What type of character was she supposed to be, anyway? Coherence Movie Ending Explained. Jess-3 sees Jess-4 wounding Victor-5 to the head. The conversation that Victor-5 and Jess-4 have is also very different from the conversation Victor-4 has with Jess-3. I think in a loop, everything would just be reset fresh and you just try again…but in this movie, it wasn’t resetting… remnants were left from each cycle…blood, bodies, etc. She then hears a group shouting from overboard. YAY! We don’t know how many, but perhaps a couple of dozen. The Triangle – not to be confused with Christopher Smith’s excellent timeloop film Triangle (2009) or the earlier Bermuda Triangle tv movie also titled The Triangle (2001) – sets out to offer a comprehensive answer. Jess-3 sees her entire group waving from an upturned boat, even herself. Remember she gets ink over it just as the door bell goes? How did the loop have a possibility of ever beginning if dress Jess is always killed by her looping self… Mind actually blown. She’s punishing herself – the only way to escape would be, to accept herself for what she did and stop trying to fix it by all means necessary. Utterly. And for the record? I just give. As per this theory Jess, like you believe is an evil selfish mom and in during one of her anger fits at the above mentioned time, she actually kills her son. This analogy also means that Jess is dead, and her soul is refusing to cross over in the ferry (taxi).Â. Well, Aeolus’ son is the one and only Sisyphus. My theory is this is the both the origination of the loop trap and the restart. Here are links to the key aspects of the movie: The Triangle movie opens with Jess comforting her autistic son Tommy who’s suffering from a nightmare. Sally-4 dies from bleeding, Jess-3 and Jess-4 are alive, watching a new group of themselves come to the liner. She then heads to the dining hall. Notice that Jess-1 does not have a flesh wound on her head and never takes the mask off. And for HENCEFORTH following my posts!!! Just like the many lockets and notes, many Sallys have already died. It all makes sense. Or all our protagonists are connected somehow and it is the first trip of this Jess.) The 3 Components Of The Exposure Triangle Explained. Here is what I think of escaping the loop: At the end of the movie Jess knows what the loop is playing with her. Were they all broken at the same time coincidentally? Her selfishness is for sure at the very core of this film and explains many puzzles within puzzles in this enigmatic movie. No idea) right now. So all this killing of friends, yet she has time to take dead birds off the road. Greg-4 is dead, however. She perhaps drove her car rashly and, in her distraction, crashed the car. These are all the actions Jess-1 would have done. Jess-3 freaks out and runs for it. And Jess is the one that actually dies? Sounds of gulls, sailboats, ocean motifs and forward glances to where we are going. So there are actually people who think this absolutely idiotic movie is smart and awesome…. So she willingly returns to the dock and reenters the cycle, thus continuing her punishment in hopes of eventual success. “I’ll leave the meter running.”, Taxi driver – “you will come back won’t you?” “Yes, I promise.”. Related: The Guest Ending Explained: Who Is David (& What's Wrong With Him) The ending of You Should Have Left comes to a head in an unexpected way that serves as poignant social commentary on how something as simple as a house can represent one's personal demons, rather than being a standard haunted locale.In many ways, the title itself is even indicative of the movie's deeper … They go sailing and get hit by a storm. This only means that other Jess(s) (the odd ones who survive on the liner) have been around doing the same actions. love love love me some contra opinions – fire it up and burn it down Lizzty. She says she would never…. It’s a crash with eastern philosophy. How to Film in Low Light • Exposure triangle explained Finding a balance between all three in a low light setting will depend heavily on what you want to capture. She packs a bag, hops into her car, and drives out to the harbour. He offers an end to the loop, pretty much begs her to end her own suffering. Alright, alright, we’ll discuss why this is such a big line at the end. :( Which book did you read, by the way? Sally-4’s signal is now being received by Greg-5, off-screen, who’s not yet hit the storm. Each time she breaks her promise, a new loop of punishment begins. Yeah, I personally think that JessN  killed Tommy, and herself, in a car accident. This kills Tommy. Confusing as hell on a first watch, and yet still amazing. Death says, “There is no point trying to save the boy,” trying to coax Jess into not getting on the boat again. Terrible. Let me know which theory of yours or mine is your favorite. Let’s do it: TRIANGLE Movie Explained and Reviewed. Or maybe not. An interesting observation is that the drums of the band that is playing when Jess crashes into the truck have the initials of the Aeolus on them. Also, it should be perfectly obvious by the end that Jess╵, whom we open with, is not the primary Jess, and that there are two distinct—literally distinct, not loop-cycle-stage distinct—Jesses. If the prime mover Jess, or Jess Prime, dies… how’s any of it possible? The sails rip and the mast breaks and the hull capsizes and we lose Heather among the chaos. Once watched, days later still thinking about it. I think the cab driver is Ares (the God of War), because it is said that Ares intervenes once Sisyphus tricks Death into handcuffing himself. I agree with your final theory that she and her boy were both killed in the car accident and the loop was her punishment. Sorry for continuing this conversation’s drift away from “Triangle” lol! I don’t think anyone has EVER agreed with me before! And now Jess is trying to stop the boat (ineffectively), and get back to the overturned yacht. Maybe even enjoying the action? Melissa George is , and the story is amazing. She however does not let go and never comes back, thus she receives the Sisyphean punishment, doomed to experience the same events again and again without being able to change the outcome. hahah. Well, I think she forgets the memory from the loop when she sleeps over a couple of hour in the boat Triangle. EVENs: Where Jess sees the face of a past Jess. To get this out of the way, the theory that sticks the most to me is the following: She puts the dead Jess into a bag and packs it with other clothes (so there was a dead body in the bag in the first scene). Putting the missing pieces to rest. “I want to go home.”, Then, “Don’t be scared victor, I know how to save you.”