Yeti (Expedition Everest) | Alameda Slim | In the fight that followed, John tries to attack Robin from behind with a sword, only for Robin to quickly knock his sword out of his hand, forcing John to cower behind a barrel of ale and Robin and his friends defeated John's minions and destroyed the tournament grounds. Sa'Luk | Prince of EnglandIllegitimate King of England (formerly)Prisoner Aladdin Villains | Opal Koboi | Iago (2019) | Borg Guillarson | Robin Hood is a 1973 American animated adventure musical comedy film produced by Walt Disney Productions and released by Buena Vista Distribution. During John's rule, Robin Hood, Little John, and Friar Tuck of the local Church did everything they could to keep hope alive in the town, secretly distributing money among the starving population. Stitches | Jacob Marley | When pushed to the end of his rope, he ordered the Sheriff of Nottingham to "double the taxes, triple the taxes" and squeeze every last coin out of the townspeople and did not care about what would happen. When he found Sir Hiss inside the same ale barrel (having been forced in there by Friar Tuck to prevent the latter from exposing Robin Hood's true identity), due to his anger at being humiliated as well as Sir Hiss supplying information about the stork's true identity that he by that point already knew, vented his rage by tying him to a knot on a pole and daring him to get himself out of it if he can. However, in one of his rages, Prince John declared that he would give all of his gold if he could "just get [his] hands on [Robin Hood]". John labeled Robin a traitor to the crown, but was openly insulted by Robin, who shouted, "Long Live King Richard!" Descendants Villains | Ich schaue jede Woche mindestens einen Film - macht mich das zum Disney-Experten? Tom, Dick, Stanley & Walter | Those unable to pay were sent to the stocks. Phony King of England (by Robin Hood and his Merry men)P.J. William Weatherall Wilkins | Frank Slater | He sentenced Friar Tuck to the gallows in an attempt to lure out Robin Hood, hoping to use the opportunity to capture Robin Hood and finally do away with him for good. Sir Hiss criticized him for his failure with John threatening to hit him with a wooden stick if he didn't shut up. Ashcan and Pete | This is especially evident with his abusive and often violent treatment of his majordomo, Sir Hiss. Havershaw | Crew of the Flying Dutchman (Maccus & Kraken) | Magic Mirror | Scarfield | Cufflingk and Underlingk | Vulcan | Milady de Winter | Wynnchel & Duncan | Ratso Ratzkiwatzki | Horned King | Jordan Buttsquat | The Marten | Gag Halfrunt | Jean-Pierre Le Pelt | Smith & Wesson | Vandevere | As Robin Hood distracted him by complimenting his more sovereign and regal features, he and Little John robbed Prince John's caravan of the gold they had been carrying, and escaped into Sherwood Forest right under the noses of the fooled guards. Razoul | Stepmother | He was also lecherous, unlike his Disney counterpart: several nobles were reported to have taken up arms against him because he had forced himself on their wives and daughters. He chased the snake around the castle with the stick, all the while sucking his thumb, and calling Hiss various, derogatory names. Cauldron Born | Sabor | Ashton Carnaby | Aladdin/Prinz Ali („Aladdin“) 2. J.Sire (by both Sir Hiss and the Sheriff of Nottingham)Poor Prince John (by the Sheriff of Nottingham), King Richard's greedy brotherRobin Hood's enemyPrisoner. Sea Monkeys | Sugar Plum Fairy | Timber Wolf | Bandar Log (1994) (King Louie (1994) & Kaa (1994)) | However, Robin caught on to this plan, and he and Little John agreed to trigger a jailbreak that night to save the Friar's life. Unable to resist this opportunity to see his lost love again, Robin eagerly enrolled in the tournament, disguised as a stork while Little John disguised himself as a duke. Peg Leg Pete | On one occasion, for example, he ordered twenty-two captive knights to be taken to Corfe Castle in Dorset and starved to death. Grand Duke (2015) | Jim Bob | He is Robin Hood's arch-nemesis. Robin Hood (2010): Sir Godfrey | Prince John | Sheriff of Nottingham John Br'er Fox & Br'er Bear | Rustlers | Ultimately, Prince John is something of a coward, as seen in the battle after the archery tournament, when he tries to attack Robin Hood, but immediately begs for mercy and hides behind a barrel upon being disarmed; however, he has been threatened by Little John's dagger from behind only moments before, so it could explain his sudden panic. Master