Entrepreneurs gründen Initiativen oder eigene Unternehmungen, um mit unternehmerischer Kreativität "sozialen So, it is easy to see how the western mentality is not equipped to fathom Native thought and its attending abilities and how enforced western educations in Cartesian based or Platonic philosophies and concepts of time would destroy the abilities of the present Native generations through the deprivation of their language and its attending intelligence. His work on this observed a different concept of time and ultimately led to his (argued over by academics ever since) conclusion there is a distinct similarity in Hopi language to Einstein’s theory of relativity. In certain contexts, Coyote represents the Mankind when at his worst behavior. The journey of early stage startups is unique and Seedcamp is unmatched in Europe in their ability to equip early stage founders with the tools to succeed. The SEED Campus does not only have a good foothold in Shanghai, as these training programs need to reach all of our service technicians. Not. Marketing, Finanzierung, Geschäftsmodelle, This requirement of Cartesian/Platonic philosophy shapes the western culture’s mentalities which only know intention as manipulation exterior to any integrated to Nature experience. When contrasted to the ‘living clock’ Native understanding of reality, the Native could be said to be allergic to the western concept of reality, which is almost certainly why the gifted Native cosmologist, Leon Secatero, became ill and died, following his immersion in Western culture. It is no accident the famed Anna Chapman Russian spy ring appears never to have gotten any closer to Americans with sensitive connections and information than charter schools. Nor be limited to ‘Remote Viewing.”  In fact ‘remote viewing’ (as known to indigenous shamanism, but they do not call it that) is but one aspect of a phenomena of which knowing how to ‘read’ (entirely unknown to the Marine Corps study author) is every bit as important as knowing how to ‘see’, ‘The spirit puts into the mind of a man, to know what to do’ –Native American Proverb. From infancy, the child is included in nearly everything. When Narcissus gazed into the reflective pool of the soft loveliness in his ego, he could detect no offensive aroma. Methoden und Grundlagen (z.B. Pat arrived literally shocked, battered and bruised, his ‘worm chauffer’ had hit the brakes so hard on the drive down that Pat, in a wheelchair recovering from surgery, had been sent flying across the van and crashed inside, wheelchair pounding him on top of having been violently thrown out of it. für unternehmerisches Engagement bei Schülerinnen und Schülern aller This man was Pat Kennedy, a Plains Ojibwa Oral Historian and Medicine Man who had married into the Blackfeet tribe 30 years before. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. SEEd. Pat used the prize money to begin a series of annual ‘Peace Camps.’. I thought that was a pretty interesting event, but it paled by comparison to events to come. You are well aware that the need to properly manage human resources is heightened when operating in relatively small economies, challenged by scarce resources and a fierce global competition. They knew better. This is an easy way to legally protect seed from patents and other forms of privatization. SEEd steht für Social Entrepreneurship Education. Die Rather the ‘face’ of the event was to be preserved at all costs, a portrait of the mysterious and knowledgeable Indian, Lester, presiding over an event that might one day yield his great secrets held in abeyance: to his lesser Native beings and the handful of toadying sycophant Whites who peered upon his Native holiness with expressions of Heavenly reverence as though they were alter-boys seated upon the left and right hands of God. "SEEd – Social Entrepreneurship Education" – Open Campus (2013/2014) Gesellschaftliches Unternehmertum will innovative Lösungen für existierende soziale oder ökologische Herausforderungen finden und mit deren Umsetzung und Verbreitung auf regionaler, nationaler oder globaler Ebene verändernd wirken. Benvenuto in Opencampus. Externe Studierende und PJ-Klinikpersonal melden sich bitte über den lokalen Login an.. … Then she looked at me and said “Ron, you know someone who will give me an accordion.” I did not say anything, did not react, only waited for her to continue. The Native ability to do this had been, prior to the enforced Anglo-centric education in modern day Indian country, truly phenomenal. It was in 1981, having moved to the foothills of the Rocky Mountains on the border of the Blackfeet Indian Reservation west of Browning, a remarkable man knocked on my door. The Open Source Seed Initiative (OSSI) is an organization that developed and maintains a mechanism through which plant breeders can designate the new crop varieties they have bred as open source.This mechanism is advanced as an alternative to patent-protected seeds sold by large agriculture companies such as Monsanto or DuPont. To be a grandmaster player of the stick game, you must be able to ‘see’ and to ‘see’ quite well. Said ability could enable a nation state or other entity to redefine and to advance warfare to a completely different level or dimension, possibly comprehensible by only a selected but powerful few”, Indeed. The UW… And although I knew James O’Dea personally, and had copied him on communications prior to sorting this, Amnesty International had shut down any hearing of my fugitive status, cold. He was a healer, she was a ‘seer.’ Via my relationship to this old couple, I became a member of the ‘Black Door’ clan. Waktu Bekerja: Isnin-Jumaat 8.30pagi-5.30petang (Waktu rehat: 1-2petang) OpenSourceSeeds is committed to re-establishing seed as a common good for all. A toddler is distracted and enticed away from danger rather than shouted at. The DIA, CIA and FBI come out the losers, irrespective of what happens to me. Mehrwert" zu schaffen und einen Beitrag zur Lösung You know that in such an environment, the ability to attract, develop, and retain high quality staff is probably an organization’s key competitive advantage. 7.1K likes. Social Entrepreneurship Education im Sinne einer derartigen Bewusstseinsförderung In 1981 the old man became ill, he eventually died and she retired. No upsetting the gravy train of ego allowed here! PhD. The upshot is, when every sister, mother, daughter and wife of every man of consequence delivered identical message, the men would meet and take the nation in the direction these women had insisted upon. The Cartesian/Platonic disciplined mentality is ‘masculinized’ out of the ability to ‘see’ from infancy. Then began my next experiences, with a new teacher. Meanwhile, having penetrated a charter school serving precisely this purpose, the East Mountain High School at Sandia Park, New Mexico, staffed in some part by CIA, I was also attending the SEED dialogues in Albuquerque, with a continuing interest in bridging the chasm between Native American Quantum reality and western concept, if only to try and point out to the Cartesian/Platonic science they are at a world threatening dead end, with their attitude and approach shaped by western thought. Remote viewing had been taken into the lab for studies for a period of roughly two decades. gesellschaftlicher Probleme oder zu mehr Nachhaltigkeit zu leisten. But what the old lady could do, outside of the context of that [in my case] ‘training’ game, was extraordinary. Leon had tried to bring related ideas from Native Quantum reality across, to among others, Seed Open University, in that organization’s attempts to ‘feminize’ the masculine western reality, but the fact remains the result is not Native reality, but instead a ‘feminized’ western masculine reality. Lernansatz initiiert, der die Potenziale opencampus verbindet die Kieler Hochschulen mit Unternehmen und Organisationen. And it was the important women who determined who would be a man’s ‘sits besides him wife.’ In the present time, relating to any politically correct western anthropology program with the ‘native studies’ euphemism, it is the western ideas are coming to dominate the native perception of themselves, with the loss of language and oral tradition through enforced western educations, these people don’t even know who they were anymore. Meanwhile, in the early 2000s, I’d taken an interest in the SEED Open University’s sponsorship of ‘Language of Spirit’ dialogues, originally initiated by the theoretical physicist and Einstein associate David Boehm, attempting reconciling Native American Quantum reality to western science. For those of my readers who are unfamiliar with the ‘far side’ of the intelligence world, I will simply note the MKULTRA ‘mind control’ program was (and perhaps still is) a very real CIA program with roots in NAZI behavioral science. The same respect accorded the child is accorded all living things, to include trees and even stones. Service employees in faraway regions therefore have the chance to receive training in diagnostic and repair skills thanks to the SEED Campus Truck. For Pat, it was all worthwhile in the end, because he was able to spend the better part of two hours in a private conversation with ‘the man who’d gone to the Moon’ [Edgar Mitchell] while I sat nearby with a near literal ‘I’ll kill you’ look for anyone who it even crossed their mind to get close to the two of them as they talked. The ‘circle’ at SEED supposedly replicating the ancient native governance system, is entirely devoid of the matriarchal concept and background. Well, Napi did learn some things, he just did not learn what he had expected, like a wider understanding of Native Quantum Reality. That fact only made the Red western scientists equal to the White western scientists totally out of context with Nature and nonsensical lab experiments. Past and future, both, have a present tense. Nominated by an IONS member so low as to be a worm, speaking of the dualistic nature of many western personalities, the man’s name is not worth mentioning here, but better consigned to the ash heap of history. The result of this upbringing is the child learning to ‘see’ the world they live in, the ‘living clock’, as a state of self-integrated/ongoing process. Entrepreneurship Education". Coinciding with the western education destroying Native thought forms, is the language barrier, wherein Native concept does not easily translate to western, this is the second clue, and underlying this is the coup de grace; a world view so fundamentally different to western, to bring the understanding across would require a rare and uniquely qualified person indeed. Log Roller’s descendant, Lester Log Roller, subsequently was from a family of Indians that did not drink. Stiftung Wirtschaft Verstehen hat die Initiatoren bei der Projektentwicklung 2013/2014 beraten und begleitet. And viola! Former Amnesty International (USA) board director Francis Boyle had stated: “My conclusion was that a high-level official of Amnesty International at that time, whom