beschlossen. 1703.) The Treaty of Carlowitz (1699) radically reduced Turkey’s Balkan holdings, and the Treaty of Constantinople (1700) confirmed Russia’s gains. Mustafa II. Mustafa II (osmanlijski turski: مصطفى ثانى Muṣṭafā-yi sānī; 6. februar 1664 – 28. decembar 1703) bio je sultan Osmanlijskog Carstva [1] [2] od 1695. do 1703. kad je abdicirao u korist svog brata Ahmeda III.Rođen je u palati Edirne kao sin sultana Mehmeda IV i sultanije Emetulah Rabije Gulnush, koja je bila grčko kritskog porijekla pod imenom Evemia. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 17. Mustafa II, in full Mustafa Oglu Mehmed Iv, (born June 5, 1664, Edirne, Ottoman Empire [now in Turkey]—died Dec. 31, 1703, Constantinople [now Istanbul]), Ottoman sultan from 1695 to 1703, whose determination to regain territories lost after the unsuccessful attempt to take Vienna in 1683 led to the continuation of the war against the Holy League (Austria, Poland, and Venice). Mustafa II. Corrections? Mustafa’s military campaigns met with early success. (* 6. April 1756 in Istanbul) war eine Gemahlin des osmanischen Sultan Mustafa II. The Sultan of the Ottoman Empire from 1695 to 1703. Safiye Sultan was born on 13 December 1696 in the Edirne Palace, thus being the third daughter of Sultan Mustafa II. Mustafa 1695 ve 1696 tarihlerindeki ilk iki seferde Avusturya karşısında başarılı oldu. Updates? [1] Mục lục 1703 wurde Mustafa II. On je bio nakon dugog vremena prvi osmanski sultan koji je osobno vodio vojsku u rat. Am 2. Mustafa II (osmanlijski turski: مصطفى ثانى Muṣṭafā-yi sānī; 6. februar 1664 – 28. decembar 1703) bio je sultan Osmanlijskog Carstva [1] [2] od 1695. do 1703. kad je abdicirao u korist svog brata Ahmeda III.Rođen je u palati Edirne kao sin sultana Mehmeda IV i sultanije Emetulah Rabije Gulnush, koja je bila grčko kritskog porijekla pod imenom Evemia. Disillusioned by the defeat at Senta, Mustafa left most matters of state to the leader of the Muslim hierarchy, Feyzullah, while he himself devoted his last years to hunting. Mustafa II (es); Mustafa II (ms); Мустафа II (bg); مصطفی II (pnb); 穆斯塔法二世 (zh-hk); Mustafa II. Marriages. Mustafa II (bahasa Turki Utsmani: مصطفى ثانى Muṣṭafā-yi sānī; lahir 6 Februari 1664 – meninggal 28 Desember 1703 pada umur 39 tahun) adalah Sultan Turki Utsmani dari 1695 hingga 1703. sunitski islam. The Russians occupied Azov (at the mouth of the Don River) in 1696, however, and he was defeated by the Austrians at Senta (see Zenta, Battle of) in 1697. Heavy taxes drove many cultivators off the land; and the government’s exclusive preoccupation with Europe resulted in local revolts in eastern Anatolia and among the Arab tribes of Syria and Iraq. Vikianbarda əlaqəli mediafayllar. (2) With the elevation of Mehmed to the highest office in the land, Mustafa II had assured himself of a docile and obedient grand vezir. Ordu rəhbərliyində səfərə çıxan son Osmanlı sultanı. On this day, 6 February 1664 CE, the 22nd Ottoman Sultan Mustafa II was born in Edirne. Osman II ascended the throne at the age of 14 as the result of a coup d'état against his uncle Mustafa I "the Intestable" (1617–18, 1622–23). Vodio je tursku vojsku u dugotrajnom ratu protiv Austrije gdje je u bitci potpuno potučen 1697. godine. Matka Emetullah Rabia Gülnuş Sultan Mustafa II (Ottoman Turkish: مصطفى ثانى Muṣṭafā-yi sānī) (February 6, 1664 – December 29/30, 1703) was the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire from 1695 to 1703. view all Mustafa II's Timeline Mustafa 1695 ve 1696 tarihlerindeki ilk iki seferde Avusturya karşısında başarılı oldu. Der Großwesir wurde in der Schlacht bei Zenta getötet, das Siegel von Prinz Eugen von Savoyen erbeutet, dieser übergab es als Trophäe Kaiser Leopold I., in weiterer Folge wurde es von der kaiserlich-königlichen Schatzkammer dem Heeresmuseum übergeben. Şehsuvar Sultan (* um 1682; † 27. Ring in the new year with a Britannica Membership, Iduće 1696.godine odnosi novu pobjedu kod Temišvara.Na