Siehe auch [ Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten ] Latest Prince William and Kate news including baby Prince Louis. His Royal Highness also plays a lead role in moments of national Remembrance, by laying a wreath at the Remembrance Day ceremony at the Cenotaph in Central London, and also attending significant services across the UK, Europe, Realms and the Commonwealth. His Royal Highness is married to The Duchess of Cambridge, Catherine, with whom he has three children, Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis. 2008 besuchte er britische Truppen in Afghanistan. ⚭ 1923 statt. He left Eton in 2000 with A Levels in Geography, Biology and History of Art. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, Prince William and Princess Kate, visit Cardiff castle (Image: WalesOnline/Rob Browne) Sign up to our newsletter for daily updates and breaking news Juni 2012 wurde er als Royal Knight Companion in den schottischen Distelorden (KT) aufgenommen.[40]. Organisation seeking to protect and improve playing fields and other recreational spaces in the UK. ⚭ 1884 März 1997 wurde Prinz William in der St.-Georgs-Kapelle in Schloss Windsor gefirmt. William und seine Ehefrau besuchten Berlin, Heidelberg und Hamburg. April 2011 in der Westminster Abbey in London statt. Royal Family. Finden Sie perfekte Stock-Fotos zum Thema Prince William, Duke Of Cambridge sowie redaktionelle Newsbilder von Getty Images. Through their programme of official engagements, both The Duke and Prince Harry have shone a light on the ongoing challenges facing service personnel making the transition to civilian life. Sources for William, Duke of Cambridge. Im September 2001 begann William ein vierjähriges Studium der Kunstgeschichte an der St Andrews University in Schottland. Lady Cynthia Hamilton (1897–1972), Maurice Roche, 4. ⚭ 1887 Infantry regiment of the Foot Guards of the British Army. He was given the title The Duke of Cambridge by The Queen on the day he married Miss Catherine Middleton in 2011. 2 Bihar Prabha , "The Mystery behind Eliza Kewark and her Linkage to India", (accessed 07/06/2013). Der britische Botschafter Sir Sebastian Wood erklärte, es sei „[...] der Anfang eines langen Verhältnisses zwischen dieser neuen Generation der Königsfamilie und Deutschland“ und es werde in Zukunft viele solcher Besuche geben. September 2017 wurde bekannt gegeben, dass Kate erneut schwanger ist. November 2020 wurde berichtet, dass William im April 2020 positiv auf das Coronavirus getestet wurde, sich jedoch entschied, die Medien und die Nation nicht zu alarmieren. Le prince William (ou Guillaume suivant la traduction française du prénom anglais3), né le 21 juin 1982 au St. Mary's Hos… Protecting the natural environment for future generations is one of Prince William’s key priorities. By Katie Sewell PUBLISHED: 15:28, Thu, … Er ist damit Mitglied der Church of England, deren Oberhaupt die Königin ist. Duke of Cambridge. Lord Kinnaird | Sie fühlen sich als Frankokanadier unterdrückt und forderten die Ausrufung einer Republik Kanada. An diese Ausbildung schloss sich ein Dienst bei einer „Search and Rescue“-Einheit auf dem RAF-Stützpunkt Valley[8] auf der Insel Anglesey in Wales an, der von 2010 bis September 2013 andauerte. Außerdem gehört er (über seinen Vater Prinz Charles und Großvater) auch dem Haus Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg an; einer Nebenlinie des Hauses Oldenburg. Baron Fermoy(1852–1920) Bei dieser Parade wurde er zum Leutnant (Second Lieutenant) ernannt. Mai 2011 die erblichen Peerstitel Duke of Cambridge, Earl of Strathearn und Baron Carrickfergus verliehen. Earl of Athlone | Ludwig Schubert u. Rolf Seelmann-Eggebert: Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 11. Am 16. ⚭ 1954–1969 (1895–1952) William, Duke of Cambridge, Orden, Ehrenzeichen und sonstige Auszeichnungen, Vereinigten Königreichs Großbritannien und Nordirland, HRH Princess Beatrice, Mrs. Mapelli Mozzi, Natalia Grosvenor, Duchess of Westminster, Claude Bowes-Lyon, 14. [3] Am 17. On 4 August 1982, Prince William Arthur Philip Louis was christened by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Robert Runcie, in the Music Room at Buckingham Palace. von Griechenland, Sir Laurens van der Post, Prinzessin Alexandra, Natalia Grosvenor, Duchess of Westminster, Norton Knatchbull, 8. Arthur Kinnaird, 11. Am 23. The Honourable Frances Roche (1936–2004), Charles, Prince of Wales (* 1948) [25], Der Prinz ist immer bei gemeinschaftlichen Auftritten der königlichen Familie, wie Trooping the Colour, anwesend. Januar 2008 unternahm er seinen ersten Alleinflug[4] und am 11. Prince William honours ‘incredible heroes’ fighting Covid in Syria. Februar 2011 wurde Prinz William zum Colonel-in-Chief (Ehrenoberst) der Irish Guards ernannt. Nach seinem Vater Prinz Charles steht er an zweiter Stelle der britischen Thronfolge. August 1982 im Musikzimmer des Buckingham-Palastes von Robert Runcie, dem Erzbischof von Canterbury, getauft. Club for drivers, providing insurance and other motoring services. