However, these were found to be less useful to assess a BIM infant industry. So what does these levels mean for owners and operators in a handover context? The sharing and merging of information however have progressed little from level 0. BIM Level 0 AIM Level 3 It is now very difficult to isolate BIM levels from other UK-centric construction industry strategies (e.g. Created with Sketch. countries). Created with Sketch. That is, you cannot use BIM Levels to establish an organization’s ability to collaborate with others, conduct model-based thermal analysis, or deliver high-quality 4D construction sequencing. It was developed by the government-financed UK BIM Task Group in 2008 to advance British government for the nationwide integration of BIM. The UK maturity model - also known as the iBIM model (the name of its highest level) or the BIM Wedge (due to its famous shape) - was developed by Mark Bew and Mervyn Richards in 2008 . We think that this make sense when you look at the industry as a whole and that the level compliance is defined by “what level the trailing edge is at”. Continuous measurement is used for capability/competency profiling and gap analysis. Bew & Richards 2008 as cited in BIM Industry Working Group (2011) p16. 2. The BIM Framework [11] includes a large set of conceptual models which complement each other to explain the BIM landscape and deliver tools for capability assessment, learning and performance improvement. The 3 levels of Building Information Modelling (BIM) maturity explained in simple terms! Created with Sketch. 3.2 The Bew-Richards maturity model (2008) ..... 14 3.3 Digital Built Britain (2015) ..... 14 3.4 Industry 4.0/Construction 4.0 (2017) ..... 18 3.5 Design, build, operate and integrate (2018) ..... 19 3.6 BIM according to BS EN ISO 19650 (2019): implementation of information management ..... 19 3.7 BIM evolution: summary ..... 21 4 Information management, BIM and Industry 4.0 technologies .. Floorplans of managed areas are kept up to date. We cover how in the following discussion. For level 2 we are starting to see the benefits of cross discipline integration. It addition to describing process integration during design and construction it describes some typical levels of handover documentation. Beyond the well-known 2016 mandate for public projects, I couldn’t locate an online resource with consistently updated information. However if the models have not been validated along the way you will see big issues in naming, classification, type and system assignments etc. If one exists, please let me know and I’ll update this post. Richards BIM Maturity Model and Succar's BIM Maturity Stages were the widely referred models used to ascertain the BIM maturity of an ... 2013_bim_maturity.pdf. If interested in assessing the research impact of these papers, please refer to my Google Scholar page. For example, please refer to buildingSMART’s technical roadmaps (webpage), [7] The term maturity within organizational studies typically refers to acquired abilities. As we tend to do we will turn a specific focus on how the different levels affect lifecycle management and especially handover and operations. BIM Level 3 You will have discipline models that are at least partly mergeable due to their history of use for design coordination and production planning/ costing. For example, countries can mandate that all public projects use BIM Level 2. The wedge-shaped diagram was developed by Mark Bew MBE and Mervyn Richards OBE and is hence known at the Bew-Richards BIM Maturity Model. Bew-Richards BIM Maturity Model, CPIC, 2007. The key thing here is that these are dimensions, not levels. The UK BIM Maturity Model (GCCG, 2011) - o… AIM Level 2 In essence it is all about communicating … This variance in ability makes it necessary to use both capability and maturity measurements to generate a compiled rating for organization A as it simultaneously prepares for BIM, implements BIM, and improves its BIM performance. Bew and Richards (2008)developed the UK BIM maturity model. The original English version continues below: This post will first introduce the maturity/performance models and then compare their main attributes in a simple table followed by a brief summary. Did we miss something important or do you have a different opinion. As the work of the BIM task group continue to spread outside UK and outside the public sector these ideas are getting more and more common for the whole industry. In This is also due to varied abilities across organizational sub-units and project teams. Perhaps no BIM presentation is complete without an image of the UK maturity model (pictured above), developed by Mark Bew and Mervyn Richards. Since they do not identify time-based targets, the varied performance models can be mapped to country-specific objectives, varied industry initiative and any structured timescale. Instantly recognisable by its wedge shape, it has been a useful diagram for the supply chain to identify what it is to deliver and the competences required while the client can understand what the supply chain is offering. Lifecycle management of data is part of the requirements for level 3 so that part needs to be addressed. Although it is referred-to as a ‘maturity index’ in the GCCG report (2011, p.16), the iBIM model does not include the necessary assessment metrics. These objects can be used to support space and asset management by linking to data and documents. Spaces are polygons (intelligent space boundaries) and components and equipment are blocks. « Episode 21: The Eight Components of Market Maturity | Read/Download File Report Abuse. Main To keep this episode as short as possible, I've delayed discussing some parts in detail to future posts (e.g. As with level 3 for project information models level 3 for asset information modeis looking into the future (for the trailing edge of the owner/ operator industry). What do you think about the BIM levels? The BIMs (models) needs to be exchanged, networked or otherwise integrated to support decision making in the AECO processes. 