The seventh son must come from an unbroken line with no female siblings born between and, in turn, be born to such a seventh son. John Gregory was born in the Anglezarke Moor, where he later moved to 13 Watery Lane, Horshaw, where he and his family grew up. Later, the Spook and Tom must battle a stone-chucking boggart that has taken residence at a local farm. When the Spook and Tom arrive at the farm, they discover that Tom's mother has allied herself with Pendle witches. John Gregory was born in the Anglezarke Moor, where he later moved to 13 Watery Lane, Horshaw, where he and his family grew up. Human The Spook's memory of the trap is erased, and he along with Tom, Arkwright, and Alice flee the Ordeen's lair after Tom's mother sacrifices herself to destroy the deity. He introduced Tom to the Chipenden house, including the resident boggart and the witches trapped in pits in the garden. The seventh son of a seventh son is a concept from folklore regarding special powers given to, or held by, such a son. However he displays an open-mind to all his apprentices and shows pride in their accomplishments. Despite this, John appears to like Bill in the end, being saddened by his death and being willing to go through several setbacks when trying to rescue him after being kidnapped by water witches. Relationships Tom agrees to accompany his mother to Greece, along with Pendle witches that include Alice and Grimalkin. The Spook orders Tom to renew a pact with the boggart, in order to protect the house from incoming attackers. Master Gregory: You are the seventh son, of the seventh son. Master Gregory is a man who has lived his entire life waiting for a deadly showdown with the supernatural, only to realize that his life is waning and the ... the last Seventh Son. The party returns to Arkwright's home, but the Fiend captures the entire group there. The Spook and Tom learn that recalling the Bane to the catacombs once more will result in its permanent imprisonment, but the Spook resolves to slay it as well for safe measure; the person who delivers the killing stroke will surely die from the backlash of released energy. Now, with just one week to go until the blood moon is full and Malkin's powers will reach their peak, Gregory must seek out the seventh son of a seventh son and train him as his new apprentice. In this book, some of the Spook's dalliances with women -- particularly with the lamia witch Meg Skelton -- come to light. "Are you ready to learn, lad?" John, Alice, Arkwright, and Tom search the Ordeen's lair for the deity herself, but fall into a trap of hundreds of feral lamias. In the letters, Tom's mother begs John to reconsider his stance on alliances with the dark. English They rescue him, but the ordeal has left the Spook greatly weakened, and his psyche is damaged. The house was haunted by the ghasts of a miner and his wife. Tom strikes the deal successfully. He’s a seventh son who also happens to be the child of a witch—a lineage that endows the boy with visions and otherworldly powers that even an old Spook like Gregory can’t fully understand. John Gregory, who is a seventh son of a seventh son and also the local spook, has protected the country from witches, boggarts, ghouls and all manner of things that go bump in the night. Tom uses the hero swords to cut off the Fiend's thumb bones, and the Fiend's powers are destroyed completely. A former apprentice of the spook who turned to the dark, and tried to raise Golgoth. In a time of enchantments when legends and magic collide, the sole remaining warrior of a mystical order travels to find a prophesized hero born with incredible powers, the last Seventh Son. Grey (black eyebrows) Enemy soldiers have attacked the County, and local press gangs roam seeking to force young new recruits into the army. Old GregoryMr. A former apprentice of the Spook, Judd Brinscall, arrives at Chipenden from his long journey in Romania. Many years ago, she was captured by John Gregory, but was freed. The Spook and Tom capture a mage, who confesses his death will kickstart the ritual to raise Pan. Furious with Tom's delay, Morgan captures the apprentice and steals the grimoire. The spook's opinion on Bill are almost completely unknown, the few things the spook has said about Arkwright are about his disapproval of his harsh behavior towards the apprentices he takes on for six months, mentioning how he had previously never