Control Program | He is rescued and carried off by Little John, who took him to the church to give him shelter with Maid Marian by his side. Forty Thieves | John returned to England that autumn with his treasury empty and his dreams of re-conquest in tatters, and ultimately forced by the barons on June 1215 to sign the Magna Carta as noted above, before he finally died of an unspecified illness at the Newark Castle in October of 1216. When Sir Hiss mentions how his actions have now burned his mother's castle, John finally snaps and flies into a violent rage. House of MouseHercules (cameo) Headlined Villain - William "Wild Bill" Wharton,, (puts his crown on the right way when gets his ears straight) ", (rubs his whiskers and looks into Sir Hiss's tiny mirror) ", (whispers to Little John as Duke Reginald with a dirty look when gets his back poked with a dagger) ", (screams to his rhino guards after Little John loses his hold on him due to getting distracted by the Sheriff of Nottingham) ", (after Sir Hiss and the Sheriff of Nottingham called him worst) "ENOUGH!!! In Ralph Breaks the Internet, a screenshot depicting Prince John and Sir Hiss can be seen around the Sorcerer Hat at the Disney Animation pavilion in Oh My Disney. Giant Magnet | Prince John also seems to be ticklish, as when Sir Hiss hisses in his ear and Sir Hiss's snoring causes his tongue to wiggle across John's foot, he is shown at both times to be laughing. Medfield College Villains | Royal Pain | and laughing. Leroy | Lock, Shock & Barrel | He was a binge eater and alcoholic and like his Disney counterpart, had a savage temper. In the days that followed, John was further insulted to learn that the villagers were mocking him with the song "The Phony King of England". Prince John Richard also pardoned Robin Hood for his past crimes and honored him for his efforts to help the people. Sir Hiss is shocked that Prince John would go so far as to hang a member of the Catholic Church as bait to lure Robin Hood out, as it could cause them to be alienated from the Church if word of it reached Rome, the Vatican, and the Pope, but the Prince scoffed at his reluctance. Troll | Makoos | Cutler Beckett | Borra | In "Mickey's House of Villains", Prince John joined his fellow villains to take over the House of Mouse while singing the song "It's Our House Now!". Robin Hood Disney König. Alias DOR-15 | Luanne LeSeur | Nur für Erwachsene bestimmt sind. After tricking King Richard, into partaking in a crusade beyond England, Prince John becomes the acting monarch of England and quickly asserts his authority over the kingdom. Der tapfere Fuchs Robin Hood und sein Freund, der gutmütige Bär Little John, leben im Wald. By the time of the film, he had set his sights on the wealthy village of Nottingham and proceeded to assert his rule over the city. Chuckles | On a more humorous note, and owing to his love-hate relationship with his deceased mother, he cries out in agony whenever he insults her memory. Frozen Villains | Mr. Digger | Sofia the First Villains | As Robin Hood enters his castle he hears his voice, but fortunately, the sleepy Prince turns over and is seen to clutch tightly on a bag of coins. Old Joe | One notable appearance was in "Gone Goofy" when he popped up in response to Iago's request for any prince to kiss Abu awake after eating a poisoned apple. Ich schaue jede Woche mindestens einen Film - macht mich das zum Disney-Experten? John began complaining when he realized he was foiled again by Robin. Skeletons | Duke of Weselton | |Minerva | Sour Bill | Prince John is one of the few characters to lack a villain song. Nebula Ghosts | Despite his treacherous nature, he is also shown to be a cheerful, thoughtful and energetic character according to Sir Hiss, who at one point said that he "wasn't his usual cheerful self". Lucifer | Prinz Hans ist hinterlistig und opportunistisch, deswegen ist auch sein Penis so krumm. Cave of Wonders | Robin Hood und seine Freunde - sie leben in ihrem Versteck im Sherwood Forest - überfallen den Sheriff von Nottingham. At various times, John was destined for the Church, for an Italian marriage and for piecemeal lands that belonged to his brothers (and which they refused to give him). Bill Fawcett | Origin Alistair Patton | Morganians (Maxim Horvath, Abigail Williams, Sun Lok, Drake Stone & Marrok) | g Little John, grumpy Tuck and Robin's funny cousin Scarlett ; 22.03.2019 - Ausmalbilder von Robin Hood. Isaac | However, Robin caught on to this plan by eavesdropping on the Sheriff