I will not name, was a British intelligence agent. SEED supports innovative small and growing, locally-driven eco-inclusive enterprises around the globe who integrate social and environmental benefits into their business model from the outset. I like where your house is and I would like to use it for ceremony.” For the following 24 years, until he died, I was this remarkable man’s student and became one of his close and best friends. “It’s almost like a haiku,” says Goldman. The problem with this [foregoing] statement, particularly the language “..it remains unclear whether the existence of a paranormal phenomenon, remote viewing, has been demonstrated” is, the Defense Intelligence Agency, CIA and FBI, all, are aware in fact it is VERY CLEAR there is ‘existence of a paranormal phenomenon, ‘remote viewing’’, based on investigations into the Native American use of remote viewing technique. In the ‘living clock’, which has its own power of volition, there is no concept of coincidence or accident. The ‘product’ of this process is people who cannot be told what to do except that they should decide for themselves following a leader is in their best interest. Gestaltungswillen entwickeln, Teamarbeit erfahren, Eigeninitiative und Selbstvertrauen SEED Institute, an affiliated organisation of NTUC First Campus, with over 30 years of experiences in early childhood and family education. Bitte loggen Sie sich mit Ihrem Benutzername und Passwort ein: Studierende der KL: matrikelnummer@edu.kl.ac.at. This coyote proverb refers to an ancient method of murder in Native America, by introducing a particular larva into the nostril of a sleeping person, a method that almost invariably killed the victim, after a period of insanity. And so it is, over a span of three decades, I learned to ‘see.’ Once set down that road free of the constraints of western culture and education, the ‘sight’ only grows, for the entirety of one’s life. It worked out precisely as the old lady had stated it would, consistent with our planned timeline and departure. But what had been was, the women instilled the culture’s values and stability. insbesondere jungen Menschen vielfältige Chancen, den eigenen Unser größtes Ziel ist es, eine Lern- und Arbeitsumgebung zu schaffen, von der Studierende immer geträumt haben. SEED Business College, Shah Alam, Malaysia. Why? I drove her across the mountains to visit this man I’d not seen in several years, he welcomed us, listened to my explanation, produced an accordion from his storage closet and gave it to her. Studierende erhalten die Chance, ihr Wissen praktisch anzuwenden, sich beruflich… Pat related to me that, some years previous to our becoming acquainted, he had been one of the Indians the FBI had expressed an interest in, on account of ‘remote viewing’ (Pat did not call it that) and he had initially been amenable to meeting with these people but soon changed his mind and decided not to work with them. Vertrieb und Projektmanagement) kennen lernen. By this time, Lester had mastered the provincial English linguistic trick of stating the just so “Eh?” after postulating something as mundane as “How aboot (yucky pronunciations) we run to the trading post for some smokes. The equality there was really quite balanced, with a slightly higher female authority, with great respect between the sexes and women had been fully entitled to be warriors, the term for such was sak-wo-ma-oui-aki-kwan, loosely translated as ‘defiant women.’. Our rural house had electric lights and that was it. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for. That’s it. Meanwhile, in the early 2000s, I’d taken an interest in the SEED Open University’s sponsorship of  ‘Language of Spirit’ dialogues, originally initiated by the theoretical physicist and Einstein associate David Boehm, attempting reconciling Native American Quantum reality to western science. The first nation or group that actualizes transcendent warfare will therefore possess a strategic advantage that may prove insurmountable”, “Remote viewing could not be controlled and the CIA knew it”. in Kiel einen handlungsorientierten Napi fell for it in the beginning. He went to Law School instead. Become a Maker Montags 16:00-17:30 Uhr // Von der digitalen Zeichnung bis zum fertigen Ergebnis lernst Du, wie moderne Prototyping-Verfahren funktionieren und benutzt werden. I drove the old couple to their stated destination and there we waited and in drove a car of Cree Indians from the north, looking for a healer with a certain ability and the old man was already there, waiting for them. Lester had no idea why either, but it seemed there must be something to it and so they began a dialogue… and eventually Lester became a god. I happen to be that person, and I don’t work for the DIA. This spring, eager to get things moving forward again, Goldman and Kloppenburg convinced many in the group to embrace the simplest option they had discussed: the Open Source Seed Pledge. Eh?” And his Blackfoot language was rusty, such as the time he was home from boarding school to visit and his Aunt told him to go back out (he had just come in the door) and bring in the “Napi-aki.” Lester started to go back out, he was confused, but then resolutely faced his Aunt and told her “I don’t have a White woman!” She laughed and said in English “I’m not talking about White women, I want you to bring in the milk jug.” Lester felt dumb. Damn, it was sad. But it also means misinformation can spread faster and deeper than truth, especially when it comes to our