"triggerProtect" of a symbol can be got from, BUY: latest price ("MARK_PRICE" or "CONTRACT_PRICE") >=, SELL: latest price ("MARK_PRICE" or "CONTRACT_PRICE") <=, BUY: latest price ("MARK_PRICE" or "CONTRACT_PRICE") <=, SELL: latest price ("MARK_PRICE" or "CONTRACT_PRICE") >=, BUY: the lowest price after order placed <=, SELL: the highest price after order placed >=. ×tamp=1591702613943. No trading window could be found for the symbol. By default, API-keys can access all secure routes. An unexpected response was received from the message bus. 1 for a single symbol; I was testing ccxt buys/balance/sells against the bitmex testnet exchange but the return values/json-layouts are too different. &price=9000 Exceeded the maximum allowable position at current leverage. These are NOT the statistics of the UTC day, but a 24hr rolling window from requestTime to 24hrs before. The following data can be sent through the websocket instance in order to subscribe/unsubscribe from streams. 2020-04-17 1. If the queried order has been filled or cancelled, the error message "Order does not exist" will be returned. If this endpoint is not called within 120 seconds, all your orders of the specified symbol will be automatically canceled. Users can use the SPOT Testnet to practice SPOT trading. Change user's initial leverage in the specific symbol market. Top bids and asks, Valid are 5, 10, or 20. Rejected/unsuccessful orders are not guaranteed to have. ×tamp=1591702613943. Weight: "btcusd_200925@depth" We do not recommend setting the countdown time to be too precise or too small. Here is a step-by-step example of how to send a vaild signed payload from the @markPrice OR @markPrice@1s, Stream Name: "params": @indexPrice OR @indexPrice@1s, Stream Name: Follow the same rules for condition orders. Networks can be unstable and unreliable, stopPrice triggered by: "MARK_PRICE", "CONTRACT_PRICE". Stream Name: // Estimated Settle Price, only useful in the last hour before the settlement starts. Endpoint requires sending a valid API-Key. The following data can be sent through the websocket instance in order to request for user data. Leverage is smaller than permitted: insufficient margin balance. Please use the websocket for live updates to avoid polling the API. ], Max returned data number from endTime; Default:100 Max:1000, "true": Hedge Mode mode; "false": One-way Mode, "true" or "false". Position side cannot be changed if there exists open orders. Best price/qty on the order book for a symbol or symbols. Binance DEX. If the server determines that the timestamp sent by the client is more than. Param '%s' or '%s' must be sent, but both were empty/null! { @depth OR @depth@500ms OR @depth@100ms, POST /dapi/v1/positionSide/dual (HMAC SHA256), Change user's position mode (Hedge Mode or One-way Mode ) on EVERY symbol, GET /dapi/v1/positionSide/dual (HMAC SHA256), Get user's position mode (Hedge Mode or One-way Mode ) on EVERY symbol. "params": &side=BUY {"code": -2021, "msg": "Order would immediately trigger."} The endpoint should be called repeatedly as heartbeats so that the existing countdown time can be canceled and repalced by a new one. Too many parameters sent for this endpoint. Kline/candlestick bars for the index price of a pair. Timeout waiting for response from backend server. "method": "SUBSCRIBE", Help wanted: This library is officially depreciated and will only be actively maintained by the community, for full support use the Javascript API. TimeInForce parameter sent when not required. By default, API-keys can access all secure routes. Note that only tickers that have changed will be present in the array. &timeInForce=GTC // for positions of the symbol are in One-way Mode or isolated margined in Hedge Mode, // adl quantile for "LONG" position in hedge mode, // adl qauntile for "SHORT" position in hedge mode, // adl qunatile for position in one-way mode, "pqia91ma19a5s61cv6a81va65sdf19v8a65a1a5s61cv6a81va65sdf19v8a65a1", // Cross Wallet Balance. Examples can be seen below. "btcusdt@depth" Duplicate values for a parameter detected. We support both GET/POST requests and there is a … The order of returned contents for batch orders is the same as the order of the order list. Api-server - in our testnet, instantiate by running ./tbnbcli api-server --chain-id Binance-Dev HTTP-API - api of the accelerated node is not accessible. 