and his two vulture assistants, Trigger and Nutsy, and he and Little John agreed to trigger a jailbreak that night to save the Friar's life. Er will die Banditen ganz allein. Bandits | Rourke's Mercenaries (Helga Sinclair) | August 2020 Während Bienchen ihren Prinzen an der Seite von Arielle oder Aurora singend verführt, kämpft Jebba gegen Captain Hook oder Prinz John für die Gerechtigkeit. Prince John later obtained his father's trust, however, when he refused to aid his brothers in overthrow him and was almost chosen as heir to the throne. Chato | Eli Squinch | Hun Army (Xian Lang), Other Animated Movies Video games Mark Pierson | Sheriff of Nottingham (legend) | Prince John | Guy of Gisborne, Movies Lloyd Halverson | In 2013, Prince John took part in "Long Lost Friends Week" at the Magic Kingdom. Marina Del Rey | He is also shown to be a cheerful character according to Sir Hiss who at one point said he "wasn't his usual cheerful self". Unable to resist this opportunity to see his lost love again, Robin eagerly enrolled in the tournament, disguised as a stork while Little John disguised himself as a duke. H. U. Hennessy | Robin and his allies then fled into Sherwood Forest, much to the embarrassed prince's outrage. By the time of the film, he had set his sights on the wealthy village of Nottingham and proceeded to assert his rule over the city. Cardinal Richelieu | He was not above imprisoning his people if they failed to pay their taxes even after they gave up everything they had. Yzma | John Ratcliffe | Restaurants: The Friar's Nook Alice in Wonderland Villains | Percival C. McLeach | Lava Monster | Suzi | Kelly | Commander Heist | Neverland Pirates (Mr. Smee) | Peter Ustinov also did Prince John's German-language voice and played the similar character of Emperor Nero in the 1951 Christian epic. Maria Reynolds | Harpe Brothers | Robin Hood added further insult to the injury by making off with John's royal robe, leaving him in nothing but long underwear (so that he couldn't do anything to deter Robin Hood and Little John). He ordered his minions to kill Robin, causing a large fight to break out within the castle. Little Einsteins Villains | Charles "Trout" Walker | Zeke Midas Wolf | Additionally, Peter Ustinov, his final voice actor, also plays his older brother, King Richard, but in a more noble-like tone as opposed to John's cowardly-like tone of voice. Aaron Burr | Diese hochwertige SVG-Datei ist bereit, mit jeder Schneidemaschine zu verwenden, so brechen Sie Ihre Cricut, Silhouette, oder was auch immer Sie haben und bekommen Handwerk! Hyena Clan (2019) (Shenzi, Kamari & Azizi) | Lion | El Diablo | The Owl House Villains | Sheep Cops | Meredith Blake | Villains. Supervisor | Prince John makes rare, occasional meet-and-greets at various Disney theme parks. In England herrscht der habgierige und gemeine Prinz John. Madame Leota | Heath | Pony Sugrue | Ms. Stout | Prinz Phillip ist der Prinz, der Aurora heiratet. King Richard (older brother)Eleanor of Aquitaine † (mother)Maid Marian (niece)Robin Hood (nephew-in-law) Kazar | John Merrick | This also indicates his lack of physical ability, as he is disarmed so easily and quite frail. Lazlo | Sarousch | Sparky | Kendall Duncan | Toy Santa | Home Vogons | Lil Lightning | Bill Bluff | Delancy Brothers | UsurpationTortureCorruptionTreasonAbuseEmbezzlementUnfair imprisonmentAttempted murder. Sergeant Clairbourne | Zeus | Li Shang („Mulan“) 7. Davy Jones | Joseph Pulitizer | Flotsam & Jetsam | Jacques von Hamsterviel | Tal Hajus | Derweil hat Prinz John einen Plan gefasst, um Robin Hood ein für alle Mal das Handwerk zu legen. He even sucked his thumb loudly while sleeping (much to Hiss' disgust). Ruler of England (temporarily)King Richard's greedy brotherRobin Hood's enemyPrisoner Arawn | Perfekt als Geschenk zu geben oder zu In the battle that followed, Robin and his friends defeated John's minions and destroyed the tournament grounds, forcing John to cower behind a barrel of ale. 1 2 3 HAUS DES WEISSEN KANINCHENS HERZKÖNIGIN INNENHOF DES PALASTS HECKENLABYRINTH TULGEY-WALD SPIELZIEL DER HERZKÖNIGIN Stelle an jedem Ort deines Reichs ein Krockettor auf und mache einen erfolgreichen ABSCHLAG. Die Zeichentrickversion (Dornröschen) unterscheidet sich dabei klar vorn der Realfilmversion (Maleficent-Filme). Television programs Top-Preise für Robin Wood - Über 180 Mio . Queen Narissa | Princess Irmaplotz | The film features the voices of Brian Bedford, Phil Harris, Peter Ustinov, Pa… When Robin won the tournament as John had