65-103): IGI Publishing.” This book chapter was first released in December, 2009 (download paper:, [16] The Point of Adoption model will be published as part of a peer-reviewed journal article in the near future. The short answer is ‘no’, but the longer answer is much more interesting and possibly a bit controversial. So good to see UK BIM being credited and influencing approaches elsewhere in the world. These are questions outside the scope of this article but we promise we will share our views in follow up articles. PAS1192 parts 2-4); cannot measure organizational performance or market maturity; does not allow compiled ratings or continuous measurement, Can be used in measuring organizational performance, team compatibility, market maturity, and individual competency; can test compliance when levels are mapped to sub-components of different countries; enables compiled ratings and continuous measurement [20] at various levels of granularity [21], Simple to understand by most stakeholders; can collate a variety of targets and compliance areas within each level, Simple to understand by specialised stakeholders; can collate a variety of performance improvement steps in-between stages, The model mixes between strategy targets and performance levels; the model loses its essence outside the UK, The models are not formally endorsed by an authority[22]. Level Definitions 0. In summary, and based on the above comparisons, the UK BIM Maturity Model and the BIM Framework’s performance models are not contradictory but quite complementary. The different parts of the FM system have some classifications and pointers between them but there are no live links for navigation. (Bew & Richards, 2008) Bew-Richard model identifies basic CAD (Computer Aided Draughting) as "Phase 0", i.e. ProjectOVE brings building information modelling (BIM) technology to life, using virtual design tools to create a fully functioning building that replicates the human body. Information Manager), and protocols (e.g. Here we introduce the levels that run from 0-3, used as measures of BIM maturity; the construction supply chain’s ability to operate and exchange digital information. Keywords: BIM; contextual reflection;readiness; technology adoption 1. AIM Level 1 2.2.3 BIM Maturity Model Zur Beantwortung der Frage, wie weit die Implementierung von BIM fortgeschritten ist und um Vergleiche zu ermöglichen, hat sich in vielen Publikationen die Einteilung in sog. Continuous measurement is a principles underlying the BIM Excellence methodology/tool; more about this in a future Episode. Level definitions are used to set requirements for all public projects in the UK. Automation in Construction, 18(3), 357-375”. (including BIM Level 2 and BIM Level 3). Entwickelt wurde es 2008 von der regierungsfinanzierten UK BIM … Probably the most well-known level model is the UK Maturity Model, or the Bew-Richards Model (named after its authors), which is also known as "The Wedge" due to its wedge-shaped schematic representation. Each of these capability jumps is preceded with considerable investment in human and physical resources, and each stage signals new organizational abilities and deliverables not available before the jump. The BIM Level 2 maturity is a series of domain and collaborative federated models. And, in case you’re still wondering, the most frequently asked question I receive is: “what software do you use to generate your [add adjective] graphics?” And the short answer is…[25]. If you look upon the model as describing project maturity there is also a contradiction that some companies or even individuals claim “level 2 compliance”. The target is for all to reach Level 2 by 2016. Updates happen in real time and instead of up and downloading whole discipline models only the parts that is needed (for reads) or have been changed (for writes) are transferred - using web services. ?”  