24hr rolling window mini-ticker statistics for all symbols. Binance does not make any commitment to the safety and performance of the SDKs, nor will be liable for the risks or even losses caused by using the SDKs. If neither marginAsset nor pair is sent, positions of all symbols with TRADING status will be returned. { Param '%s' or '%s' must be sent, but both were empty/null! 0 to cancel the timer, target initial leverage: int from 1 to 125, 1: Add position margin,2: Reduce position margin. Execution status unknown. Receiving an event that removes a price level that is not in your local order book can happen and is normal. GET /dapi/v1/positionRisk (HMAC SHA256) Client order id length should be less than 32 chars. "id": 2 Too many new orders; current limit is %s orders per %s. The combined property is set to false when connecting using /ws/ ("raw streams") and true when connecting using /stream/. ], git clone https://github.com/Binance-docs/Binance_Futures_python.git, To get the provied SDK for Binance Futures, Method is not allowed currently. Please use with user data stream ACCOUNT_UPDATE to meet your timeliness and accuracy needs. Examples can be seen below. These are NOT the statistics of the UTC day, but a 24hr rolling window from requestTime to 24hrs before. Not all sent parameters were read; read '%s' parameter(s) but was sent '%s'. When the user's position risk ratio is too high, this stream will be pushed. server. Call this endpoint at 30s intervals with an countdownTime of 120000 (120s). Timestamp for this request is outside of the recvWindow. The Binance Chain HTTP API provides access to a Binance Chain node deployment and market data services. You are not authorized to execute this request. [ Invalid API-key, IP, or permissions for action. 0 to cancel the timer, target initial leverage: int from 1 to 125, 1: Add position margin,2: Reduce position margin. &timeInForce=GTC Unfilled orders or cancelled orders will not make the event, Only positions of symbols with non-zero isolatd wallet or non-zero position amount will be pushed in the "position" part of the event, CALCULATED - Liquidation Execution, NEW_INSURANCE - Liquidation with Insurance Fund, NEW_ADL - Counterparty Liquidation`. There are 3 parts: Any of the above variables can be set to 0, which disables that rule in the price filter. Receiving an event that removes a price level that is not in your local order book can happen and is normal. If fromId, startTime, and endTime are not sent, the most recent aggregate trades will be returned. 2 when the symbol parameter is omitted. Currently, the only property can be set is to set whether combined stream payloads are enabled are not. 24hr rollwing window ticker statistics for all symbols. You are not authorized to execute this request. Please use the websocket for live updates to avoid polling the API. Client tran id length should be less than 64 chars. "TRANSFER","WELCOME_BONUS", "REALIZED_PNL","FUNDING_FEE", "COMMISSION", and "INSURANCE_CLEAR". The python module UNICORN Binance WebSocket APIprovides an API to the Binance Websocket API`s of Binance, Binance Margin,Binance Futures,Binance Jersey,Binance US,Binance JEX,Binance DEX andBinance DEX Testnet and supports the streaming ofall public streams like trade, kline, ticker, depth, bookTicker, forceOrder and blockheight and also all private userData streamswhich needs to be used with a valid api_key and api_secret from the Binance Exchangewww.binance.com,www.binance.je,www.bina… 1 for a single symbol; Method is not allowed currently. Test connectivity to the Rest API and get the current server time. "triggerProtect" of a symbol can be got from, BUY: latest price ("MARK_PRICE" or "CONTRACT_PRICE") >=, SELL: latest price ("MARK_PRICE" or "CONTRACT_PRICE") <=, BUY: latest price ("MARK_PRICE" or "CONTRACT_PRICE") <=, SELL: latest price ("MARK_PRICE" or "CONTRACT_PRICE") >=, BUY: the lowest price after