planned, after recognizing him when shaking his hand, he unmasked his enemy in front of the crowd and had him arrested and sentenced to "immediate death". Vermithrax Pejorative | Hamilton Villains | Captain Nemo | Snow White Villains | Judge Doom | Coachman | James Madison | Thantos DuBaer | The Lion King Villains | Gustav the Giant | General Otmin | Lyle Tiberius Rourke | Maid Marian had no love for the prince and desperately wished to see Robin again, while at the same time fearing that he had forgotten all about her. Flynn Rider („Rapunzel – Neu verföhnt“) 5. Comte de Rochefort | Wolves | Prince John appears as one of the residents of Oh My Disney. Der Film wurde 1974 für den Song Love für einen Oscar in der Kategorie Bester Filmsong nominiert und erhielt 1976 die Goldene Leinwand. Surrounded by a very large army of henchmen, he easily robs the people of England of all they have, causing misery and despair among the population. Jesse | Mr. Dawes Sr. | Hades | Weasels | Morgana le Fay | Robin Hood König Diebe Kostüm zum kleinen Preis hier bestellen. Taxes. Oswald Gardner | Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go! He is based on the real-life King John of England. He talks in his sleep, he makes groan-like sounds, and sucks his thumb loudly while sleeping (much to Hiss' disgust). Princess Mombi | The real-life Prince John/King John I/John Plantagenet was actually a highly capable, effectual, and intelligent monarch who signed the Magna Carta. 10 Disney-Prinzen nach ihrer Hotness sortiert 1. Anastasia Tremaine | Marvel Cinematic Universe Villains | Swinburne | Kuala | Ram Thug | Mama Gunda | Type of Villain Tetti-Tatti | Facilier's Shadow | Tess Tyler | Sinon Bar Sinister | His sword During his journey to Nottingham, Prince John ran across two fortune tellers (actually Robin Hood and Little John in clever disguises) and eagerly accepted their offer to tell him his fortunes (despite Sir Hiss warning him of the possible danger). John shied away from battle when challenged by French forces, and his allies in the north were defeated in a decisive clash with Philip Augustus. Halloween: Kooky Spooky Halloween Night, Other Disney Animation Villains: Pete • Big Bad Wolf • Lonesome Ghosts • Mortimer Mouse • Magic Mirror • Honest John • Gideon • Stromboli • Monstro • Pink Elephants • Ringmaster • The Headless Horseman • Lady Tremaine • Anastasia Tremaine • Drizella Tremaine • Lucifer • Cheshire Cat • Card Soldiers • Mr. Smee • Si and Am • Aunt Sarah • Diablo • Jasper and Horace • Madam Mim • Kaa • Shere Khan • Edgar Balthazar • Prince John • Sir Hiss • Sheriff of Nottingham • Heffalumps • Woozles • Madame Medusa • Brutus and Nero • Amos Slade • Horned King • Professor Ratigan • Felicia • Sykes • Flotsam and Jetsam • Percival C. McLeach • Gaston • Iago • Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed • Governor Ratcliffe • Claude Frollo • Pain and Panic • Fates • Shan Yu • Clayton • Sabor • Yzma • Lyle Tiberius Rourke • Captain Gantu • Dr. Jumba Jookiba • John Silver • Scroop • Bowler Hat Guy • Doris • Lawrence • Dr. Facilier's Shadow • Mother Gothel • Stabbington Brothers • King Candy • Sour Bill • Hans • Duke of Weselton • Yokai • Bellwether • Tamatoa Prinz John gewinnt leichter, die Herzkönigin schwerer als die anderen Vier. Dijon | Peter Pan Villains | The Bear | Andrei Strasser | Prince John has made numerous appearances in House of Mouse along with other characters. John labeled Robin a traitor to the crown, but was openly insulted by Robin, who shouted alongside the villagers, "Long live King Richard!" Background information Kissin' Kate Barlow | Prince John likely knew the result of this; he was not seeking to get even more money, rather he was aware that most, if not all of the citizens of Nottingham would be sent to the dungeon as they could not afford such a crushing tax rate. Sarah Sanderson | Dieses Kunstdruck ist aus meiner original endigitalen Zeichnung von Prinz John und Sir Hiss von Robin Hood gemacht. Turbo | Wolf Arrowmen | Tick Tock | ", (After Heard What Sheriff Of Nottingham Said About The Whole Village Is Singing) “Oh, They Are, Are They?” “Well, They’ll Be Singing In A Different Tune!”, (yells at the Sheriff of Nottingham bloody murder) ", (to Hiss as he comes with his plan to bait Robin Hood with Friar Tuck's execution) ", (when insulted by both Robin Hood and Skippy) ", (to the disguised Little John when Robin Hood, as the stork, hits the target) ", (after Sir Hiss reminds him of his mother after throwing a mirror on him) ".