The loadings plot projects the original variables onto a pair of PCs. loadings and summing up gives you either the Communality or the Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings Sum of squared loadings across factors is the communality Sum squared loadings down each column = Extraction Sums of Square Loadings (not eigenvalues) 0.5882 = 0.346 (-0.303)2 = 0.091 34.5% of the variance in Item 1 explained by first factor Recall that in PCA, we are creating one index variable (or a few) from a set of variables. The score plots project the observations onto a pair of PCs. However, these 2 maps project different kinds of information onto the components, and so they are interpreted differently . PCA gives one map for the rows (called factor scores), and one map for the columns (called loadings). Age, Residence, Employ, and Savings have large positive loadings on component 1, so this component measure long-term financial stability. After running the PCA, it can be easier to pull off several parts of this object (the standard deviation of each principal component, the loadings for each variable, and the scores for each sample) as their own objects, which will simplify our code later. Your score is the part that you "trained" (PCA is a mathematical decomposition, I struggle to define it as a machine learning tool), and the coefficients are what are individual to your sample. I suggest that you use the WHERE option in the ODS SELECT statement to restrict the number of pattern plots and score plots. Interpret principal component scores and describe a subject with a high or low score; Determine when a principal component analysis should be based on the variance-covariance matrix or the correlation matrix; Use principal component scores in further analyses. Debt and Credit Cards have large negative loadings on component 2, so this component primarily measures an applicant's credit history. 11.1 - Principal Component Analysis (PCA… When you analyze many variables, the number of graphs can be overwhelming. The left and bottom axes are showing [normalized] principal component scores; the top and right axes are showing the loadings. The loadings are the weights. The score is a summary of the relationship among observations (samples) while is the loading is a summary of the variables used as a means for interpreting the pattern seen in the score plot. Question: In Principal Component Analysis, can loadings be both positive and negative? PCA, as run in Igor's PCA command, produces the eigenvalues and eigenvectors (the principal components and their variances) but the final step, computing the loadings as you call it, is the part that makes the process make sense. You can think of this index variable as a weighted average of the original variables. The goal of the PCA is to come up with optimal weights. These 2 maps are related, because they both are described by the same components. Answer: Yes. The loading plot visually shows the results for the first two components. The loading vector for the second principal component is along an axis that basically expresses how good or bad a student they are over all (hence all the components of the vector have the same sign and similar magnitude). So, theoretically after plotting the biplot from "What are principal components scores" I should get on the left and bottom axes the scores: x y John -44.6 33.2 Mike -51.9 48.8 Kate …