeu und Linden; Die Kochschule Ecole Ritz Escoffier bietet Tageskurse für die Gäste an; Eine Einkaufspassage mit Alexis Mabille, Tasaki und anderen High-End-Boutiquen; Mehrere Meeting- und private Veranstaltungsräume, darunter ein Ballsaal für 400 Gäste Die königliche Oper von Versailles: das Haupttheater des Palastes. 1693, "Bosquet de l'Arc de Triomphe-vue depuis la Salle basse" by Jean Cotelle, ca. In 1672, Jean-Baptiste Colbert devised a system by which the fountaineers in the garden would signal each other with whistles upon the approach of the king indicating that their fountain needed to be turned on. Owing largely to the topology of the land, the English esthetic was abandoned and the gardens replanted in the French style. "Charles LeBrun: Recueil des divers dessins de fontaines. In 1665, André Le Nôtre planned a hedge maze of unadorned paths in an area south of the Latona Fountain near the Orangerie. Dangeau, Philippe de Courcillon, marquis de. In the area now occupied by the Hameau de la Reine, Louis XV constructed and maintained les jardins botaniques – the botanical gardens. The Salle de Bal was remodeled in 1707 when the central island was removed and an additional entrance was added (Marie 1968, 1972, 1976, 1984; Thompson 2006; Verlet 1985). Bosquet de l'Arc de Triomphe With the arrival of Pierre de Nolhac as director of the museum in 1892, a new era of historical research began at Versailles. The water for the elaborate waterworks was conveyed from the Seine by the Machine de Marly. Favorite Add to Versailles porcelain antique elegant tea cup with red color Antiquecuriosajane. "Ein Kascadenprojekt für Versailles. In 1684, the island was removed and the total number of water jets in the bosquet was significantly reduced. Originally designed by André Le Nôtre in 1661 as a salle de verdure, this bosquet contained a path encircling a central pentagonal area. Situated to the west of the Allée des Marmousets and replacing the short-lived Berceau d'Eau (a long and narrow bosquet created in 1671 that featured a water bower made by numerous jets of water), the enlarged bosquet was transformed by Le Nôtre in 1677 into a series of three linked rooms. The following are sources that have contributed to the above article. The campaign dates are as follows: First building campaign, 1661–1666; Second building campaign, 1670–1678; Third building campaign, 1680–1687; Fourth building campaign, 1704–1715. ", Lighthart, Edward. Sie werden von Mitte Mai bis Mitte Oktober in den Garten gebracht. The Labyrinthe contained fourteen water-wheels driving 253 pumps, some of which worked at a distance of three-quarters of a mile. The gardens The gardens of Versailles were planned by André Le Nôtre, perhaps the most famous and influential landscape architect in French history. The year 1704 witnessed a major renovation of the bosquet at which time the causeway was remodelled and most of the water jets were removed. 5 out of 5 stars (210) $ 36.49. The event, which officially was to celebrate his mother, Anne d'Autriche, and his consort Marie-Thérèse but in reality celebrated Louise de La Vallière, Louis' mistress, was held in May of that year. This water feature, with a surface area of more than 15 hectares, is the second largest – after the Grand Canal – at Versailles. Zu den bekanntesten Gartenarchitekturen Frankreichs gehört dort die von Mansart entworfene kreisrunde, mit dutzenden Springbrunnen verzierte Kolonnade, und die Salle de Bal (der Ballsaal), seinerzeit berühmt war auch das große Labyrinth von Versailles. 