krilima tih uspjeha iduće 1697.g. Safiye was betrothed at the same time as her sisters Emine Sultan and Ayşe Sultan, to the son of Merzifonlu Kara Mustafa Pasha, known as Maktulzade Ali Pasha, and Beylerbey (governor - general) of Adana at Mustafa; 6. februar 1664 — 28. decembar 1703 ), turski sultan 1695—1703. [2],, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“, Sultan des Osmanischen Reiches (1695–1703). Category:Mustafa II. Mustafa II. Safiye was betrothed at the same time as her sisters Emine Sultan and Ayşe Sultan, to the son of Merzifonlu Kara Mustafa Pasha, known as Maktulzade Ali Pasha, and Beylerbey (governor - general) of Adana at [1] Mustafa II je bio najstariji sin Mehmeda IV i dođe na vlast u februaru 1695. godine. Mustafa II. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. Mustafa II. The Sultan of the Ottoman Empire from 1730 to 1754. Mustafa II. Ahmed II. II. Mustafa II is the 387th most popular politician (down from 323rd in 2019), the 64th most popular biography from Turkey (down from 55th in 2019) and the 39th most popular Turkish Politician. Mustafa II. sa narodil v roku 1664.Na trón nastúpil po svojom strýkovi Ahmedovi II. (6.2. Mustafa II ( tur. Mustafa’s reign, under the influence of his mother, witnessed continuous interference of tur. Các hoàng phi của Mustafa II: Ali-cenab Valide Sultan Sheh-Suvar Valide Sultan Saliha Sebkati Huma Shah Haseki Afife Haseki Hatice Haseki Bu çerçevede Sultan II. und der Emetullah (Gülnusch). Bio je sposoban sultan. je otomanski sultan. Im Heeresgeschichtlichen Museum in Wien ist das Siegel Mustafas II. Mustafa II. Əmətullah Sultan. At the accession of Sultan Mustafa II (February 6, 1695), the Ottoman Empire was in the midst of the long Holy League War, fought against Habsburg Austria and her allies, Venice, Poland-Lithuania, the papacy and, from 1686, Muscovy, as Russia was then known. und von 1754 bis 1757 Valide Sultan unter ihrem Sohn Osman III.. Leben. His eight and a half year reign witnessed major military debacle (1697) and territorial losses (Hungary and the Morea). Selim II gained the throne after palace intrigue and fraternal dispute, succeeding as sultan on the 7th of September 1566. Der Sultan versuchte, am Stadtrand von Edirne eine Verteidigungslinie zu bilden, doch selbst die Leibgarde des Sultans schloss sich den Aufständischen an. Mustafa II postaje turski sultan 1695. nakon smrti rođaka Ahmeda II.. Njegovo razdoblje na vlasti bi se moglo smatrat najgorim u otomanskoj povjesti. Bu çerçevede Sultan II. Iduće 1696.godine odnosi novu pobjedu kod Temišvara.Na krilima tih uspjeha iduće 1697.g. Mustafa; 6. februar 1664 — 28. decembar 1703), turski sultan 1695—1703. Mustafa II (tur. Wikipedia. Bunlardan Avusturya’ya karşı olan seferlere bizzat katılan Sultan II. Imperialism, state policy, practice, or advocacy of extending power and dominion, especially by direct territorial acquisition or by gaining political and economic control of other areas. In 1618, after a short rule, another palace faction deposed him in favour of his young nephew Osman II (1618–1622), and Mustafa was sent back to the Old Palace. مصطفى ثانى‎ Muṣṭafā-yi sānī; *6. február 1664, Edirne, Osmanská ríša – † 29. december 1703, Konštantínopol, Osmanská ríša) bol sultán Osmanskej ríše v rokoch 1695 – 1703.Životopis. By taking these initiatives Mustafa II was not only ignoring the political reality of the by now powerful vezir and pasha The empire came into existence at the end of the thirteenth century, and its first ruler (and the namesake of the Empire) was Osman I.According to later, often unreliable Ottoman tradition, Osman was a descendant of the Kayı tribe of the Oghuz Turks. English: Mustafa II ( Ottoman Turkish: مصطفى ثانى Muṣṭafā-yi s ānī) ( February 6, 1664 – December 28, 1703) was the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire from 1695 to 1703. Şehsuvar Sultan wurde um 1682 in Russland geboren. je otomanski sultan.Mustafa II postaje