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge appeared in a new video message to mark a … Außerdem gehört er (über seinen Vater Prinz Charles und Großvater) auch dem Haus Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksb… George Lascelles, 7. On the occasion of his marriage, The Queen conferred a Dukedom on Prince William of Wales. Like many students, The Duke of Cambridge chose to have a gap year before beginning his university course in order to travel and gain a variety of new experiences. [30] Im direkten Anschluss an den neuntägigen Besuch in Kanada folgte ein dreitägiger Aufenthalt in Los Angeles, wo eine Gala für britische Film- und Fernsehstars in Hollywood auf dem Programm stand. Der Kensington-Palast wurde nach einem Umbau zum neuen Domizil der Eheleute. Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh gestures as he is followed by Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry with Meghan arriving to … The Duke undertakes a number of Royal duties in support of, and at times on behalf of, The Queen in a variety of ways. In October 2020, His Royal Highness launched The Earthshot Prize – a new global prize for the environment – the most ambitious and prestigious of its kind – designed to incentivise change and help to repair our planet over the next 10 years. The Duke shares a common association with a number of these institutions with The Queen, including The Royal Marsden and England's Football Association. [31], Am 23. Anlässlich seiner Hochzeit wurden ihm mit Urkunde vom 26. Get the latest news, photos and more on Prince William, the Duke of Cambridge, his wife the Duchess Kate and their three children Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis. Er ist Enkel der britischen Königin Elisabeth II. Heads Together was privileged to be the 2017 Virgin Money London Marathon Charity of the Year giving the campaign a positive platform to raise funds for the charity partners and to start millions of conversations about mental wellbeing. Promotes bird conservation through volunteer-based surveys of national birdlife. und Prinz Philip und gehört als Mitglied der britischen Königsfamilie dem Haus Windsor an. Im Jahr 1991 erlitt William einen Schädelbruch, als er von einem Golfschläger getroffen wurde. Dezember 2006 verließ Prinz William nach erfolgreicher Ausbildung die Akademie Sandhurst. Etwa 200 Demonstranten versammelten sich vor dem Rathaus der Stadt, wo das Paar an einer offiziellen Zeremonie teilnahm. The Duke is currently president or Royal Patron of nearly 30 organisations and institutions, which reflect his interest in their work, their importance to the nation, and issues he wishes to support. My grandfather’s century of life was defined by service – to his country and Commonwealth, to his wife and Queen, and to our family. The Duke of Cambridge is greatly inspired by the example of duty and leadership of his grandmother, The Queen and his father, The Prince of Wales. Prince William and Kate Middleton's heartfelt message for mental health campaign revealed. Some information on this website may be out of date following the recent announcement of the death of The Duke of Edinburgh. His Royal Highness is married to The Duchess of Cambridge, Catherine, with whom he has three children, Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis. Dezember 2012 erließ Königin Elisabeth per Letters Patent, dass alle Kinder von William und Kate die Titel Prinz bzw. Von 1995 bis 2000 besuchte er das elitäre Eton College. Mai 2015 wurde eine Tochter geboren; sie trägt den Namen Charlotte Elizabeth Diana of Cambridge. ⚭ 1919 Encourage school children to learn to swim and compete at several levels - for their school, their district and their country. Together with The Queen, The Prince of Wales and The Princess Royal, The Duke hosts Investitures at Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle throughout the year. Maria von Teck(1867–1953), Claude Bowes-Lyon, 14. [16] Der Sohn wurde am 22. The Duke of Cambridge has carried out a number of overseas visits, including to Realm and Commonwealth nations on behalf of The Queen, or to undertake an official tour to represent Britain at the request of the Government. Prinz William wurde am 4. Die Anti-Royalisten skandierten unter anderem „William, hau’ ab“ und „Nieder mit der Monarchie“. He received the titles Duke of Cambridge, Earl of Strathearn and Baron Carrickfergus. John Charles Clegg | It is The Duke's first honorary appointment in the Army, and His Royal