He was furious and remained bitter about the “snub” for the rest of his life. After the grand jewel heist, which some estimated to be worth over $2 million, Scotland Yard worked to recover the pieces—but there was a dark twist. Eduard, mit 37 Jahren noch Junggeselle, war sofort fasziniert von der zwar nicht schönen, aber spritzigen und respektlosen Wallis. While he may have been adept at plotting vacations for himself in his days as a Prince, a master of espionage he was not. Having many rich, high-society friends in London landed Wallis Simpson squarely in the social circle of Edward, the heir apparent to the throne—but it wasn’t as though they immediately began a torrid affair. As for Wallis, her husband refused to acknowledge that anything was happening even though he surely knew. With them, they could commit plural faux-pas as they pleased—and boy oh boy, did they ever. During this time, Wallis and her husband separated and reconciled repeatedly. In the years after her passing, biographers and historians uncovered the untold aspects of Wallis’s story—and some were more disturbing than others. People were furious. Der letzte Royal, der vor ihm eine Bürgerliche heiratete, war ein Skandal: Die Ehe von König Edward VIII. Aus Liebe zu ihr hatte Edward VIII. At the same time, she made frequent trips to the US to shop at a time when Britons were rationing and performing blackouts. Wallis Simpson was undoubtedly aware of the tenuous position that she occupied in Baltimore society. Many of her biographers have postulated that the doctor she went to see botched the procedure, leaving Wallis infertile. They left her alone for the entire weekend before her husband’s funeral. The President’s wife refused to host them and a British ambassador insisted they cancel. That desperate sense of insecurity Wallis used to feel came back with a vengeance. After they canceled their trip to the US, their “friend” Charles Bedaux then encouraged them to take a different one—to visit the German Reich and meet its chancellor, Adolf Hitler. She’d been single all of seven months. While Edward and Wallis were constantly together, they never so much as touched in public, but that didn’t stop people from whispering that she was his new mistress. So when the Navy stationed Spencer in Hong Kong, her reaction was brutal. The English royal family, who obviously already had their problems with the couple, were absolutely horrified. According to some, she’d been planted in the US years ago and had always had a long-term plan to disrupt the monarch. While in Pensacola, Wallis witnessed not one but two horrific air accidents. Wallis traveled around China, going to parties and making friends who put her up in their lavish homes. Immediately, Prince Edward became King Edward VIII. Edward’s reaction was seriously disturbing. Well, she’d prove him wrong…. This drove the nail deeper into their ailing reputations—but that wasn’t the strangest part. Wallis schilderte ihren Mann als gut aussehend, liebevoll und "engelhaft". However, there was other evidence—and it was damning. Wallis Simpson returned stateside and broke the news to her family. In the US, people took one look at Bedaux’s track record and protested the trip vehemently. For Wallis and Edward, their honeymoon was just that—a honeymoon. This hadn’t appeared to be an issue before, but now they were in a dry state. Edward recalled in his memoirs that when they met, she roasted him for always using the same line whenever he met an American woman. At first. At this point, Wallis and Edward were middle-aged and they made a smooth transition from a life of leisure to…a life of leisure but with the title of “retirement.” The city of Paris offered to put them up in a stately villa in the Bois de Boulogne. The British press had spent years judiciously covering the throne while remaining silent about Edward’s very public outings with Wallis, but this job of selective secret-keeping was growing increasingly hard, especially with US papers blasting headlines like “KING WILL WED WALLY.” There was also the fact that while the upper crust of English society already knew about Wallis and Edward, they’d been slowly ingratiated to the idea over the past few years. Many agree that if Edward had simply approached the problem patiently, gone through the appropriate channels, and spent a few years turning the tide of opinion, he could easily have married Wallis. It came to be known as one of the great romances of the 20th century, but it’s impossible to pinpoint when exactly things turned romantic for Edward and Wallis. Was she conceived out of wedlock? When she was just five months old, her father contracted tuberculosis. Toward the end of the 1950s, both Wallis and Edward spent a lot of time in the hospital—albeit for different reasons. So how did Simpson come to change the course of history? und seine amerikanische Frau Wallis Simpson. Surprisingly, considering her high society exploits, Wallis was pretty naïve about drinking—and drinking problems. One of her subtle ways of standing up for herself was to make her servants refer to her as “Her Royal Highness” at home. Er bot ihr die Chance, eine gesicherte Existenz in England zu bekommen. Back then, the Church of England only accepted adultery as grounds for divorce. The new King, George VI, helped select a venue for his brother’s scandalous wedding, a French chateau owned by a stranger—but one with a diabolical plan (more on that later). Her Uncle Sol had passed on. Maybe. If Wallis Simpson hadn’t been in the right place at the right time, she and Edward might never have fallen in love. Wallis Simpson wurde als Bessie Wallis Warfield in