order placed <=, SELL: the highest price after order placed >=. Illegal characters found in parameter '%s'; legal range is '%s'. New field "i" for indexPrice in payload of ws streams: New field "m" for event reason type in event "ACCOUNT_UPDATE", New field "rp" for the realized profit of the trade in event "ORDER_TRADE_UPDATE". Bids and asks, pushed every 250 milliseconds, 500 milliseconds, or 100 milliseconds, Stream Name: The All Liquidation Order Streams push force liquidation order information for all symbols in the market. LIMIT order with sepcial timeInForce: the final status result of the order(FILLED or EXPIRED) will be returned directly. Errors consist of two parts: an error code and a message. Get compressed, aggregate trades. Careful when accessing this with no symbol. If fromId, startTime, and endTime are not sent, the most recent aggregate trades will be returned. Default gets most recent trades. Linux command line using echo, openssl, and curl. // for positions of the symbol are in One-way Mode or isolated margined in Hedge Mode, // adl quantile for "LONG" position in hedge mode, // adl qauntile for "SHORT" position in hedge mode, // adl qunatile for position in one-way mode, "pqia91ma19a5s61cv6a81va65sdf19v8a65a1a5s61cv6a81va65sdf19v8a65a1", // Cross Wallet Balance. The stream will close after 60 minutes unless a keepalive is sent. 2 when the symbol parameter is omitted. Kline/candlestick bars for the mark price of a symbol. { Cannot add position margin: position is 0. maxPrice and priceDecimal too large,please check. When a 429 is received, it's your obligation as an API to back off and not spam the API. Pushes any update to the best bid or ask's price or quantity in real-time for a specified symbol. Combined stream events are wrapped as follows: All symbols, pairs, and contract types for streams are, A single connection is only valid for 24 hours; expect to be disconnected at the 24 hour mark. for Hedge Mode user, the response will show "BOTH", "LONG", and "SHORT" positions. Please visit here to get examples for helping to understand the upgrade. POST /dapi/v1/countdownCancelAll (HMAC SHA256). "params": }, { Cancel all open orders of the specified symbol at the end of the specified countdown. Oldest first, newest last. New parameter positionSide in the following endpoints:, New field positionSide in the responses to the following endpoints:. A python API to use the Binance Websocket API's (com, com-margin, com-futures, jersey, us, dex/chain+testnet) in a easy, fast, flexible, robust and fully-featured way. Invalid API-key, IP, or permissions for action. Only this asset and its balance information will be pushed, Other assets and information will no longer be pushed even the balances may not be 0, If none of the open positions change, the position "P" will only return an empty, "P" will push the details in the "BOTH" position of this symbol, If the change happens in "LONG" or "SHORT" position, the changed "LONG" or "SHORT" position of this symbol will be pushed, Initialized "LONG" or "SHORT" isolated position of this symbol will also be pushed, Position information of other symbols will no longer be pushed, even their positions may not be 0, New field "indexPrice" in response to endpoint. Combined stream events are wrapped as follows: WebSocket connections have a limit of 10 incoming messages per second. Please use with user data stream ACCOUNT_UPDATE to meet your timeliness and accuracy needs. MARKETorder: the final FILLED result of the order will be return directly. &type=LIMIT // the lasted funding rate, for perpetual contract symbols only. please visit https://github.com/Binance-docs/Binance_Futures_Java, &recvWindow=5000 Keepalive a user data stream to prevent a time out. m -> minutes; h -> hours; d -> days; w -> weeks; M -> months. _@continuousKline_, e.g. Binance DEX. If the symbol is not sent, liquidation orders for all symbols will be returned. }, { Default "CONTRACT_PRICE", "TRUE" or "FALSE", default "FALSE". API-keys are passed into the Rest API via the. Please try again. Get trades for a specific account and symbol. Price is lower than mark price