Compliance is more concerned with testing if an individual/organization is following a set procedure, code or standard (compliance testing don’t measure outcomes). It is also important to note that there are a lot of misunderstandings and different interpretations of the levels. Data and documents are stored in paper binders or as manuals in pdfs on file servers. RIBA Plan of Work ), roles (e.g. Later updates by the UK Bim task group have added the adoption on their information management standards as part of the BIM maturity model. This is best represented by the Point of Adoption (PoA) model [16] (or S-Curve BIM Model) which is further explained below: Fig. The article is co-authored by Dr Mohamad Kassem of Teesside University (UK), [17] The Point of Adoption (PoA) is not to be confused with the critical mass ‘inflection point’ on the S-curve (E. M. Rogers, 1995) (Everett M Rogers, Medina, Rivera, & Wiley, 2005); or with the ‘tipping pint’, the critical threshold introduced by Gladwell (2001) in his famous The tipping point: How little things can make a big difference, [18] The Individual Competency Index (ICI) is discussed in Episode 17 on and Item 15 on, [19] The BIM Framework is published across a number of peer-reviewed papers. There are many versions of the base model with subtle but meaningful differences; the one shown below (Fig.1) [2] appeared in the UK Government Construction Client Group (GCCG) report in 2011: We will then explain how to identify the potential gaps that could lead to delays and cost inefficiencies and how to eliminate the gaps using workflows and software … Also here there will be no link between models/ drawings and o&m documentation so you need to do manual work to establish those links. ), Handbook of Research on Building Information Modelling and Construction Informatics: Concepts and Technologies (pp. This journal article was first available online on December 6, 2008  (download paper:, [13] A hybrid version of the BIM Stages model was published as the ‘Towards Integration’ graphic within the CRC-CI National Guidelines for Digital Modelling (pages 12-13, PDF 2.9Mb). A lot of things have happened with tools and best practises since then. Level definitions are used to set requirements for all public projects in the UK. 1. BIM (modelling) is the process of generating and managing virtual intelligent representations of buildings-to-be or buildings-as-operated. Sub-stages were identified by Mr Andrew Gutteridge (AIA), the Chair of the Integrated Digital Modelling Taskforce partaking in the development of the Guidelines, [14] The last stage is referred to as virtual integrated Design, Construction and Operation (viDCO). We will then propose a maturity model for Asset Information Models - The “Areo AIM maturity model”. The Point of Adoption Model highlights how capability stages and maturity levels are used to assess/facilitate BIM implementation within organization and – in combination with other Framework models - BIM diffusion across markets. ISO BIM. •Client-side “Push”: - Facilitate the greater use of BIM by the Supply Chain - Address myriad of vendors within the market, all purporting to offer the best (ICT) solution - Address lack of guidance, training and common processes - Adoption of common “Maturity Model” For example, while the Melbourne branch of Organization A may have excellent model-based collaboration capabilities, the Athens branch may have basic modelling capabilities, and the Hyderabad branch may still be preparing to implement Revit, ArchiCAD or Tekla. In this article we will look at the most common BIM maturity model - the Bew Richards model, or as it is often called the “BIM levels” or the “BIM wedge”. Looking ahead our industry needs to have a proper discussion on what level 3 really means. Bew-Richards BIM Maturity Model and Succar’s BIM Maturity Stages were the widely referred models used to ascertain the BIM maturity of an industry or an organization. Also since there is only one integrated model it is already merged. Geometry and data in the model should be manufacturer specific and updated at handover. BIM maturity models are based on stages theory, which represents a step-by-step evolution of a process according to well-defined milestones (Liang et al. That is 8 years ago. In level 1 some of the designers start using BIM tools to further automate the process of generating drawings, models and schedules. For example, the BIM Capability concept - one of the three main framework dimensions - is used in establishing/assessing BIM performance milestones within organizations and teams (but cannot measure countries). The industry as a whole need to get to level 1 before moving to level 2. In the UK BIM interpretation of Level 3 there are three requirements. The basis for cross-discipline checks are still the drawing and schedule outputs. The second most frequently asked question I receive when presenting my work is whether the BIM performance models I use contradict with UK’s BIM maturity levels. “The wedge” was introduced in 2008. BIM Maturity Levels as demonstrated in PAS 1192-2:2013 (photo credits: Mark Bew & Mervyn Richards - PAS1192-2:2013) BIM maturity of each organization is measured according to this reference model. This is due to the phased nature of BIM with each revolutionary stage requiring its own readiness ramp, capability jump, maturity climb, and point of adoption. All the disciplines are contributing to this common single source of truth. BIMMI has been covered in two previous BIM ThinkSpace posts: Episode 13 clarified how the five maturity levels (a, b, c, d and e) are used alongside BIM capability stages (1, 2 and 3) to measure organizational abilities; and Episode 21 clarified how the same five levels are used alongside eight macro maturity components to assess and compare market maturity. Trick question: is COBie a ‘standard’, a ‘specification’ or a ‘protocol’? BIM Maturity Model . The wedge-shaped diagram in this video was developed by Mark Bew and Mervyn Richards and is hence known at the Bew-Richards BIM Maturity Model.