The first webpage that a web browser displays when the browser is opened. : the page typically encountered first on a website that usually contains links to the other pages of the site. Malicious Software: Worms, Trojans and Bots, Oh My! It may be written as homepage as well. Inhalte einer Unternehmenswebsite A web page is a document that is suitable for the World Wide Web and web browsers. Other pages may have a hyperlink to the homepage in the header or footer of the page. [2] Zur Webpräsenz gehören Webseiten und optional vorhandene herunterladbare Dokumente. A home page (or homepage) is the main web page of a website . Animate the presentation of your logo.It’s not only passé, it can be problematic for the user experience. The homepage or home page is the name of the main page of a website where visitors can find hyperlinks to other pages on the site. noun. The home page is located in the root directory of a website. These websites are geared around more actionable information and may contain “how to’s”, tips and tricks, fix and repair, guidance, support information, directions, instructions, etc. Below are the steps and keyboard shortcuts to get back to your browser's home. Dear all, According to Longman dictionary of comtemporary English, HOMEPAGE means "the first page of a website, which often contains links to other pages on that website".Nowadays, however, it seems to me that it can be used to refer to a whole website… This chart graphs webpage vs. web page in English books since the year 1800. Well written website page descriptions are a necessary part of achieving higher rankings and, more importantly, they’re one of the key factors that entice searchers to click through to your website. | Editor-in-Chief for When the Internet and browsers were first introduced, finding things on the Internet was not as easy or fast as it is today. Finally, you can also close your browser and all open. Tech moves fast! For the time being, stick with web page.. Startseite einer Internetpräsenz. For example, visiting will display the Tech Terms home page. Web managers can control the home page as a way of directing the user experience. Website ist die Bezeichnung für einen kompletten Internetauftritt im Internet. However, most people and style guides today use "homepage" (one word) when talking about the main page of a website. In addition, the home page often serves to orient visitors by providing titles, headlines and images and visuals that show what the website is about, and in some cases, who owns it and maintains it. Die Website besteht aus … Definition - Was ist Homepage: Mit dem Begriff 'Homepage' wird im eigentlichen Sinne nur die Start- bzw. A blog is an information-based website that revolves around a specific topic. Eine Website ([ˈvɛpsaɪt],[1] auch [ˈwɛpsaɪt] oder englisch [ˈwɛbˌsaɪt]), auch Webpräsenz, Webauftritt oder Webangebot, ist die unter einer individuellen Webadresse erreichbare Präsenz eines Anbieters von Telemedien im weltweiten Netz (World Wide Web). By clicking sign up, you agree to receive emails from Techopedia and agree to our terms of use and privacy policy. Stay ahead of the curve with Techopedia! A home page is the initial or main web page of a website. Once either of these options is done, pressing Enter would open the homepage. Encrypted Messenger Apps: Are Any Actually Safe? The homepage or home page is the name of the main page of a website where visitors can find hyperlinks to other pages on the site. A home page may also be referred to as a "front page," "welcome page," or "landing page.". The plural of web page is web pages.. Eine Website besteht aus mehreren Webseiten. To get to the homepage of a website all depends on how each of the web pages is designed. Eine Webseite besteht in den meisten Fällen aus einer Startseite bzw. Information and translations of homepage in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Definition of Home Page in the dictionary. By: Devin Partida A website is a collection of web pages that are linked together. An archive website is a site that keeps a record of the contents of one or more other websites. Style guides that use "home page" include: Microsoft Manual of Style and Oxford Dictionary of Computing. Definition of home page. Typically when you search for something on the Internet and visit a web page (like this one), you're visiting a sub-page and not the website's homepage. 