Blue Ridge Summit (Pennsylvania) als einzige Tochter von Teackle Wallis Warfield (1871–1896) und Alice Montague (1869–1929) aus Baltimore geboren.Ihr Vater starb schon fünf Monate später an Tuberkulose und sie war zusammen mit ihrer Mutter auf die Unterstützung wohlhabender Verwandter angewiesen. Simpson and the Duke of Windsor officially tied the knot at Château de Candé on June 3, 1937. At the same time, the public had directed pretty much all of the vitriol over the entire situation at Wallis. There were a few steps she could take to ensure this, including becoming a debutante and throwing a coming-out ball of her own afterward—however, her timing couldn’t have been worse. Simpson, groß, blond, mit blauen Augen, englischem Schnurrbart und britischem Pass, war 1895 in New York als Sohn eines Mitgründers der heute weltgrößten unabhängigen Schiffsmaklerei, Simpson Spence Young, zur Welt gekommen. It was the type of royal family reunion that never occurred when she or Edward was alive—but the surprises didn’t end there. The rejection was one thing, but the way he delivered it was especially hurtful. Wallis Simpson Herzogin Meghan Interview-Look erinnert an Wallis Simpson Der Look, den Herzogin Meghan beim Oprah-Interview trägt, erinnert an Wallis Simpson, der verstoßenen Frau des Ex-Königs. Die zweifach geschiedene Wallis Simpson (1896-1986) wurde die Ehefrau des ehemaligen britischen Königs Edward VIII. There, her sister-in-law gave her a crash course on how to fit in with the aristocracy, especially emphasizing that she should know every royal, no matter how distantly related to the King and Queen, on sight. When Edward’s grandmother had passed on, she’d left him all her jewels…and keen observers noted that they were all slowly making their way to Wallis’s neck, head, and wrist. However, this time, it took an even more sinister direction. Oktober 1936. He put money in a trust which meted out a grand total of $60 to her per month. Vom Deutschlandbesuch im Oktober 1937, zu dem Adolf Hitler eingeladen hatte, versicherte Wallis ihrem Ex-Mann: "Wo Du auch bist, Du kannst immer gewiss sein, dass kein Tag vergeht, ohne dass ich mehrere Stunden an Dich denke und Dich auch in mein Abendgebet einschließe.". It would be the final nail in the coffin. From there, reporters caught Wallis after an overnight stop, and there was an early morning violent altercation between the British officer who was acting as Wallis’s security guard and a photographer. Wallis Simpson wurde als Bessie Wallis Warfield in Blue Ridge Summit (Pennsylvania) als einzige Tochter von Teackle Wallis Warfield (1871–1896) und Alice Montague (1869–1929) aus Baltimore geboren.Ihr Vater starb schon fünf Monate später an Tuberkulose und sie war zusammen mit ihrer Mutter auf die Unterstützung wohlhabender Verwandter angewiesen. Due to the icy relationship, Wallis and Edward missed a number of momentous events in England, including Elizabeth II’s marriage and George VI’s illness and eventual passing. Wallis was suffering from dementia, and it was taking over her life. When George VI passed on, the crown went to his daughter Elizabeth II. Finally, there appeared to be a thaw—but there was a dark caveat. At school, Wallis Simpson began to take the lead in her own life instead of just being a victim of circumstances. Wallis Simpson had made it into the family, but they didn’t exactly welcome her with open arms. Well, rumors had spread that the relationship between Alice and Sol had turned romantic. However, to the rest of us, it would’ve looked like an entire parade of waving red flags. She wasn’t prepared for it at all. And there’s one part of their story that’s often misunderstood: He totally could! They’d been apart for nearly five months, since her dire escape from England. Januar 1936 unerwartet starb und er als Erstgeborener auf den Thron nachrückte, war Eduard wild entschlossen, Wallis zur Queen zu machen. Auf Ernests direkte Frage erwiderte der neue, wegen des Trauerjahres noch ungekrönte Monarch: "Denkst du wirklich, ich würde mich krönen lassen ohne Wallis an meiner Seite?" Lesen Sie weiter. A terrifying problem started to emerge. In fact, she was even with him at St. James’s Palace when they made the royal proclamation. auf den britischen Thron verzichtet. Wallis Simpson hoped to hide from the press in France, but the moment she set foot there, disaster struck. His drinking on the job escalated, until one day, when it reached a terrifying climax. This problem, in one form or another, would haunt both Edward and Wallis in the coming years. Not only did the Queen Mother attend, but so did the Queen, Prince Philip, Prince Charles, and Princess Diana. Peculiar coincidence? Wallis Warfield verbringt ihre Mädchenjahre mit der Suche nach einem “standesgemäßen” Ehemann und heiratet mit neunzehn einen Oberleutnant der Air Force, Earl Winfried Spencer. And if she’d held out hope that he’d leave his great fortune to her, she was in for a disappointment. zum Abdanken getrieben haben. Für Anne Sebba ist die Bedeutung der Briefe dramatisch: "Sie zeigen erstmals, dass die Geschichte von Wallis und Eduard weit davon entfernt war, die romantischste Lovestory des letzten Jahrhunderts zu sein. Despite the fact that she had the protection of the royal guards, things got so bad that Wallis Simpson feared for her life—so she enacted a daring escape plan. Of course, Wallis was in no shape to enjoy these kindnesses—and it was immediately apparent that the loss of Edward had absolutely devastated her. The die had been cast, and Edward had chosen his happily ever after with Wallis—but their bliss soon turned into a nightmare. Then, things got