multiplier floor. Mark price and funding rate for a single symbol pushed every 3 seconds. symbol=BTCUSD_200925 The Binance API is a method that allows you to connect to the Binance servers via Python or several other programming languages. from binance.client import Client from binance.enums import * from binance.exceptions import BinanceAPIException, BinanceOrderException from decimal import Decimal api_key = 'YOURAPIKEY' api_secret = 'YOURAPISECRET' client = Client(api_key, api_secret) #tick_size = {'BTCUSDT': 6, 'ETHUSDT': 5, 'XRPUSDT': 1, 'LINKUSDT': 2} trade_size = 10 # The trade size we want in USDT sym = 'BTCUSDT' # … Too many requests; current limit is %s requests per minute. For delivery symbols, "" will be shown. Margin type cannot be changed if there exists open orders. Current exchange trading rules and symbol information. The PRICE_FILTER defines the price rules for a symbol. Top bids and asks, Valid are 5, 10, or 20. Execution status unknown. When a position or the margin type of a symbol is changed: In short, the full information of assets and positions should be obtained via the related RESTful endpoints(GET /fapi/v2/account and GET /fapi/v2/positionRisk), and the locally cached asset or position data can be updated via the event ACCOUNT_UPDATE in Websocket USER-DATA-STREAM with the information of changed asset or position. "params": "btcbusd_next_quarter@continuousKline_1m". Best price/qty on the order book for a symbol or symbols. Following endpoints will use new weight rule based on the paremeter "LIMIT" in the request: Following endpoints' weights will be updated to 20: New fields in response to GET /fapi/v1/exchangeInfo: New endpoint GET /fapi/v1/continuousKlines to get continues contract kline data, Please notice: new streamlined and optimized push rules on event ACCOUNT_UPDATE in USER-DATA-STREAM. Too many requests; current limit is %s requests per minute. processed within a certain number of milliseconds or be rejected by the Trades that fill at the time, from the same API-keys can be configured to only access certain types of secure endpoints. Add margin only support for isolated position. Leverage is smaller than permitted: insufficient margin balance. Unlike HMAC_SHA256 Keys where we generate the secret signing key for you, with RSA Keys, *you* generate a pair of public+private RSA keys, send us the public key, and sign your requests with your private key that never has to leave your computer. Price is lower than mark price multiplier floor. And for newOrderRespType= RESULT: 1.1. Start a new user data stream. Linux command line using echo, openssl, and curl. &type=LIMIT When a position of a symbol is changed or the margin type of a symbol is changed: When "FUNDING FEE" changes to the user's balance, the event will be pushed with the brief message: The field "m" represents the reason type for the event and may shows the following possible types: When new order created, order status changed will push such event. Ich bin nur ein einfacher Mikrocontroller programmierer. The Aggregate Trade Streams push trade information that is aggregated for a single taker order every 100 milliseconds. 1.2. 1 for a single symbol; DELETE /dapi/v1/allOpenOrders (HMAC SHA256), DELETE /dapi/v1/batchOrders (HMAC SHA256). default "false". All time and timestamp related fields are in milliseconds. All data types adopt definition in JAVA. In the case of a highly volatile market, there may be the possibility that the user's position has been liquidated at the same time when this stream is pushed out. There are 3 parts: Any of the above variables can be set to 0, which disables that rule in the price filter. A unique id among open orders. please visit https://github.com/Binance-docs/Binance_Futures_python, The system will check all countdowns approximately every 10 milliseconds, so please note that sufficient redundancy should be considered when using this function. The official Binance DEX […] After login with the testnet username and password, you will see the tab of “API Key” with API Key and secret: image 885×299 18.8 KB There will be some funds already in the account, and this cannot be withdrawn. Internal error; unable to process your request. Creating Binance Futures API Keys. There is no way to make your accelerated node, so this api … {"code": -2021, "msg": "Order would immediately trigger."