5 Factors From Each Side of the Debate, Bitcoin, Ripple, Ethereum: Comparing the Top 3 Cryptocurrencies. A single homepage showing many offers confuses visitors. More example sentences. This definition is also listed under presence, site and Website.. A Web site is a related collection of World Wide Web (WWW) files that includes a beginning file called a home page.A company or an individual tells you how to get to their Web site by giving you the address of their home page. ... particularly a personal web site. Definition Website Bei der Website handelt es sich um die komplette Webpräsenz mit allen zur Verfügung gestellten Dokumenten. [1] Anders ausge… Nimmt man das englische Wort Homepage wörtlich (Home = Heim, Zuhause, Ausgangsposition; Page = Seite), kann man es am besten mit Einstiegsseite oder kurz *Startseite* übersetzen, also einer zentralen Komponente eines Internetauftritts. The opening or main page of a website, intended chiefly to greet visitors and provide information about the site or its owner. ‘There's plenty of interactivity, with message boards, chat rooms, individual home pages and regular polls.’. Standard web pages don’t have a commenting section. If you were to search for "Computer Help" from your browser's home and clicked the Computer Hope link, you would be directed to our website homepage. By default, the homepage on all web servers is index.html; however, it can also be index.htm, index.php, or whatever the developer decides. By default, the homepage on all web servers is index.html; however, it can also be index.htm, index.php, or whatever the developer decides. Why It’s Brilliant. In the address bar, erase everything after the website's domain (as shown below) or determine the domain (e.g., and enter that into the address bar. A web browser displays a web page on amonitor or mobile device. Its goals are usually to: 1. Oftmals wird das Wort "Homepage" aber auch als Synonym für die gesamte Internetpräsenz genutzt. A home page is the default or front page of a site. homepage, about us page, contact page, etc) that are linked together. Website ist ein zusammengesetztes Wort aus den Begriffen World Wide Web und Site (dt. The purpose of an information centric website is to convey specific, helpful information to a specific user/audience so that the reader learns something new or understands a topic better. When to Use Website. Data Breach Notification: The Legal and Regulatory Environment, Privacy Issues in the New Big Data Economy, Considering a VPN? It is the first page that visitors see when they load a URL. The 5 Programming Languages That Built the Internet, Parachains and the Internet of Blockchains. alle Seiten über Hyperlinks erreicht werden können, die der Besitzer der Homepage zum Abruf bereitstellen will. or home page (hōm′pāj′) n. 1. 1) For a Web user, the home page is the first Web page that is displayed after starting a Web browser like Netscape's Navigator or Microsoft's Internet Explorer. In fact, The AP Stylebook lists web page as the preferred spelling. Somit handelt es sich um den Auftritt einer Firma, Organisation, Privatperson, eines Projekt etc. For example, you may have Google as your browser's home to open a search when you first open the browser. Web managers can control the home page as a … Terms of Use - Other important things to consider are including a company phone number, contact information, and the website's most popular web pages. The Internet Archive is the best example of an archive website.. Blog (weblog) A blog is a website that is often created by an individual to keep a list of entries that interests them. Should I use "homepage" or "home page" in my writing? Copyright © 2021 1. A browser home is a default document displayed when you first open your browser. Im weiteren Sinne wird Homepage auch als Bezeichnung für einen gesamten Internetauftritt verwendet und mit der Website gleichgesetzt. A home page is a webpage that serves as the starting point of website. However, there are a few basic terms you need to understand at the outset, since you'll hear these expressions all the time as you read on. Website definition, a connected group of pages on the World Wide Web regarded as a single entity, usually maintained by one person or organization and devoted to a single topic or several closely related topics. 1. Definition Website. Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter! The truth is, most one-page websites don’t thrive as much as those that use a homepage in a more effective way. Privacy Policy. There is much debate on whether short or long homepages work better. These... We aim to be a site that isn't trying to be the first to break news stories, Meaning of Home Page. Standort). 