wanted to send another boy into his training, but changing his mind later and sending Tom to spend the late fall and winter with him. The Spook is outraged, stating that an alliance with the dark in order to beat the dark can only result in Tom's corruption. Most have failed to survive. The spook often acts distant and professional towards Tom, rarely praising him incase it causes Tom to become too proud or arrogant, but occasionally shares the odd joke with his apprentice. Tom narrowly rescues the Spook with Alice's help but remains behind in the house with Meg and Meg's lamia sister in order to find the grimoire. The Spook and Tom receive a letter from Tom's mother, asking them to visit her on Tom's family farm. John believes the dark is best faced on a nearly empty stomach to remain sharp, alert, and preserve discipline. The Spook and Grimalkin raise an army to go the Wardstone, where the Fiend's supporters plan to reunite his head with his body. The Spook's Seventh Apprentice characters,, Over the course of certain events, such as being defeated by Bony Lizzie over three times, the Spook has weakened to the point where he considers sending Tom out on the more dangerous jobs. With the Bane growing stronger, the Spook feels it his duty to slay the monster. In response, the Spook and Tom travel to Anglezarke to spend the winter months there. We encourage you to read our updated PRIVACY POLICY and COOKIE POLICY. Directed by Sergei Bodrov. Before John can confront the Bane, he is captured by the Quisitor's men and nearly burned to death; Alice frees the Bane from the catacombs and unleashes it on the Quisitor's men, saving the Spook just in time. The Spook and Tom contemplate a ritual outlined by Tom's mam that involves the three Destiny Blades and will destroy the Fiend permanently. When she finds out, she decides to go home to Greece, and John is heartbroken. Most have failed to survive. Affiliation(s) He considered the library the most precious artifact of the Chipenden Spooks. Traveling to a secluded farm, he finds Tom Ward (Ben Barnes) and pays the boy's parents a tidy sum in exchange for their youngest son. Anticipating Morgan's course of action, the Spook changed the wording in the grimoire, which Morgan did not realize, since he had never completed his training and fully learned the language of the grimoire, resulting in the botched summoning and his death. John Gregory steht ihr noch im Wege. John Gregory Although John's powers are rapidly declining, Tom's powers are starting to accelerate their growth. With Ben Barnes, Julianne Moore, Jeff Bridges, Alicia Vikander. When the army reaches the Wardstone, Alice and Lukrasta unite their powers to unleash a massive wave of dark energy. The spooks former true love, although a lamia witch John could not bear putting her in a pit. The Spook, Alice, and Tom sail for Ireland since enemy soldiers still occupy the County. The Fiend is trapped and powerless, as long as his head remains separate from his body. When he told his father of the cries, his father didn’t believe him and beat him for lying. Andrew Gregory (brother)Paul Gregory (brother)Father Gregory (brother)Three unnamed brothers Male The Spook, Tom, Alice, and Father Stocks travel to Pendle, where the Spook splits off from the rest of the group to gather intelligence on the witches. When John leaves Anglezarke, he gives her a large dose of the medicine, which puts her into a coma-like state until he returns the next winter. He is bound to a very strict moral code and does not approve of using the "dark", even for the "greater good". Tom buries his master in the western garden of Chipenden, where he had once enjoyed sitting with Meg and often taught his apprentices there, too. Seventh Son. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Tom is once again captured by the Celtic witch, who abandons him in the domain of the god, the Morrigan. The Spook gives her a tea with special substances to make her forget she is a witch, until she is not given the tea and she realizes she was fooled. The last hope is a young farmer's son named Thomas Ward. Film Seventh Son (2014) ceritanya sangat menarik dan pastinya seru, sebelum download pastikan internet stabil. She believes John's training is Tom's best chance of survival, and Tom is the only person capable of one day destroying the Fiend. Tools and Weapons The Spook learns the true nature of the ritual