Highness has become the Irish Guards’ first Royal Colonel. Prinz William wurde als ältester Sohn von Prinzessin Diana („Lady Di“) und Prinz Charles, Prince of Wales im St Mary’s Hospital im Londoner Stadtteil Paddington geboren. For his final dissertation, His Royal Highness chose to study the coral reefs of Rodrigues in the Indian Ocean. ⚭ 1893 As Patron of the Royal Air Force Battle of Britain Memorial Flight and Honorary Air Commandant of Royal Air Force Coningsby, His Royal Highness has also drawn attention to the crucial role played by UK air defence, alongside recognising and commemorating its important history. Er ist mit Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge verheiratet. After leaving operational duties with the Armed Forces, The Duke retrained to become an Air Ambulance Pilot and worked for East Anglian Air Ambulance from March 2015 until July 2017. The Duke of Cambridge (Prince William) is the second in line to the throne and the elder son of The Prince of Wales and Diana, Princess of Wales. In 2017 The Duke spearheaded the Heads Together mental health campaign with The Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry, leading a coalition of eight mental health charity partners to change the national conversation on mental health. Following various skill-based training exercises and exams, Flight Lieutenant Wales, as he was known in the RAF, joined C Flight, 22 Squadron at RAF Valley in Anglesey in September 2010 as a Search and Rescue Pilot. In 2012 Their Royal Highnesses visited Malaysia, Singapore, Solomon Islands and Tuvalu as part of Her Majesty The Queen's Diamond Jubilee year celebrations. HRH Prince William Arthur Philip Louis, Duke of Cambridge (* 21. During his time at Eton, Prince William was made a House Captain of Games, House Captain and Prefect. The Duke of Cambridge is committed to helping children and young people to build their skills, confidence and aspirations. [1][2] Am 15. Am 17. The family's official residence is Kensington Palace. The Duke also champions the benefits of equipping young people with essential skills and training to enhance both their personal and professional lives, in particular by highlighting youth-engaging programmes, such as those run by Coach Core and Skillforce, that work with the hard-to-reach and make a difference to young people and their surrounding communities. [9], Am 10. [15] Am 31. ⚭ 1894 William, Duke of Cambridge (* 1982) Titelerbe ( Heir apparent ) ist der älteste Sohn des aktuellen Titelinhabers, Prince George of Cambridge (* 2013). The official Instagram account of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, based at Kensington Palace. [26], Er ist Schirmherr oder Vorsitzender von neun gemeinnützigen Organisationen: Centrepoint (Hilfe für junge Obdachlose), The Tusk Trust (Hilfe für Afrika), The Football Association, The Welsh Rugby Union, The Royal Marsden Hospital, Mountain Rescue (Bergrettung), English School’s Swimming Association, The Lord Mayor’s Appeal und City Salute Appeal (Unterstützung für verletzte Soldaten). Prince George goes to school London, while Princess Charlotte attends nursery in London. The Duke of Cambridge was born at 9.03pm on 21 June 1982, at St Mary’s Hospital, Paddington, London. Im Studium war er Mitglied des Wasserballteams der schottischen Universitäten und nahm an Wettkämpfen teil. [38] Die drei Titel beziehen sich mit Cambridge in England, Strathearn in Schottland und Carrickfergus in Nordirland auf Orte in den drei Landesteilen des Vereinigten Königreichs. Mitglied dieses Ordens. [20] Damit wurde dessen Onkel Prinz Harry sechster der britischen Thronfolge hinter den drei Kindern von William. [24] The Daily Telegraph berichtete, er sei „sehr krank“ gewesen und habe sich von seiner Familie separiert. Von Januar bis April 2008 absolvierte er eine viermonatige Pilotenausbildung bei der Royal Air Force. [27], Am 30. Als Sohn des Prince of Wales führt er seit Geburt die Prädikate His Royal Highness („Seine Königliche Hoheit“) und Prince („Prinz“). Am dritten Tag des ersten offiziellen Auslandsbesuchs der Cambridges protestierten Separatisten im französischsprachigen Québec gegen die „königlichen Parasiten“. By Myriam Toua PUBLISHED: 22:54, Fri, Sep 4, 2020 [33][34][35] Experten schätzten den Besuch als Teil einer „Brexit-Diplomatie“ ein, um trotz des EU-Austritts die Verbindungen zu Europa zu stärken. 2002 entstand der US-amerikanische Spielfilm Prinz William – Zwischen Party und Protokoll, in dem William vom britischen Schauspieler Jordan Frieda verkörpert wurde. Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne, Prinz William – Zwischen Party und Protokoll, Offizieller Twitter-Account von Clarence House, Prince William flies solo during his RAF attachment, Twitter-Meldung des Kensington-Palastes über die Geburt, Prince William undergoes surgery for head injury, Covid-19: Prince William ‘tested positive in April’, Duke Cambridge addresses Ottawa crowd in French,,_Duke_of_Cambridge&oldid=210810476, Familienmitglied des Hauses Mountbatten-Windsor, Mitglied des Privy Council (Vereinigtes Königreich), „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“, Mountbatten-Windsor, William Arthur Philip Louis (vollständiger Name); Mountbatten-Windsor, William, britischer Thronfolger aus dem Haus Windsor, 2002 entstand der US-amerikanische Spielfilm. In February 2011, The Queen gave her formal approval to the appointment of The Duke as Royal Colonel of the Irish Guards. Wählen Sie aus erstklassigen Inhalten zum Thema Prince William, Duke Of Cambridge in höchster Qualität. König Georg I. English: HRH Prince William, Duke of Cambridge (William Arthur Philip Louis; born 21 June 1982) is a member of the British royal family. The family's official residence is Kensington Palace. In der Hauptstadt Ottawa beging das Herzogspaar in Vertretung von Williams Großmutter in ihrer Eigenschaft als Königin von Kanada den kanadischen Nationalfeiertag am 1. National charity providing accommodation and support for socially excluded, homeless young people. Let us not tell our children the sad tale of how we watched as the last elephants, rhinos and tigers died out, but the inspiring story of how we turned the tide and preserved them for all humanity. Aims to lift children out of poverty through education. In his role as President of The Football Association, he arranged through his grandmother, as Patron of the FA, to host a competitive grassroots football match at Buckingham Palace in 2014, to celebrate 150 years of the Association. The Duke piloted operational missions out of Cambridge Airport, as part of a team including specialist doctors, critical care paramedics and pilots providing emergency medical services across Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Norfolk and Suffolk. April 2018 wurde in London Louis Arthur Charles geboren, welcher Platz 5 der Thronfolge einnimmt. April 2021 um 10:18 Uhr bearbeitet. Baron Brabourne, und Lady Susan Hussey. Nach zwei Jahren wechselte er 2003 zum Fach Geographie, das er im Juni 2005 erfolgreich mit einem schottischen Master of Arts abschloss. Alongside his Royal patronages, His Royal Highness also makes a series of official visits to towns and cities across the UK, to champion work being done by organisations in the region; visit areas or sites of significance; and meet a broad range of people who are making a significant contribution to their community. PRINCE WILLIAM, Duke of Cambridge, has praised emergency workers for their hard work during the pandemic in a touching video message. Prinzessin Alice von Battenberg (1885–1969), König Georg VI. Earl of Harewood | In 2016, The Duke convened a new industry-led taskforce to develop a shared response to the online bullying of young people. Ab 1985 besuchte er den Kindergarten Mrs Mynor’s Nursery School. ⚭ 1981–1996 In October 2008, The Queen appointed new Royal Air Force honorary appointments in recognition of the strong links between the Royal Air Force and the Royal Family. The Duke was appointed Honorary Air Commandant of Royal Air Force Coningsby. His Royal Highness has publicly supported initiatives to fund conservation, community development and environmental education programmes across Africa, and has led key programmes such as the United for Wildlife Financial and Transportation Taskforces to end illegal wildlife trafficking on a global scale. The Royal Foundation provides additional investment, mentoring, support and partnerships for these programmes, and lends its own profile and leverage to enhance the effect of their good work. [29] Auch während des zweitägigen Besuchs in Québec hatte das Ehepaar die dort weit verbreitete Ablehnung der britischen Krone zu spüren bekommen. Baron Fermoy (1885–1955) Seine Taufpaten waren Ex-König Konstantin II. HRH Prince William Arthur Philip Louis, Duke of Cambridge (* 21. Prince William was born on 21 June 1982 at St Mary's Hospital in Paddington, West London, England. A post shared by Duke and Duchess of Cambridge (@kensingtonroyal). 1 American Ancestors Magazine, 2011, Vol. Birth, family, and childhood [edit | edit source]. 