} All time and timestamp related fields are in milliseconds. Too many new orders; current limit is %s orders per %s. ], Filters define trading rules on a symbol or an exchange. Note that only tickers that have changed will be present in the array. [ Get all open orders on a symbol. }. Order's position side does not match user's setting. Since the latest release, Binance Chain Extension Wallet enables access for distributed applications or "Dapps" in your browser! These are NOT the statistics of the UTC day, but a 24hr rolling window from requestTime to 24hrs before. This rest endpoint means to ensure your open orders are canceled in case of an outage. User data streams will close after 60 minutes. New field "estimatedSettlePrice" in response to, New field "marginAsset" for margin asset in the response to, New field "positionAmt" for position amount in the response to. New endpoint POST /fapi/v1/positionSide/dual to change position mode: Hedge Mode or One-way Mode. Timeout waiting for response from backend server. "params": empty array will be returned for delivery symbols. _@continuousKline_, e.g. "method": "UNSUBSCRIBE", Math ... How to recover my fund sent to the wrong network. "LIQUIDATION" for liquidation orders, "ADL" for ADL orders. for Hedge Mode user, the response will show "LONG" and "SHORT" positions. Blockchain Connection You can connect to the existing full nodes of Binance Smart Chain. &price=9000 There are 3 parts: In order to pass the market lot size, the following must be true for quantity: The MAX_NUM_ORDERS filter defines the maximum number of orders an account is allowed to have open on a symbol. Spot Testnet: https://testnet.binance.vision/ Futures Testnet: See instructions below on how to open a testnet account for both SPOT and FUTURES. &quantity=1 Example usage: Specific error codes and messages defined in. event type is ORDER_TRADE_UPDATE. "params": Internal error; unable to process your request. Codes are universal,but messages can vary. Here is a step-by-step example of how to send a vaild signed payload from the Send status unknown; execution status unknown. interact with it. "btcusdt@depth" Combination of optional parameters invalid. Serious trading is about timing. Different responses for "One-way" or "Hedge" position mode. If a pair is sent,tickers for all symbols of the pair will be returned, If either a pair or symbol is sent, tickers for all symbols of all pairs will be returned, Streams can be access either in a single raw stream or a combined stream. Within the ecosystem of Binance Chain, there are several accelerated nodes which provides more secure and faster lines to access Binance Chain and DEX data service including HTTP API. &quantity=1 The Liquidation Order Streams push force liquidation order information for specific symbol. Kline/candlestick bars for a symbol. Klines are uniquely identified by their open time. Binance Chain Staking API. A single connection can listen to a maximum of. The stream will close after 60 minutes unless a keepalive is sent. Stream Names: @depth OR @depth@500ms OR @depth@100ms. Margin type cannot be changed if there exists position. server. // Indicates that combined is set to true. New fields in the payload of WSS @markPrice, @markPrice@1s, @markPrice, and @markPrice@1s: Serious trading is about timing. ; Follow on-screen instructions to create your API keys. Each endpoint has a security type that determines the how you will BscScan. A connection that goes beyond the limit will be disconnected; IPs that are repeatedly disconnected may be banned. While listening to the stream, each new event's. Too many requests; please use the websocket for live updates. "method": "SET_PROPERTY", Note that both "algo" orders and normal orders are counted for this filter. }, { can access everything except for TRADE routes. Client tran id length should be less than 64 chars, Client tran id should be unique within 7 