meant to destroy the Fiend, and he and Tom agree they cannot go through with it. By the time he rejoins with the party, Father Stocks has been murdered by Wurmalde, a Greek witch who was once enemies with Tom's mother and is leading the faction that is trying to unite the witch clans to raise the Fiend. Many times the Spook tries to get rid of Alice, either by pit, banishment, or simply sending her away. Gregory happens upon them and requests that Tom join him as his new apprentice, for he is the seventh son of a seventh son. Dieser zeigt erst seine menschliche Seite, kämpft dann … Left However it also changes for the better as you see Tom start to take over from John and he simply mentors him, and becomes a type of father figure to him. The Spook raises an army to confront the Pendle clans on Halloween night before they can raise the fiend. Partner(s) During the battle, John is slain by enemy forces, but not in vain. In the past, she hobbled the Fiend so that if he killed Tom himself, he would be forced back into the dark after only a century. The Spook's Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. Books It is loosely based on the novel The Spook's Apprentice (titled The Last Apprentice: Revenge of the Witch in the United States) by Joseph Delaney. Jibbers are unable to be dealt with using the normal County Spook method, and John reluctantly allows Alice to use magic to free the trapped ghosts. Grimalkin hatches a plan with the Spook and Tom to bind the fiend in a pit with silver spears. The Spook notices Alice and Tom refuse to be apart; he doesn't realize this is because any separation of Alice from Tom, and his blood jar, will result in the Fiend immediately dragging her into the dark. Gender Green Spoilers from the books and/or film to follow! The story has everything, from […] She regrouped with her sister, Lizzie, and her followers, including Radu, and aimed to take over the world. Gregory was born as Ildebrando di Sovana in Sovana, in the county of Grosseto, now southern Tuscany, central Italy.The historian Johann Georg Estor made the claim that he was the son of a blacksmith. She was ultimately killed by Tom Ward. Master Gregory (Jeff Bridges) wields a longsword throughout the Sergey Bodrov’s fantasy film, Seventh Son (2014). That gives Gregory only seven days to find a new seventh son of a seventh son to become his apprentice — leading him to Tom (Ben Barnes), a young … The sword is in good condition with … The Spook's ApprenticeThe Spook's CurseThe Spook's Secret, Billy Bradley (29th)Bill ArkwrightHenry BurrowsMorgan HurstJames FowlerJudd BrinscallFather StocksAndy CuerdenWill Johnson (7th)Benjamin Roberts (1st)Paul Preston (2nd)Brian Houghton (6th), Paul Gregory (brother)Father Gregory (brother)Three unnamed brothers. Tom and Alice stop at Tom's family farm, where they defeat Mother Malkin once and for all, but the Spooks learns Alice used a mirror -- dark magic. As the series goes on, the relationship changes often. Three times he confronts her, and each time he is beaten easily. John also gave Tom the piece of advice to "never trust girls with pointy shoes.". The grip is textured to represent a leather style wrap. However, they learn that the Fiend's supporters have taken the Fiend's head from Grimalkin and left her for dead. The Spook is too weak to return with Tom to fight the Romanian dark entities. In their ensuing adventures, Bony Lizzie, who also came to the island, kills the mage and accidentally taps into a massive cache of magical power built by the buggane, a demon that harvests energy. Tom leaves to fetch a wagon to transport books, while the Spook is left alone with Mistress Fresque, who turns out to be a strigoi, a Romanian demon very much like a vampire. Early life. Seventh Son is a movie starring Ben Barnes, Julianne Moore, and Jeff Bridges. When Mother Malkin, the queen of evil witches, escapes the pit she was imprisoned in by professional monster hunter Spook decades ago and kills his apprentice, he recruits young Tom, the seventh son of the seventh son, to help him. At the beginning of the novel, the Spook receives news that his old flame, Emily Burns, has passed, and his former apprentice Morgan, who failed his training, sends him a threatening letter. Luckily, Tom had slain the witch with the Spook's rowan staff, and the Spook forgave Tom for his mistake. He brings them tidings of a friend, Mistress Fresque, who