The Colonial Secretary, Joseph Chamberlain, offered him the office of Governor-General of Australia that year, but the offer was declined. [40], Louise's first few months in Canada were tinged with sadness as her favourite sister, the Grand Duchess of Hesse and by Rhine, died on 14 December 1878. "A Nest for the Princess; Bermudans Making Elaborate Preparations", "The Bermuda Parliament; is Opened with Great Pomp and Ceremony", "Forty Hours to Bermuda; that may be the Time Within Twenty-Four Months", "Fairmont Hotels & Resorts, Hotel History of the Fairmont Hamilton Princess", "Which interesting facts about Alberta you should know", "The Harrison Estate Pages 70-79 Survey of London: Volume 24, the Parish of St Pancras Part 4: King's Cross Neighbourhood. Dies kam Louises Fähigkeiten und Interessen entgegen. [7], From her early years, Louise was a talented and intelligent child, and her artistic talents were quickly recognised. Her early life was spent moving among the various royal residences in the company of her family. Victoria settled an annuity on Louise shortly before her marriage. [93] Louise's will stated that if she died in Scotland she should be buried at the Campbell mausoleum in Kilmun next to her husband; if in England, at Frogmore near her parents. Stirling was Prince Leopold’s tutor, and Louise knew him well. Rebellion against the restrictive nature of Victorian life was by the latter part of the 19th century in full swing across society. Share this: Twitter; Facebook; The Princess Louise (under construction), Blog at The horses then panicked, and dragged the overturned carriage over more than 400 yards (370 m) of ground. Die Ehe blieb kinderlos. Princess Louise, Duchess of Argyll, GCVO, GBE, RRC, GCStJ, VA, CI (Louisa Caroline Alberta; 18 March 1848 – 3 December 1939), was the sixth child and fourth daughter of British Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. Nach dem frühen Tod ihres Vaters widersetzte sie sich der jahrelangen Trauerzeit, die Königin Victoria einhielt. [64] Certainly, following Prince Henry's death in 1896, Louise wrote that: "he [Henry] was almost the greatest friend I had—I, too, miss him more than I can say". In 1897 Princess Louise, Duchess of Argyll laid the foundation stone of a grand new building for the College. Princess Louise, Duchess of Argyll. The couple then journeyed to Claremont in Surrey for the honeymoon, but the presence of attendants on the journey, and at meal times, made it impossible for them to talk privately. [92] Her ashes were moved to the Royal Burial Ground, Frogmore near Windsor, on 13 March 1940. März 2021 um 06:01 Uhr bearbeitet. When Louise sculpted a statue of the queen, portraying her in Coronation robes, the press claimed that her tutor, Sir Edgar Boehm, was the true creator of the work. Lake Louise in Alberta is also named after her, as is Mount Alberta. Princess Louise, Duchess of Argyll, VA, CI, GCVO, GBE, RRC (Louisa Caroline Alberta; 18 March 1848 – 3 December 1939) was the sixth child and fourth daughter of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. Princess Louise, Duchess of Argyll, 1933 : daughter of Queen Victoria Son in law of Queen Victoria - Married to Princess Louise of the United Kingdom. However, the queen first allowed her to attend art school under the tutelage of the sculptor Mary Thornycroft, and later (1863) allowed her to study at the National Art Training School, now The Royal College of Art. Louise was the most artistically talented of Queen Victoria's daughters and was a prolific artist and sculptor. [68], Further rumours spread that Louise was having an affair with Arthur Bigge, later Lord Stamfordham, the queen's assistant private secretary. Princess Louise Caroline Alberta, Duchess of Argyll (1848-1939), Artist, sculptor and fourth daughter of Queen Victoria. [30] The short four-day visit did not pass without an interruption from the queen, who was curious about her daughter's thoughts on married life. Louise had artistic training from childhood, first with Susan Durant from 1864, then Mary Thornycroft from 1867, and further lessons with Edgar Boehm. [56], In 1905, the province of Alberta was named after Princess Louise Caroline Alberta. Die Eheleute lebten sich zusehends auseinander und gingen oft eigene Wege. She then went so far as to suggest a bed that would throw him out at a specified time, but she was told this was not feasible. Her early life was spent moving among the various royal residences in the company of her family. Louise selbst hatte in diesen Jahren verschiedene romantische Beziehungen, unter anderem zu Arthur Bigge, dem königlichen Privatsekretär, und Sir Edwin Lutyens; dass diese auch sexueller Natur waren, ist nicht belegt. She made occasional public appearances with the royal family, such as at the Cenotaph at Whitehall on 11 November 1925. Sie verstarb im Dezember 1939 und wurde nach ihrer Feuerbestattung im Golders Green Crematorium auf dem Royal Burial Ground Frogmore beigesetzt. "[86], Louise spent her last years at Kensington Palace, occupying rooms next to her sister Princess Beatrice. Her express instructions were that assistance was to be rendered to friend and foe indiscriminately. The name changed over the years to Erskine Hospital and then just Erskine. [88] At the coronation of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth in 1937, Louise lent the Duchess the train that she designed and wore for the coronation of King Edward VII and Queen Alexandra in 1902.