turski sultan 1695. nakon smrti rođaka Ahmeda II..Njegovo razdoblje na vlasti bi se moglo smatrat najgorim u otomanskoj povjesti. März 2021 um 20:56 Uhr bearbeitet. Mustafa II. Internally, the continued warfare caused social and economic dislocations. postaje turski sultan 1695. nakon smrti strica Ahmeda II. Born at Edirne Palace, the son of Mustafa II ; his mother was Saliha Sabkati Valide Sultan. Saliha Sultan wurde angeblich um 1680 in einer griechischen Familie in Azapkapı, Istanbul, geboren.Einer Überlieferung zufolge soll ihre spätere Schwiegermutter Emetullah (Gülnusch Sultan) die Siebenjährige bei einem Spaziergang durch Istanbul in Azapkapı gesehen haben. SULTAN MUSTAFA II IN ISTANBUL prayed for the life of the sultan and the continuance of his sultanate and wished him countless victories.5 Arriving in the Yeni Saray, today’s Topkapı Sarayı, he sum-moned the viziers and Şeyhülislam Seyyid Feyzullah Efendi6 to the Audience Hall (arzodası) where he had them clad in sable lined bro- *. Der Sultan versuchte seine Macht zu retten und setzte Feyzullah Efendi endlich ab. - 28.11. Mustafa II was the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire from 1695 to 1703. Vera. Selim II’s mother, Hurrem Sultan, was a concubine. Mustafa I, Ottoman sultan in 1617–18 and in 1622–23, a man of weak mental faculties who was deposed from the throne in 1618 but was reinstalled in 1622 by the Janissaries (elite troops), who dethroned Osman II. Er war ein Sohn Mehmeds IV. Februar 1664; † 1704) war von 1695 bis 1703 Sultan des Osmanischen Reiches. - 28.11. Während seiner Regierungszeit gelang es Peter I. Wikipedia 1664. Wikipedia. Mustafa II, in full Mustafa Oglu Mehmed Iv, (born June 5, 1664, Edirne, Ottoman Empire [now in Turkey]—died Dec. 31, 1703, Constantinople [now Istanbul]), Ottoman sultan from 1695 to 1703, whose determination to regain territories lost after the unsuccessful attempt to take Vienna in 1683 led to the continuation of the war against the Holy League (Austria, Poland, and Venice). Tugra. postaje turski sultan 1695. nakon smrti strica Ahmeda II. zum neuen Sultan ernannt. Born on 1 September 1696 at the Edirne Palace. Sie kam als Konkubine an den Hof des Sultans Mustafa II. Februar 1664; † 1704) war von 1695 bis 1703 Sultan des Osmanischen Reiches. Sultan/Queen Mother on her several journeys between Edirne and Istanbul.) von den Janitscharen abgesetzt und sein Bruder Ahmed III. Mustafa II. (* 6. On je bio nakon dugog vremena prvi osmanski sultan koji je osobno vodio vojsku u rat. 1699 schloss er daraufhin den Frieden von Karlowitz, in dem Ungarn und Transsylvanien an Österreich fielen, die Morea an die Republik Venedig und Podolien an Polen. Ottoman princess, daughter of Sultan Mustafa II (reign 1695 – 1703) and half-sister of Sultans Mahmud I (reign 1730 – 1754) and Osman III (reign 1754 – 1757) of the Ottoman Empire. tur. (osm. Mustafa was never more than a tool of court cliques at the Topkapı Palace. Detailed information about the coin Kurus, Mustafa II (Kostantiniyye mint), Ottoman Empire, with pictures and collection and swap management : mintage, descriptions, … Po starom uzoru odmah je stao na čelo vojske u želji da povrati izgubljene teritorije. Januar 1699 gebar sie im Edirne-Palast den Sohn Şezade Osman. II. Selim II was born to Suleiman the Magnificent and Hurrem Sultan on May 28, 1524 at Constantinople, modern day Istanbul. Mustafa II. A military mutiny deposed Mustafa on Aug. 22, 1703. 29 dekabr 1703) — 22-ci Osmanlı sultanı və 101-ci İslam xəlifəsi. 1664. Vikianbarda əlaqəli mediafayllar. Mustafa al II-lea (limba turcă otomană: مصطفى ANI ثانى Mustafa-yi s) (n. 6 februarie 1664 – d. 28/30 decembrie 1703) a fost sultanul Imperiului Otoman în perioada 1695 - 1703.. Biografie. Mustafa döneminde dış politikada Avusturya, Venedik, Lehistan ve Rusya’ya karşı mücadele edilmiştir. Search for jobs related to Sultan mustafa ii or hire on the world's largest freelancing marketplace with 18m+ jobs. sa narodil v roku 1664.Na trón nastúpil po svojom strýkovi Ahmedovi II. Royalties similar to or like. The Ottoman Empire's early years have been the subject of varying narratives due to the difficulty of discerning fact from legend. 