possesses a large library and is willing to sell some of its contents to the Spook. He is extremely mistrustful of Alice but asks Tom to take her to relatives in Staumin. Born On the return to Chipenden, the Spook finds his home wrecked by enemy soldiers. However John is not young anymore, and has been seeking an apprentice to carry on his trade. Appearances The two reconcile. He proposes a deal to Tom: If Tom can defeat Morwena and her host of water witches, Tom's friends go free; if Morwena kills Tom, the Fiend will slay all his friends. The Spook is separated from Alice and Tom, who are captured by the local mage. Morgan also confides in Tom that he is the Spook's seventh son by Emily Burns. He inscribes the tombstone with the words "Here lies John Gregory, the greatest of the County Spooks.". When she retaliated against them using magic, and was prepared to continue to do so, the Spook decided to give her a special drug rather than bind her in a pit; the drug causes Meg to forget she is a witch, and makes her often drowsy. Natürlich sieht Seventh Son nicht schlecht aus, wenn Special-Effect-Gewitter heraufbeschworen werden oder riesige Drachen ihr Unwesen treiben. Seventh Son boasts solid action set-pieces and stunning production design. His attempt to raise Golgoth fails, however, and results in his death. Tom follows him against his wishes and stabs the Bane through the heart first, but is brought back to life by Alice. Tom relays this news to the Spook, who, dismayed, laments that his letting Alice go might prove to be his biggest mistake ever. 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The Spook leaves the decision up to Tom whether to send Alice to her relatives or bind her in a pit, and Tom chooses the former. The spook disagrees with a lot of her ways, but appears to have a great underlying respect for Mrs.Ward, shown when he bows to her in the first book. The spook strongly distrusts Alice, causing them to have a highly strained relationship; but it is hinted that they share a sense of humour, when Alice laughs loudly at one of his jokes about Tom's cooking. Tibbs confesses that he told the witch clans that Tom, once fully grown, would pose a great threat to the dark, and recommended that once they raise the Fiend, they should compel him to kill Tom. The Spook is only swayed once Arkwright, grateful to Tom and Alice that his mother has been freed, argues on her behalf. John Gregory was a famous spook from the County that spent his life fighting the dark in the Chipenden area. Gregory finds his latest apprentice in Tom Ward (Ben Barnes, “Sons of Liberty”), a seventh son of a seventh son. John appeared to trust Paul when he was a child, telling each other about their nightmares and trusting one another to wake them up before the nightmare ended. The Seventh Son of the Seventh Son 'Tom Ward' (Ben Barnes) seemingly the son of simple farmers is sought out and paid for by 'Master Gregory' (Jeff Bridges) the sole remaining warrior of the Mystical Order (A Spook) to serve as his apprentice. Profession However John is not young anymore, and has been seeking an apprentice to carry on his trade. A group of land owners ask John for his help in defeating the Irish Mages, who conduct a ritual that taps into the power of the god Pan, and sow chaos in the land. When ‘Seventh Son‘ first hit the theaters in 2014, the fantasy film caused some ripples. He is shown to be a very strict man and does not like anyone who doesn't follow his rules. John Gregory (Jeff Bridges) adalah satu-satunya ksatria Spook yang tersisa. In the end, the group is only able to beat Bony Lizzie through the intervention of a benign "bird witch." Many fled the house, but some stayed on. Eager to rebuild the Chipenden library, the Spook and Tom journey to Mistress Fresque's home. Morgan successfully raises Golgoth but at the cost of his life, for the spook changed the inscriptions, in case Morgan ever tried again his life and soul would be sucked out by Golgoth. Tom agrees to the deal only if the Fiend frees Arkwright's mother from her imprisonment as a ghost on earth. He returns with Tom and Alice to Chipenden. Everything in between is trite, thoughtless and far beneath its talented cast. John Gregory, who is a seventh son of a seventh son and also the local spook, has protected his country from witches, boggarts, ghouls and all manner of things that go bump in the night.