Salt Lake City, Utah : Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1996), FHL film 1553977-1553985.. [S40] Handbook of British Chronology (1986), Fryde, E. B., editor, (Royal Historical Society guides and handbooks, no. Family History Department. The Chronicle of Ralph of Coggeshall records the birth in 1209 of "Ricardus secundus filius regis"[209]. ...i of England, King Henry Iii Plantagenet, Prince Richard 1St Earl of Cornwall, King Henry Iii of England, Isabella of England, Richard 1S... Apr 2 1272 - Berkhampstead Castle, Hertfordshire, England, John i "Lackland" Plantagenet, Isabelle Dõangouleme, Eleanor of England Plantagenet, Alice "Le Brun" de Lusignan, Hugh Xi de Lusignan, William de Valence, Jan 5 1209 - Winchester Castle, Hampshire, England, Jan 5 1209 - Winchester, Hampshire, England, Apr 2 1272 - Berkhampstead Castle, Hertshire, England, John Lackland Plantagenet, King of England, Agatha Deferrers. Richard fought in no battles but managed to negotiate for the release of prisoners and the burials of Crusaders killed at a battle in Gaza in 1239, and fortified Ascalon, which had been demolished by Saladin. Die zwei Königskandidaten konnten sich auf jeweils drei Stimm… [S37] #93 [Book version] The Dictionary of National Biography: from the Earliest Times to 1900 (1885-1900, reprint 1993), Stephen, Leslie, (22 volumes. 2. 0 Profile Searches. Richard von Cornwall entstammte der anglonormannischen Königsfamilie der Plantagenets. 3-p. 430-431. b. … (König Richards von Cornwall) p. 19, etc. 1272; 1257 von einem Teil der dt. Baltimore: Geneal. He renounced the county of Ponthieu in Dec 1243. Johannes Ferdinand Bappert: „Richard von Cornwall seit seiner Wahl zum deutschen König. Burial: Hailes Abbey Hailes Tewkesbury Borough Gloucestershire, England, Maintained by: Anne Shurtleff Stevens Originally Created by: Jerry Ferren Record added: Aug 11, 2010 Find A Grave Memorial# 56917002. Richard von Cornwall, Vol. 31 Jan 1232, d. 22 Sep 1232, Isabella of Cornwall13,5,8 b. c 9 Sep 1233, d. 6 Oct 1234, Sir Henry of Almayne, Constable of Corfe Castle13,5,8 b. Richard (5 January 1209[1] – 2 April 1272), second son of John, King of England, was the nominal Count of Poitou (1225–1243),[citation needed] Earl of Cornwall (from 1225) and King of Germany (from 1257). This is Me - Control Profile. 2 beds, 2 baths, 1974 sq. He was made High Sheriff of Berkshire at age eight, was styled Count of Poitou from 1225 and in the same year, at the age of sixteen, his brother King Henry III gave him Cornwall as a birthday present, making him High Sheriff of Cornwall. Römisch-deutsches Königtum in nachstaufischer Zeit. The Annales Cambriæ record the marriage in 1231 of "Ricardus comes Cornubiæ" and "Isabellam cometissam Gloucestriæ"[228]. Richard von Cornwall war ab 1257 deutscher König. Richard also had several children by an unknown mistress: 1227 - Made High Sheriff of Berkshire, aged 8 1225 Feb 02 - knighted by his brother, King Henry III 1225 - granted the honour of Launceston, Cornwall, made him one of the wealthiest men in Europe 1229 - granted to honour of Berkhampstead 1231 - married Isabel Marshall, his main residence became Wallingford Castle in Berkshire 1232-3 - fought in Wales against Llywellyn ap Iowerth 1237 - openly spoke against his brother's greed and mis-administration, Henry bought his silence with more gifts 1237 - ambassador to Emperor Frederick 1233 - drove Llywelyn back, fortified Radnor Castle 1238 - Richard's sister, Eleamnor, marriedd Simon de Montfort 1240 - Isabel died, buried at Beaulieu Abbey 1240 - left to crusade for the Holy Lands 1241 - negotiated treaty with the sultan of Krak, releasing many French from captivity 1243 - married Sanchia of Provence, the sister of his brother's wife 1243 - demounced all his rights in Ireland and Gascony, abandoning the title of Count of Ponthieu 1244 - granted the honour of Bradninch, Devon 1250 - Joint Ambassador to France and to Pope Innocent IV 1257 - elected King of the Romans, styled King of Almain, Jan 13rd, crowned at Aachen Jan 1259 1259 - failed to establish authority in Germany and returned to England 1261 - wife Sanchia died 1263 - achieved a temporary truce between the barons and his brother 1264 - taken prisoner at the Battle of Lewes May 14 1265 - released and lands restored after the Battle of Evesham Aug 04 1629 - married Beatrice de Falkenburg 1270 - purchased the honour of Tremarton, Cornwall 1272 - April 2 or 3 - Richard died testate, buried with Sanchia 1277 - Oct 17 - Beatrice died, buried at Friars Minors, Oxford. "L…comes palatinus Rheni, dux Bawarie" confirmed his betrothal "cum filia fratris…regis Anglie", or in case of impossibility "cum filia sororis eiusdem", by charter dated 25 Nov 1256[256]. The Annals of Tewkesbury record the birth “V Non Nov” in 1235 of “filius Ricardo comiti Cornubiæ…Henricus”[246]., PLANTAGENET (1º E. Cornwall). The marriage of his son to a wealthy, powerful family who repeatedly opposed him greatly displeasured King Richard. [2] It has been suggested that a castle was built on the site by Richard in 1233 to establish a connection with the Arthurian legends that were associated by Geoffrey of Monmouth with the area. April 1272 in Berkhamsted) konnte sich als König des Interregnums nicht durchsetzen. After the latter's execution in 1268, Friedrich von Meissen emerged as a new possible candidate for the German throne and Richard renewed his efforts to increase his authority in Germany, in particular by his third marriage to a relative of Engelbert Archbishop of Köln[221]. The Continuator of Florence of Worcester records that "Ricardus comes Cornubiæ frater Henrici regis Angliæ" went to Jerusalem in [1239][212]. [S84] Plantagenet Ancestry: A Study in Colonial and Medieval Families, Richardson, Douglas, (Genealogical Publishing Company, Inc., 1001 N. Calvert St., Baltimore, Md. und Schwager Kaiser Friedrichs II., ist aber in den letzten Jahren zunehmend Gegenstand der historischen Forschung in England und Deutschland …