worse. und seiner Geliebten Wallis Simpson wurden in den USA im Nachlass einer Freundin entdeckt. Dann aber stellte eine Freundin Wallis Simpson 1931 in London dem Thronfolger vor. There's something about the family structure that encourages secrets. Alice and Wallis moved into their grand home in Baltimore—but they didn’t rest their heads there for long. Der britische König bestand darauf, dass er seine Pflichten nicht ohne die Scheidung als seine Frau erfüllen könne, obwohl die Beweise auch darauf hindeuten, dass er nicht voll in das Amt des Monarchen investiert war. He would stew in jealousy. Catherine of Aragon is now infamous as King Henry VIII’s rejected queen—but few people know her even darker history. No clan is left untouched, and even families that seem happy and normal on…. Wallis greeted him at the dock with a passionate kiss, and the photographers went wild. The fact that Spencer’s job demanded frequent moves helped cover up the problems in their marriage. Edward was giving her the cold shoulder, and when she watched him interact with her “close friend,” Wallis, she knew that he was in love with her. Want to tell us to write facts on a topic? Soon, she discovered she was pregnant. Juni 2019 ; Geschichte & Kultur Wie sich Heinrichs VIII. Now, Wallis caught on to all those times that Spencer and his friends had shared a curious “consommé” at dinner parties. They were on diverging paths, and something was about to drive a stake between them. "Du bist mein Ein und Alles im Leben", hat Edward ihr bereits gestanden. When Thelma Furness returned to England, she made a chilling realization. The things that they were saying were utterly cold-blooded. Und weil der Monarch nicht den Segen des britischen Königshauses bekommen konnte, dankte er am 10. Dann aber stellte eine Freundin Wallis Simpson 1931 in London dem Thronfolger vor. However, Edward’s passing might not have been the only reason for this. After a cat burglar made off with the majority of Wallis’s jewels one night, each made some typical clueless rich person remarks about the situation. I tried to get my ex-wife served with divorce papers. Kurz darauf: "Ich vermisse Dich." Die kinderlose Ehe war glücklich. Although Catherine's successor Queen Anne Boleyn suffered an infamously dark fate, Aragon's own life was somehow even more tragic. In order to continue her love affair with Edward, Wallis Simpson had to find a way out of her marriage. And they were about to have it thrown in their face. Factinate is a fact website that is dedicated to finding and sharing fun facts about science, history, animals, films, people, and much more. Things were not looking good. In 1972, Elizabeth II and her husband planned a state visit to France, and included a royal visit with Wallis and Edward. Corinne’s husband was a Navy pilot, and life as Corinne’s sidekick threw her into the thrilling world of aviation, a field that was still new at the time. Of course he was interested in this all-expenses-paid trip! She and Edward had a passionate and tear-filled farewell, and she left. While they’d lost their guaranteed position in the true aristocracy, they would always be welcomed by the wealthy leisure class who wiled away their time in cafes, restaurants, and at parties. Etwa, weil die Amerikanerin rein genetisch ein Mann war? But Dorothea Simpson suggested otherwise. Was Wallis Simpson für den Prinzen von Wales, den sicher begehrtesten Junggesellen der 30er-Jahre, so anziehend machte, dass er, seit 1936 als Edward VIII. Wallis Simpson heißt die Angebetete des neuen Monarchen und Oberhaupts der Kirche von England. And that was just the beginning. Somehow, things got worse from there. Something had to give—and finally, it did. Edward didn’t even need to wait for Wallis’s statement, because immediately after she left, he began setting the wheels in motion to what would become the scandal of the century. The royal family also refused to receive Edward and Wallis as visitors. They were utterly scandalized, but she ignored their protests. That’s one partner down, one to go…. The King had neglected to properly arrange the passports and the papers for her car with the pseudonym they’d agreed on, and the French officials began to whisper, as did the others at the customs office. She could get one in Virginia if she was a resident there for a year. Then, when Mary passed on a year later, Wallis was again not in attendance. It’s impossible to overestimate Wallis Simpson’s impact on history. Please reach out to us to let us know what you’re interested in reading. Wallis dutifully fulfilled her role as governor’s wife and took on charity work with the Red Cross. She began selling properties and possessions and obsessively worried about money. Es war das erregendste und das längste Liebesdrama des 20. Under the British Constitution, he could basically marry whoever he wanted. Even though he faced the wrath of his parents, he wouldn’t address the full scope of the issue. Neue Fotos von Edward VIII. Thanks for your help! In 1931, Wallis Simpson was presented at court to King George V and his wife, Queen consort Mary. Wallis Simpson verließ ihren zweiten Mann. While it was not that much different from the life they’d lived before Edward was king, at least then, there’d been a sense of possibility and potential. Not so much. Also, Wallis Simpson IMHO seems to be mellowed down and comes across as scheming, but mostly very nice and a bit naive. Despite her confusion, there was one thing that still burned deep enough in Wallis Simpson’s being that she was able to articulate it—her resentment of the royal family, and in particular, her sister-in-law, the Queen Mother.