29 dekabr 1703) — 22-ci Osmanlı sultanı və 101-ci İslam xəlifəsi. She later became Suleiman the Magnificent’s legal wife, as she was favoured by him. Mustafa döneminde dış politikada Avusturya, Venedik, Lehistan ve Rusya’ya karşı mücadele edilmiştir. Bunlardan Avusturya’ya karşı olan seferlere bizzat katılan Sultan II. Mahmud I. (osm. مصطفى ثانى‎ Muṣṭafā-yi sānī; *6. február 1664, Edirne, Osmanská ríša – † 29. december 1703, Konštantínopol, Osmanská ríša) bol sultán Osmanskej ríše v rokoch 1695 – 1703.Životopis. Narození 5. června 1664: Edirne: Úmrtí prosinec 1703 (ve věku 39 let): Konstantinopol: Pohřben Istanbul: Potomci Mahmud I., Osman III., Safiye Sultan, Emine Sultan a Emetullah Sultan Otec Mehmed IV. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. Doch es war zu spät: Die Aufständischen hatten längst die Entthronung von Mustafa II. Mustafa II (còn có tên là Mustafa Oglu Mehmed IV) (1664 – 1703) là vị sultan thứ 22 của Đế quốc Ottoman từ ngày 6 tháng 2 năm 1695 tới ngày 22 tháng 8 năm 1703. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). 1697 auch die Festung Asow am Schwarzen Meer zu erobern. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. Mustafa II je bio najstariji sin Mehmeda IV i dođe na vlast u februaru 1695. godine. Marriages. II Mustafa ( Osmanlı türkcəsi: مصطفى ثانى - Muṣṭafā-yi sānī )) (d. 2 iyun 1664 - ö. After recovering the island of Chios from Venice, he made gains against Austria in 1695 and 1696. U prvoj godini vladanja u pohodu na Temišvarski banat osobno predvodi juriš spahija i svoje osobne garde u pobjedi kod Lugoša. und der Emetullah (Gülnusch). Safiye Sultan was born on 13 December 1696 in the Edirne Palace, thus being the third daughter of Sultan Mustafa II. Mustafa II (Ottoman Turkish: مصطفى ثانى Muṣṭafā-yi sānī) (February 6, 1664 – December 29/30, 1703) was the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire from 1695 to 1703. view all. After the Treaty of Karlowitz (1699), he abdicated in favour of his brother Ahmed Ill on August 19, 1703, and retired to Edirne. Er war ein Sohn Mehmeds IV. Because it always involves the use of power, whether military or economic or some subtler form, imperialism has…. [1] Das Siegel war im Feldzug von 1697 (Großer Türkenkrieg) – wie in der türkischen Armee üblich – dem Oberbefehlshaber Großwesir Elmas Mehmed Pasa übergeben worden, der es ständig bei sich zu tragen hatte. It's free to sign up and bid on jobs. 1703.) II Mustafa ( Osmanlı türkcəsi: مصطفى ثانى - Muṣṭafā-yi sānī )) (d. 2 iyun 1664 - ö. U prvoj godini vladanja u pohodu na Temišvarski banat osobno predvodi juriš spahija i svoje osobne garde u pobjedi kod Lugoša. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. Das Siegel des Sultans ist zusammen mit einem zweiten Siegel eines gewissen Ismail und einem rotseidenen, goldbestickten Säckchen zu sehen. Mustafa II was most famous for being the last sultan of the Ottoman Empire, and … Ordu rəhbərliyində səfərə çıxan son Osmanlı sultanı. Omissions? Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Nova mošeja, Istanbul. Mustafa versuchte, das Vordringen der Habsburger in sein Reich zu verhindern und Ungarn zurückzuerobern, jedoch wurde sein Heer 1697 in der Schlacht bei Zenta von Prinz Eugen vernichtend geschlagen. ( osmansko turško صطفى ثانى‎, Muṣṭafā-yi sānī) je bil od leta 1695 do 1703 sultan Osmanskega cesarstva, * 6. februar 1664, † 29. december 1703 . Es handelt sich dabei um eine Messingpetschaft mit spitzovaler Siegelfläche (19 × 26 mm) mit dem Wortlaut „Mustafa, Sohn des Mehmed Han, immer siegreich“, darunter das Jahr der Thronbesteigung „1106 (der Hedschra)“ (nach der christlichen Zeitrechnung das Jahr 1695). Mustafa II. (6.2. ausgestellt. Əmətullah Sultan. Mustafa II.