days, ReduceOnly Order Failed. A mandatory parameter was not sent, was empty/null, or malformed. The PERCENT_PRICE filter defines valid range for a price based on the mark price. New field in response to GET /fapi/v1/positionRisk related to isolated position: New field in response to GET /fapi/v1/accountrelated to isolated position: isolated, New returned values in response to GET /fapi/v1/account: Streams can be access either in a single raw stream or a combined stream. Current exchange trading rules and symbol information. There are 3 parts: In order to pass the lot size, the following must be true for quantity: The MARKET_LOT_SIZE filter defines the quantity (aka "lots" in auction terms) rules for MARKET orders on a symbol. New endpoint to query specific current open order: Update time changed as 1000ms for streams. In order to pass the percent price, the following must be true for price: Test connectivity to the Rest API and get the current server time. UNICORN Binance WebSocket API. Pushes any update to the best bid or ask's price or quantity in real-time for all symbols. Get current account information. In order to pass the percent price, the following must be true for price: There is now a Postman collection containing the API endpoints for quick and easy use. If the symbol is not sent, orders for all symbols will be returned in an array. BSC is now the fastest-growing Ethereum competitor and has been fueled by a variety of new and exciting projects. @markPrice OR @markPrice@1s. PHP Binance API. There is no & between "GTC" and "quantity=1". New parameter newOrderRespType for response type in endpoint POST /fapi/v1/order. Client order id length should be less than 32 chars. 40 when the symbol parameter is omitted, Weight: The PERCENT_PRICE filter defines valid range for a price based on the mark price. "trandId" is unique in the same incomeType for a user. 24hr rollwing window ticker statistics for all symbols. Please ignore with TRAILING_STOP_MARKET order, // Commission Asset of the trade, will not push if no commission, // Commission of the trade, will not push if no commission, // If Close-All, pushed with conditional order, // Activation Price, only puhed with TRAILING_STOP_MARKET order, // Callback Rate, only puhed with TRAILING_STOP_MARKET order, // If conditional order trigger is protected, // response to the request name 2, if existing, "gN0SiRrevtS4O0ufdCpzd4N0MzHu2lVmwbHh6hj4g9eTT9Yfe55eUc4klmsEhnwC@account", "gN0SiRrevtS4O0ufdCpzd4N0MzHu2lVmwbHh6hj4g9eTT9Yfe55eUc4klmsEhnwC@balance", // unrealized profit of cross margin positions, "gN0SiRrevtS4O0ufdCpzd4N0MzHu2lVmwbHh6hj4g9eTT9Yfe55eUc4klmsEhnwC@position", SIGNED (TRADE and USER_DATA) Endpoint Security, Get Funding Rate History of Perpetual Futures, Continues Contract Kline/Candlestick Data, Live Subscribing/Unsubscribing to streams, Continues Contract Kline/Candlestick Streams, How to manage a local order book correctly, Get Position Margin Change History (TRADE), Position ADL Quantile Estimation (USER_DATA). WebSocket connections have a limit of 5 incoming messages per second. New WebSocket streams for booktickers added: New WebSocket streams for partial orderbook added: Added "leverage" for current initial leverage and "maxNotionalValue" for notional value limit of current initial leverage in response to, The base websocket endpoint is changed as, The following SDKs are provided by partners and users, and are. Data sent for paramter '%s' is not valid. The MAX_NUM_ALGO_ORDERS filter defines the maximum number of all kinds of algo orders an account is allowed to have open on a symbol. processed within a certain number of milliseconds or be rejected by the order, with the same price will have the quantity aggregated. Price is higher than mark price multiplier cap. Target strategy invalid for orderType '%s',reduceOnly '%b'. Mandatory parameter '%s' was not sent, was empty/null, or malformed. Cannot be sent in Hedge Mode; cannot be sent with. Margin type cannot be changed if there exists open orders. The Kline/Candlestick Stream push updates to the current klines/candlestick every 250 milliseconds (if existing). For development, we recommend running in testnet first. If "autoCloseType" is not sent, orders with both of the types will be returned, If "startTime" is not sent, data within 7 days before "endTime" can be queried. event type is ORDER_TRADE_UPDATE. 