". The Windsors: Inside the Royal Dynasty starts on … Even a sympathetic 2011 film by pop star Madonna, "W.E.," couldn't change people's minds. [17] According to Wallis, it was during a cruise on Lord Moyne's private yacht Rosaura in August 1934 that she fell in love with Edward. During the trip, Wallis's investments were wiped out in the Wall Street Crash, and her mother died penniless on 2 November 1929. [112] Both Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Charles visited the Windsors in Paris in the Duke's later years, the Queen's visit coming only shortly before the Duke died. "[110], In 1965, the Duke and Duchess visited London as the Duke required eye surgery for a detached retina; Queen Elizabeth II and Princess Marina, Duchess of Kent, visited them. [67] For the next three months, she was under siege by the media at the Villa Lou Viei, near Cannes, the home of her close friends Herman and Katherine Rogers,[68] whom she later thanked effusively in her ghost-written memoirs. [24], Wallis toured China, and while in Beijing stayed with Katherine and Herman Rogers, who were to remain her long-term friends. [84] These claims were denied by Queen Elizabeth's close friends, such as the Duke of Grafton, who wrote that she "never said anything nasty about the Duchess of Windsor, except to say she really hadn't got a clue what she was dealing with. [75] The date would have been King George V's 72nd birthday; Queen Mary thought the wedding had been scheduled for then as a deliberate slight. Their relationship caused a constitutional crisis that ultimately led to Edward’s abdication. King Edward VIII may have abdicated the throne to marry Wallis Simpson, but according to biographer Andrew Morton’s latest book, Wallis in Love, their romance didn’t exactly have a happy ending. But there is no document which proves directly that she was anything other than a victim of her own ambition, who lived out a great romance that became a great tragedy. [101][102] Prime Minister Winston Churchill strenuously objected in 1941 when she and her husband planned to tour the Caribbean aboard a yacht belonging to Swedish magnate Axel Wenner-Gren, who Churchill said was "pro-German", and Churchill complained again when the Duke gave a "defeatist" interview. Wallis wore a "Wallis blue" Mainbocher wedding dress. Edward VIII (Edward Albert Christian George Andrew Patrick David; 23 June 1894 – 28 May 1972) was King of the United Kingdom and the Dominions of the British Empire, and Emperor of India, from 20 January 1936 until his abdication in December of the same year. THE situation between Meghan Markle and Prince Harry is continually compared to Wallis Simpson and Kind Edward VIII, as both men abandoned their Royal duties and titles for love. 24–43; King, pp. [56] The British media remained deferential to the monarchy, and no stories of the affair were reported in the domestic press, but foreign media widely reported their relationship. Of course, Wallis was an enthusiastic participant in Edward's visit to Nazi Germany in 1937, and both the American and British secret services had files on their correspondence with German officials. A possible plan was drawn up in which Wallis could be the King's wife but not the Queen, with the title Duchess of Cornwall (the title now taken by Camilla, wife of Prince Charles), but it was rejected. [49] His courtiers became increasingly alarmed as the affair began to interfere with his official duties. [6] Her mother was Alice Montague, a daughter of stockbroker William Latane Montague. The couple lived at 4 route du Champ d'Entraînement in the Bois de Boulogne, near Neuilly-sur-Seine, for most of the remainder of their lives, essentially living a life of easy retirement. [134], Fictional depictions of the Duchess include the novel Famous Last Words (1981) by Canadian author Timothy Findley, which portrays her as a manipulative conspirator,[135] and Rose Tremain's short story "The Darkness of Wallis Simpson" (2006), which depicts her more sympathetically in her final years of ill health. [97] Wallis performed her role as the governor's consort competently for five years; she worked actively for the Red Cross and in the improvement of infant welfare. Simpson was Wallis' second husband. Some biographers have suggested that Wallis's sister-in-law, Queen Elizabeth, remained bitter towards her for her role in bringing George VI to the throne (which she may have seen as a factor in his early death)[83] and for prematurely behaving as Edward's consort when she was his mistress. [59] Constitutionally, the King was required to be in communion with the Church of England, but his proposed marriage