1 The introductory page of a website, typically serving as a table of contents for the site. For most websites, the majority of visitors who visit never visit the homepage. Some users may refer to the opening screen they see after booting a computer as the homepage. Pave the Way to a Clutter-Free Website. Below is an example of how you could get back to the Computer Hope page by manipulating this page's address. Place it on the top left. Wieso Homepage/Startseite nun synonym für den gesamten Auftritt verwendet wird, ka… 6 Examples of Big Data Fighting the Pandemic, The Data Science Debate Between R and Python, Online Learning: 5 Helpful Big Data Courses, Behavioral Economics: How Apple Dominates In The Big Data Age, Optimizing Legacy Enterprise Software Modernization, How Remote Work Impacts DevOps and Development Trends, Machine Learning and the Cloud: A Complementary Partnership. View full term. but instead help you better understand technology and — we hope — make better decisions as a result. A long-term winning strategy is to use your homepage as a door that leads the way to the great content on your website. See our weblog definition for a full description, services used to create a blog, and related pages. What does Home Page mean? How to prevent or fix a web browser being hijacked. Immediately make it clear what you do 4. Archive website. Webpage vs Website. These posts are often text-based and displayed in reverse chronological order so that the most recent posts appear at the top of the blog’s home page. Is it Time for Your Business to Accept Bitcoin? Dies ist in der Regel auch die Seite, die Sie sehen, wenn Sie eine Webseite aufrufen. 2. A home page is part of the natural way that the Internet has emerged to oriented Web users and help them navigate all of the many sites on the global network. home page noun computing (on a website) the main document relating to an individual or institution that provides introductory information about a website with links to the actual details of services or information provided Ideally, your website homepage should include a link to all pages or for a big website (over 100 pages) all sections. FrontPage, Home, Internet, Internet terms, Web page. Der Begriff Homepage bezeichnet strenggenommen die Haupt-, bzw. Help them realize they’re in the right place 3. Most web pages (including this one) allows visitors to get back to the homepage by clicking the company logo in the top-left corner of the page. Will Bitcoin Survive? Meaning of homepage. It is the default webpage that loads when you visit a web address that only contains a domain name. It's easy to confuse these terms sometimes since they refer to related but different functionalities. Progression gameplay depends heavily on checkpoints that a character must reach to advance to the next level. Mit Homepage (engl., wörtlich übersetzt Zuhauseseite) wird eine Webseite bezeichnet, die für eine ganze Internetpräsenz steht. Join nearly 200,000 subscribers who receive actionable tech insights from Techopedia. It is sometimes calledmain page. However, you can set it … Also nicht nur alle Einzelseiten, sondern genauso um eventuell bereitgestellten Download-Dateien (PDF etc. See more. 1. Make the Right Choice for Your Needs. The home page of a website is the opening page, usually located at your main website URL. page. For these pages, you'll need to edit the webpage's address (URL). If you have never created a website or blog, the above definition of a homepage may be confused with a browser homepage (home). Techopedia is a part of Janalta Interactive. However, it's still an important part of a website because those visitors who visit the homepage need a way to understand what your website offers. The browser home was created so people could open their browser to web portals or their favorite website to get to what interests them. Einstiegsseite einer Webseite bezeichnet. Although many people still use their browser's homepage every day, more people are using a search (e.g., Google) as their homepage and searching for what interests them and using bookmarks. As you browse the Internet, there may come a time that you want to get back to your browser's home. In fact, you'll sometimes see these terms misused in news reports and elsewhere, so getting them mixed up is under… It’s easy to consume. Get creative with placement.Heat map testing tools consistently indicate top-left is a common hot spot on the page. As with any area of knowledge, the web comes with a lot of jargon. What does homepage mean? However, this screen is more properly referred to as the desktop. A home page is the default or front page of a site. Guide visitors further into the websiteHome pages can be long or short, containing a lot of information or just a little, depending on your goals.Keep in mind that the home page is not always the first page th… Enlarge your logo into a billboard.You may love your logo, but m… im weltweiten Netz. Homepage sowie einer oder mehreren Unterseiten. Style guides that use "homepage" include: International Literacy Association, The Associated Press Stylebook, and The Guardian.