2020-04-14 WEB SOCKET STREAM 1. Get trades for a specific account and symbol. Data sent for paramter '%s' is not valid. An unofficial Python API to use the Binance Websocket API`s (com+testnet, com-margin+testnet, com-isolated_margin+testnet, com-futures+testnet, jersey, us, jex, dex/chain+testnet) in a easy, fast, flexible, robust and fully-featured way. In order to pass the price filter, the following must be true for price/stopPrice of the enabled rules: The LOT_SIZE filter defines the quantity (aka "lots" in auction terms) rules for a symbol. "@balance" // request name 2, if existing For same price, latest received update covers the previous one. Buffer the events you receive from the stream. Please try again. Too many parameters; expected '%s' and received '%s'. The combined property is set to false when connecting using /ws/ ("raw streams") and true when connecting using /stream/. Examples can be seen below. Please use the websocket for live updates to avoid bans. can access everything except for TRADE routes. These are NOT the statistics of the UTC day, but a 24hr rolling window from requestTime to 24hrs before. Stream Name: The PRICE_FILTER defines the price rules for a symbol. Timestamp in ms to get funding rate from INCLUSIVE. A unique id among open orders. ], // if the positions of the symbol are crossed margined in Hedge Mode, "LONG" and "SHORT" will be returned a same quantile value, and "HEDGE" will be returned instead of "BOTH". With recvWindow, you can specify that the request must be Please use the websocket for live updates to avoid bans. Gostaríamos de exibir a descriçãoaqui, mas o site que você está não nos permite. "symbol=BTCUSDT&side=BUY&type=LIMIT&quantity=1&price=9000&timeInForce=GTC&recvWindow=5000×tamp=1591702613943", "2b5eb11e18796d12d88f13dc27dbbd02c2cc51ff7059765ed9821957d82bb4d9", "X-MBX-APIKEY: dbefbc809e3e83c283a984c3a1459732ea7db1360ca80c5c2c8867408d28cc83", 'https://testnet.binancefuture.com/fapi/v1/order?symbol=BTCUSDT&side=BUY&type=LIMIT&quantity=1&price=9000&timeInForce=GTC&recvWindow=5000×tamp=1591702613943&signature= 3c661234138461fcc7a7d8746c6558c9842d4e10870d2ecbedf7777cad694af9', 'https://testnet.binancefuture.com/fapi/v1/order', 'symbol=BTCUSDT&side=BUY&type=LIMIT&quantity=1&price=9000&timeInForce=GTC&recvWindow=5000×tamp=1591702613943&signature= 3c661234138461fcc7a7d8746c6558c9842d4e10870d2ecbedf7777cad694af9', 'https://testnet.binancefuture.com/fapi/v1/order?symbol=BTCUSDT&side=BUY&type=LIMIT&timeInForce=GTC', 'quantity=1&price=9000&recvWindow=5000×tamp=1591702613943&signature=3c661234138461fcc7a7d8746c6558c9842d4e10870d2ecbedf7777cad694af9', // threshold for algo order with "priceProtect". Either orderId or origClientOrderId must be sent. "id": 312 If using the production server there is no need to pass the environment variable. Way too many requests; IP banned until %s. Careful when accessing this with no symbol. When "FUNDING FEE" changes to the user's balance, the event will be pushed with the brief message: The field "m" represents the reason type for the event and may shows the following possible types: When new order created, order status changed will push such event. Note POST /fapi/v1/positionSide/dual (HMAC SHA256), Change user's position mode (Hedge Mode or One-way Mode ) on EVERY symbol, GET /fapi/v1/positionSide/dual (HMAC SHA256), Get user's position mode (Hedge Mode or One-way Mode ) on EVERY symbol. When balance or position get updated, this event will be pushed. TimeInForce parameter sent when not required. This OrderType is not supported when reduceOnly. For Hedge Mode, LONG and SHORT positions of one symbol use the same initial leverage and share a total notional value. Follow the same rules for condition orders. Composite index information for index symbols pushed every second. With ISOLATED margin type, margins of the LONG and SHORT positions are isolated from each other.