health. Bolstering this preceding thought is the fact momentous steps have been taken in the field of Quantum Mechanics since the 1980s particularly, to a point where today’s theoretical physicist Bernard d’Espagnat can state: “The doctrine that the world is made up of objects whose existence is independent of human consciousness turns out to be in conflict with quantum mechanics and with facts established by experiment”. gewinnen und gesellschaftliche Verantwortung übernehmen – und darüber unternehmerische Lester Log Roller did not know that, because he had been off to Boarding School from age five and then off to University in Kanadada. Feb 5, 2018 | News, Research stories, University of Adelaide. The vaunted laboratories of western empiricism are in fact useless to pursue what lies beyond the grasp of nearly the entire body of science on account of how the mentalities of the scientists themselves are shaped through life-long training. Going to this thought, I will recount one more of the old lady’s ability to ‘see’ that was nothing short of amazing. Even though a statistically significant effect has been observed in the laboratory, it remains unclear whether the existence of a paranormal phenomenon, remote viewing, has been demonstrated. Lester Log Roller was from a family of Indians named for a drunken forebear who had been ‘challenged’ by some White loggers in the Pacific Northwest to participate in the “Logger Olympics” of sport unique to their profession. Additionally, in this round, we are launching a special round of Seed Grants XL (two grants of €10.000 each). Login help. Gesellschaftliches Unternehmertum will innovative Lösungen für existierende Typically our seed investment is in the range of 150-300.000 €, and we invest together with business angels and “friends and family” investors And in this context it is very interesting to read: “The real challenge for the United States is not asymmetrical warfare, but rather what this writer calls transcendent warfare, the ability to conceptualize and subsequently actualize an entirely new form of warfare that transcends all previously known models. SEED is a global partnership for action on sustainable development and the inclusive green economy. These people live a reality that can only be described in western terminology as sort of low key ‘lucid dreaming.’ Here again I met ‘seers’ with uncanny accuracy in describing real time events which manifest precisely as predicted, in one instance it had been announced by a ‘seer’ another medicine man was approaching in company of several persons he was not acquainted with. But Lester could not know that, By this time, these dialogues, with David Bohm now dead, had become sponsored by a ‘Wannabee Indian’ organization called ‘New Age in Native America’ run by an anal-retent-hyper-liberal White intellectual who fancied himself an enlightened feminist man. She described a man she was absolutely certain I would know, and thinking about it, I thought perhaps she was talking about a German neighbor I’d known growing up but I’d never known him to play accordion. What he attempted to replicate in fact became a lunatic caricature of what had been his ancestral wisdom. An important note would be, the anthropologists were allowed to keep mistaken assumptions (mistaken assumptions that now are integrated material of so-called ‘native studies’) because the culture they were studying did not have a concept of correcting so-called ‘wrongs’, people are supposed to figure out their mistakes for themselves. New research at The University of Adelaide Waite campus has found that a plant survival mechanism observed in wheat and barley flowers may be exploited to promote cross-pollination. New research at The University of Adelaide Waite campus has found that a plant survival mechanism observed in wheat and barley flowers may be exploited to promote cross-pollination. In fact O’Dea took a direct interest in me at this event. Since, both the CIA and Defense Intelligence Agency had seriously investigated (and perhaps still are) certain parapsychology phenomena as noted in the U.S. Marine Corps War College academic paper: Unconventional Human Intelligence Support: Transcendent and Asymmetric Warfare Implications of Remote Viewing, “Transcendent warfare’s impact extends well beyond remote viewing, which offers a glimpse of  the possible. Za informacije o obstoječem dovoljenju v SEED podatkovni bazi se lahko obrnete na pristojen trošarinski urad v vaši državi članici. Napi simply observed the first year he attended. Projekten praktisch erfahrbar machen soll. On first sight, the actual award was a disaster. Having much of my youth in close proximity to the Montana Blackfeet and knowing Indians growing up, it was a no-brainer [in my thinking] to immerse in that culture when I’d realized I was not adjusting to western culture on my return from Vietnam. Behavior is explained, never demanded. I was fortunate to be initially ‘adopted’ by an old couple living on the Rocky Mountain Front, south of Browning, Montana. Mitarbeiter des KUM, der LMU und Inhaber einer LMU-Benutzerkennung melden sich bitte über LMU Login (linke Navigationsleiste) am System an. How is the ancient native mind shaped? The anthropologists only saw the men meet and come to decisions. So certainly when I am dealing with people who want to work with Amnesty in London, I just tell them, “Look, just understand, they’re penetrated by intelligence agents, U.K., maybe U.S., I don’t know, but you certainly can’t trust them”.