1693, "Galerie des Antiques" by Jean Joubert, ca. Originally, this bosquet was planned in 1672 as a simple pavillon d'eau – a round open expanse with a square fountain in the center. Additionally, to accommodate the anticipated construction of the Aile des Nobles – the north wing of the château – the Grotte de Thétys was demolished. (Marie, 1984; Thompson, 2006). Als der König einen Blick auf den weitläufigen Garten des Finanzministers Nicolas Vicomte warf, den Le Nôtre angelegt hatte, war klar, was zu tun war… Den Minister ließ Ludwig XIV. In 1684, Jules Hardouin-Mansart completely redesigned the bosquet by constructing a circular arched double peristyle. Weiterhin wird dahingehend unterschieden, ob ihr euch nur das Schloss ansehen wollt oder eventuell auch noch weitere Gebäude auf diesem riesigen Areal wie beispielsweise die Domaine du Trianon. However, owing to the Franco-Prussian War, which toppled Napoléon III, and the Commune de Paris, replantation of the garden did not get underway until 1883 (Thompson, 2006). In 1722, Louis XV and the court returned to Versailles. (Thompson 2006; Verlet 1985), Owing to the many modifications made to the gardens between the 17th and the 19th centuries, many of the bosquets have undergone multiple modifications, which were often accompanied by name changes. In 1830, the bosquet was replanted at which time the fountains were suppressed. Bosquet de l'Encélade The storm damage at Versailles and Trianon amounted to the loss of thousands of trees – the worst such damage in the history of Versailles. In 1671, André Le Nôtre conceived a bosquet – originally christened Salle des Festins and later called Salle du Conseil – that featured a quatrefoil island surrounded by a channel that contained fifty water jets. Diesen ehemaligen Ballsaal, der an Versailles erinnert, hat er in ein edles Restaurant umfunktioniert. 1693. [3], In 1979, the gardens along with the château were inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List, one of thirty-one such designations in France. Later modifications in the garden would transform this fountain into the Bassin de Neptune. Dating from the time of Louis XIV and still using much of the same network of hydraulics as was used during the Ancien Régime, the fountains contribute to making the gardens of Versailles unique. "The evolution of the Parterre d'eau. "The Parterre d'eau at Versailles: an eighteenth-century recollection. The fountain depicts the events of Ovid’s Metamorphoses. Behind the palace, the ground falls away on every side from a terrace adorned with ornamental basins, statues, and bronze groups. Eine Stunde Segway Fahren in Versailles kostet 35 Euro, zwei Stunden liegen bei 55 Euro. [6], From this point forward, the expansion of the gardens of Versailles followed the expansions of the château. ", Wiebenson, Dora. Die Gärten im Westen des Palastes erstrecken sich über 800 Hektar Land, von denen viele im klassischen französischen Gartenstil gestaltet sind, der hier von André Le Nôtre perfektioniert wurde. In 1676, this bosquet, located to the east of the Allée des Marmousets and forming the pendant to the Bosquet des Trois Fontaines, was enlarged and redecorated along political lines that alluded to French military victories over Spain and Austria, at which time the triumphal arch was added – hence the name. In 1761, Louis XV commissioned Ange-Jacques Gabriel to build the Petit Trianon as a residence that would allow him to spend more time near the jardins botaniques. In 1709, the bosquet was rearranged with the addition of the Fontaine de l'Île aux Enfants. [12] Designed by André Le Nôtre, sculpted by Gaspard and Balthazar Marsy, and constructed between 1668 and 1670, the fountain depicted an episode from Ovid's Metamorphoses. (Berger, 1992; Marie, 1968, 1972, 1976; Nolhac, 1901; Thompson, 2006; Verlet, 1961, 1985; Weber, 1981), Bassin d'Apollon ... (Spiegelsaal), einem mit Statuen und Büsten gesäumten 75 Meter langen Ballsaal. (Marie 1968; Nolhac 1901, 1925; Thompson 2006; Verlet 1985). Beyond the fountain, the line of walk is continued by the Grand Canal, a 200-foot- (60-metre-) wide 1-mile- (1.6-km-) long waterway. Because of this tree, the bosquet was also known as the Bosquet du Chêne Vert. (Thompson 2006), The Napoleonic era largely ignored Versailles. Between 9,000–10,000 troops were pressed in service in 1685; the next year, more than 20,000 soldiers were engaged in construction.
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