[99]. Im Jahre 1858 wurde Louise und ihren drei jüngeren Schwestern gestattet, das Wappen des Vereinigten Königreichs zu führen. On this occasion, the usually severe black of the queen's mourning dress was relieved by the crimson rubies and blues of the Garter star. Nach ihr sind die kanadische Provinz Alberta und der Berg Mount Alberta sowie die Stadt Louiseville und der Lake Louise, beide ebenfalls in Kanada, benannt. 21. When her father, the Prince Consort, died on 14 December 1861, the court went into a period of intense mourning, to which Louise was unsympathetic. The cultural significance of the blanket coat in genteel society, with reference to several early Governors-General and their wives, can be found in "'Very Picturesque and Very Canadian': The Blanket Coat and Anglo-Canadian Identity in the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century" by Eileen Stack of the McCord Museum of Canadian History.) Following Victoria's death in 1901, Louise entered the social circle established by her elder brother, the new king, Edward VII. Princess Alice was married to Prince Louis, the future Grand Duke of Hesse, at Osborne House on 1 June 1862. Determined not to put her mother through more misery, Louise wanted the news to be broken to the queen gradually. [69] However, on Henry's death, relations between the sisters sporadically improved, and it was Louise, rather than the queen, who was the first to arrive at Cimiez to be with the widowed Beatrice. She was not only an able sculptor but also an artist. Various suitors were proposed by the leading royal houses of Europe: Princess Alexandra proposed her brother, the Crown Prince of Denmark, but the queen was strongly opposed to another Danish marriage that could antagonise Prussia at a time of diplomatic tension over the Schleswig-Holstein question. [4] She was the fourth daughter and sixth child of the reigning British monarch, Queen Victoria, and her husband, Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. Louise was summoned on 28 April 1914, and he died on 2 May. Louise was knocked unconscious when she hit her head on the iron bar supporting the roof, and Lorne was trapped underneath her, expecting "the sides of the carriage to give way at any moment". [46][47] Eventually, as they overtook the sleigh ahead, the horses calmed, and the occupant of that sleigh, Princess Louise's aide-de-camp, ordered an empty carriage to convey the injured party back to Rideau Hall.[48]. Even today, you can find some of her sculptures. Sie war Schülerin des Bildhauers Sir Joseph Boehm, von ihr gefertigte Statuen stehen heute noch auf der Isle of Wight und in Montreal. When she advised that the footman be given an alarm clock, the butler informed her that he already had one. [25], The Queen found it difficult to let go of her daughter, confiding in her journal that she "felt painfully the thought of losing her". Titel und Anreden. Louise was bored at court, and by fulfilling her duties, which were little more than minor secretarial tasks, such as writing letters on the queen's behalf; dealing with political correspondence; and providing the queen with company, she had more responsibilities. From Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Princess Louise (Louise Caroline Alberta: Marquess of Lorne and Duchess of Argyll by marriage; 18 March 1848 – 3 December 1939) was the fourth daughter of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. William, Prince of Orange, was also considered a suitor, but because of his extravagant lifestyle in Paris, where he lived openly with a lover, the queen quickly vetoed the idea.[20]. When Louise offered to continue the ironing, the woman refused, adding that she was in a great hurry to finish so that she could go and see Princess Louise. [3] Boehm's assistant, Alfred Gilbert, who played a central role in comforting Louise after Boehm's death, and supervised the destruction of Boehm's private papers,[72] was rapidly promoted as a royal sculptor. [84] In the same year, she began a nude study on a married woman suggested by the English painter Sir William Blake Richmond. The charity is close to its centenary year and has grown to become the biggest ex-service establishment in the country. Princess Louise 19th Century baby rumours 'intriguing' It has been rumoured that Princess Louise, the sixth child of Queen Victoria, gave birth to an illegitimate baby in her late teens. It was made of “gold and crystal. [66] Thus, Beatrice was enjoying a satisfying sexual relationship with her popular husband, which Louise was not. Although at times she bickered with the queen, and her sisters Helena and Beatrice, the relations did not remain strained for long. During the North-West Rebellion of 1885 she sent a certain Dr. Boyd medical supplies and a large fund of money for distribution. [21] Furthermore, Lorne's father, George Campbell, was an ardent supporter of William Ewart Gladstone, and the Prince of Wales was worried that he would drag the royal family into political disputes. Louise was an able sculptor and artist, and several of her sculptures remain today. [35], Louise became the first royal to take up residence in Rideau Hall, officially the queen's royal residence in Ottawa. The Duke of Argyll's health continued to deteriorate. [64] Beatrice's biographer, Matthew Dennison, claims that in contrast to Beatrice, Louise remained strikingly good looking throughout her forties.