44.4k Followers, 132 Following, 4,926 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from The Duke of Cambridge (@princewilliam_ina) [5] Im April 2008 wurde der Prinz für mehrere Übungsflüge in einem Militärhubschrauber kritisiert, da diese Flüge meist ein privates Ziel, wie den Landsitz seiner Partnerin Kate Middleton oder den Junggesellenabschied seines Cousins, Peter Phillips, hatten. [17] Er steht an dritter Stelle der Thronfolge. Juli 2013 in London geboren und trägt den Namen George Alexander Louis. Duke of Kent | … I have loved being part of a team of professional, talented people that save lives every day. Sie trafen u. a. mit Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel und Bundespräsident Frank-Walter Steinmeier zusammen. The Duke of Edinburgh, Hon Life Member & Ex Officio Committee Member. News ... William and Kate discuss crisis service launched with Harry and Meghan. William erhielt seine Schulausbildung von 1987 bis 1990 auf der Wetherby School in London und von 1990 bis 1995 auf der Ludgrove School in Berkshire. Im Jahr nach seinem Schulabschluss arbeitete er ehrenamtlich einige Monate bei einem Hilfsprojekt in Chile und in einem landwirtschaftlichen Betrieb in England. Duke of Abercorn (1869–1953) [12][13] Die Hochzeit fand am 29. The Duke of Cambridge (Prince William) is the second in line to the throne and the elder son of The Prince of Wales and Diana, Princess of Wales. The Honourable Margaret Baring, James Hamilton, 3. 63 talking about this. Als Second Lieutenant William Wales diente er von Januar 2007 bis Januar 2008 im Gardekavallerieregiment „Blues and Royals“. His Royal Highness undertakes a number of charitable activities and projects an… Am 8. Seine Eltern trennten sich offiziell 1992. Learn more about his life, military service, and family. He spent three years as a Search and Rescue Pilot, during which time he undertook 156 search and rescue operations, undertook a routine operational deployment to the Falkland Islands, and qualified as an operational Captain. 2005 unternahm er in Vertretung der Königin einen Staatsbesuch in Neuseeland. The Queen is Colonel-in-Chief of the regiment. Of his time working with EAAA, The Duke said: "It has been a huge privilege to fly with the East Anglian Air Ambulance. Im Dezember 2009 verbrachte Prinz William eine Nacht in der Londoner Innenstadt, um besser nachvollziehen zu können, wie ein Obdachloser lebt. ⚭ 1887 Am 8. Seine Mutter Diana kam 1997 bei einem Autounfall in Paris ums Leben. Prince Philip: William pays tribute to 'extraordinary' Duke of Edinburgh William is the first of Philip's grandchildren to publicly honour his memory following his death on Friday. The couple met while at St. Andrews University and are now known as The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. He takes part in a number of important Royal and official occasions, such as welcoming visiting Heads of State on Official State Visits to the UK, Trooping the Colour and the Order of The Garter in Windsor. September 2014 wurde bekannt, dass das Paar ein zweites Kind erwartet. Earl Spencer (1892–1975) April 2011 Catherine Mountbatten-Windsor, Duchess of Cambridge. Prinzessin und die Anrede „Königliche Hoheit“ erhalten. He is married to Catherine, duchess of Cambridge, and has three children, George, Charlotte, and Louis. Seine vollständige Titulatur („style“) lautet seither His Royal Highness Prince William Arthur Philip Louis, Duke of Cambridge, Earl of Strathearn and Baron Carrickfergus, KG, KT, PC, ADC(P).[39]. After two years, The Duke decided to major in Geography rather than History of Art. Following university, The Duke joined the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst as an Officer Cadet. The family also spend some time living privately on the Sandringham Estate in Norfolk, which was where they were based while The Duke worked for East Anglian Air Ambulance. The Duke of Cambridge was appointed Commodore-in-Chief of Scotland and Commodore-in-Chief of Submarines. English: Coat of arms of HRH Prince William, Duke of Cambridge (Formerly Prince William of Wales, William Arthur Philip Louis; born 21 June 1982) son of Prince Charles, Prince of Wales and Lady Diana Spencer. From 1990, the young Prince attended Ludgrove School in Berkshire for five years until he started at Eton College in 1995 where he took his GCSEs and A Levels. At the end of The Queen's 90th birthday year, in 2016, Her Majesty stepped down as Patron from a number of national organisations – the Royal African Society, Welsh Rugby Union and Amateur Swimming Association (now Swim England) patronages were passed on to The Duke. (* 1926), John Spencer, 8. [7], 2009 und 2010 absolvierte William eine Ausbildung von 20 Monaten zum Hubschrauberpiloten an der Defence Helicopter Flying School der Royal Air Force im westenglischen Shawbury[8]. Philip, Duke of Edinburgh | 12.4, p. 36. Having completed seven-and-a-half years of full-time military service, promoting the important role and the welfare of those who are serving or who have served their country in the Armed Forces is a key focus for The Duke's charitable activities. Seine Abschlussarbeit hatte die Korallenriffe von Rodrigues im Indischen Ozean zum Thema.