conflicted with the Church's teachings. Yet Edward was so determined to marry Wallis that she obtained a preliminary decree of divorce in late 1936, so the pair could marry before Edward's coronation which was scheduled for May 1937. Furness was Prince Edward's mistress, and she wanted to ensure no other woman would seize him while she made a brief return to America. Niektórzy twierdzą, że Wallis zrobiła Europie wielką przysługę. [20] After the United States entered the First World War in 1917, Spencer was posted to San Diego as the first commanding officer of a training base in Coronado, known as Naval Air Station North Island; they remained there until 1921. [50], In 1935, the head of the Metropolitan Police Special Branch told the Metropolitan Police Commissioner that Wallis was also having an affair with Guy Marcus Trundle, who was "said to be employed by the Ford Motor Company". [3] A summer resort close to the Maryland–Pennsylvania border, Blue Ridge Summit was popular with Baltimoreans escaping the season's heat, and Monterey Inn, which had a central building as well as individual wooden cottages, was the town's largest hotel. The revelations are contrary to the long-held belief that the stumbling block was the American's status as a divorcee. It was in January 1934, when Wallis was 38 and living with Simpson in London, that she was approached for a favor by her friend, Thelma Furness. Wallis Simpson was certainly into Edward, but that doesn’t mean her reasons were completely pure. [137] In the opinion of her biographers, "she experienced the ultimate fairy tale, becoming the adored favourite of the most glamorous bachelor of his time. In the weeks following King Edward VIII's abdication, Wallis Simpson was simultaneously ostracized by society and hounded by the press—even in France, where she … [11], In 1901, Wallis's aunt Bessie Merryman was widowed, and the following year Alice and Wallis moved into her four-bedroom house on West Chase Street, Baltimore, where they lived for at least a year until they settled in an apartment, and then a house, of their own. Her private life has been a source of much speculation, and she remains a controversial figure in British history. On 16 November 1936 Edward VIII informed Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin that he intended to marry the American divorcée Wallis Simpson, proposing that he be allowed to do so morganatically and remain king. 47–52; Vickers, pp. Five years later, after Edward's accession as King of the United Kingdom, Wallis divorced her second husband to marry Edward. [64], Wallis had already filed for divorce from her second husband on the grounds that he had committed adultery with her childhood friend Mary Kirk and the decree nisi was granted on 27 October 1936. Picture: AFP Source:AFP [21], In 1920, Edward, the Prince of Wales, visited San Diego, but he and Wallis did not meet. The abdication was spun to the population as a love story, a romance rather than a political crisis. [42] Edward denied this to his father, despite his staff seeing them in bed together as well as "evidence of a physical sexual act". Eduard VIII., gebürtig Edward Albert Christian George Andrew Patrick David, genannt David, (* 23.Juni 1894 in der White Lodge in London; † 28. Madonna schrieb das Drehbuch und führt Regie. [22] Later that year, Spencer left his wife for a period of four months, but in the spring of 1921 they were reunited in Washington, D.C., where Spencer had been posted. With Joely Richardson, David Westhead, Lisa Kay, Helena Michell. Initially, they lived with him at the four-story row house, 34 East Preston Street, that he shared with his mother. 8 November 1916 – 21 July 1928: Mrs. Earl Winfield Spencer Jr. 21 July 1928 – 7 May 1937: Mrs. Ernest Aldrich Simpson, 7 May 1937 – 3 June 1937: Mrs. Wallis Warfield, This page was last edited on 16 April 2021, at 06:32. But Edward wouldn't have it, and instead moved to give up the throne for "the woman I love," as he said in his infamous abdication address to the nation. 213–218; Duchess of Windsor, pp. Yet he is seen as a heroic man who sacrificed, while Wallis is hated. "Wallis Simpson, of course she was mistreated by the British press, but it was never to the same extent [as Markle]," she said. [29] Wallis spent over a year in China, during which time—according to the socialite Madame Wellington Koo—she only managed to master one Chinese phrase: "Boy, pass me the champagne". [37] In 1929, Wallis sailed back to the United States to visit her sick mother, who had married legal clerk Charles Gordon Allen after the death of Rasin.
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