. She admits during the movie that her life with her deeply autistic son was the same struggle day in and day out with no change if I remember correctly. So I let him off the hook and told him he needed to read Everything is Illuminated. Sisyphus, the son of Aeolus, breaks a promise he makes to death. The reason they call it the Exposure Triangle is because each of these camera settings has an impact on each other and on the image you're aiming to get. He’s all kinds of fishy. It’s something of a loop cheat they’ve done here. But first, if you didn’t even know there was a movie called Triangle, I’ll be nice and let you watch the trailer, and then we are off to the races. Greg-3, before he dies, tells them that Jess-? And then eventual – if you are lucky – death. Frustrating. Great stuff, keep it up! There should be no other dead seagulls! I also read somewhere that the ship approaches them from two different directions in two different scenes at 21:29 and at 43:04. Jess-3 runs around in disbelief following group-4. However, even-Jess goes on to get a flesh wound to her head when she’s trying to shoot. I have spent days researching about every possible theory concerning this movie. I watched this movie a couple months back but after reading your reviews and analysis of Coherence and Primer, I searched for your analysis of this movie on your site and I am so glad that I found it. Jess-3 sees someone running away and informs the group. We watch as she arrives at the harbor, and then heads out to the boat, and learns how the loops are working, until she finds herself back on the shore again. Like Aeolus, Jess breaks her promise too. Room 237 is from the movie The Shining … what’s that about? There is so much else going on here to discuss. But from then on apparently nothing . As she views the moments prior to her son being killed – All the memories come rushing back – She makes eye contact with Tommy and runs around her backyard frantic for a weapon and has decided to kill her original self dress Jess to get her life back and take her place in this version of time, She murders dress Jess and by doing so saves Tommy’s life – We see her hugging and comforting Tommy with the same statement about nightmares – The original time she killed Tommy, these words were for herself to help her forget – Now they are actually for Tommy to get him to forget, Jess decides to get rid of the evidence – Stuffs dress Jess in the trunk and goes – During this drive, you can see mental state and abuse of Tommy returning – Nothing has changed – The last scene we see of the loop is the car accident where she had to witness yet again her son dying at her hands – The cab driver once again is there as death to givfive her a ride – She again on her rocker blocking everything out choosing to go meet Greg believing that Tommy is at school, This explains everything I think and closes the loop into a continuous cycle of the same events happening – Alteast it can help me sleep tonight, Too much Gregs on the list TRIANGLE REVOLUTION #1, Greg finds Jess1‘ keys in one of the hallways (it was Victor to do that) This movie has had me up late at night this past week thinking about new theories, ideas, etc. If i remember rightly, when Jess falls overboard that is when she washes up on shore, when she gets killed onboard she restarts in the sailboat, giving 2 loops (or are they spirals?) Just kidding. The last time she probably murdered all of them in a different way. best. You might also like. This sums up her life with her child who is autistic and she does say in the film that he can’t deal with change. To break the cycle all she had to do was not get into the cab to knowingly loop again and try to save him. This could also be the point when she would have killed her son. Lottie’s post is spot on. This is the main issue that I want to address. Greg-5 recognizes that the shooter is Jess. Hahaha, The Jess-3 shoots the masked shooter on top and causes a flesh wound on the head. Taxi driver to Jess “you will come back won’t you?” Well, remember when our favorite cast walk onto the boat and begin discussing the name of the boat, The Aeolus? So, we can safely assume that events of the loop are all post-death. Logically the loop has to have started somewhere and not necessarily end. Just kill them right away and jump overboard? I love it and I loved reading all the comments here. Jess-3 is the lone survivor. The taxi driver to the harbor is death. So shouldn’t she be well aware of everything that’s gonna happen? It’s really really rare that philosophical details are tossed into a movie for zero reason. An amusing bit to think about is what Jesse #2 was doing when our Jesse was still the freshly arrived #1. Just the mate bit. The land does not reset (living people not aware of reset) and the land moves forward normally in time (decomposed dead seagull), she could not have killed the seagull before the day. My theory is the Seaguls created a constant time loop to have a constant source of food. This is disguised at the beginning. The movie is his first full-length feature film, and he’s done a great job with …, Hi, this is Barry, and welcome to my site. Your email address will not be published. ~Why would dead jess be randomly wearing a different outfit to the one she wore ‘as’ she died..? Your email address will not be published. This is group-5. She’s dressed up and prepping to go someplace. I gather though, that her troubles will eventually cease after a million-odd dropped lockets send old Aeolus to a permanent watery grave, taking all of them with it, and leaving the vindictive Death at the dock drumming his fingers, his taxi-meter ticking for all eternity. And the rest of the movie is her just working out her death. Brilliant film – if there are any others up there with this one please let me know ;) Have seen Predestination, really enjoyed that also. And it was this moment that spawned the endless looping.”. Or maybe the movie just wanted to show us how bad a lot of single mothers are. Click to see spoiler. but also across the entire globe. You get stuck in a loop, you tell your friends as the board the ship. Like when the storm comes in, she is panicking and asks greg if they r gonna b ok and able to go back home…isn’t she supposed to have been through this like a thousand times before? With the aid of the drama triangle an interaction pattern can be presented. Don’t you love when someone comes along and throws everyone for a “loop” with a totally different view. Jess-3 goes to the dining area and no one is there, Victor-3 comes all bloodied.